Discover How To Match With Younger Girls On Dating Apps & Hookup With Them Fast Using The PROVEN Techniques Below…
We’ve all seen it before…
A hot young woman, with a long blonde hair, a beautiful face, and a body to kill for…
…walking next to an OLD, FAT guy. Just how does he do it?
Well, while society may tell you that young, hot women aren’t attracted to older men, it turns out that the science contradicts this.
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In fact, a growing body of research is actually showing that young women are MORE attracted to older men, than they are to YOUNGER men. In fact, it’s even a fetish for some ladies.
Just why is this?
Well, strap in, because today’s article is going to throw society’s conventional wisdom overhead.
The Secret to Why Younger Women Like Older Men…
I’ve spent many years studying the science of attraction.
…and don’t misunderstand, it IS a science.
Despite what you may have been told, there is undeniable, irrefutable evidence that shows women are not only attracted to older men, but that they PREFER them.
Take a look at this post, for example, written by The Guardian’s science editor. In the article, he explains the nuts and bolts of why women are attracted to older men:
An ageing male flaunting a new Porsche may be the butt of derisive male jokes. But he is far more likely to entice female mates than a younger man with a similar sports car.”
That is the surprising conclusion of zoologists who believe they have discovered the secret of one of society’s most baffling mysteries: the phenomenon by which older males attract young female mates.”
This isn’t just cherry picked, however. A ton of evolutionary biologists, researchers, and other scientists have come to the following conclusion: women like older guys.
Here’s why:
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In other words, any stag that can still display a fine set of antlers in the twilight of its years, or an old peacock that can still rustle up a first-rate plumage – or an ageing Lothario who can still sport a Rolex and a riverside apartment – has to be considered a major catch. Only a creature with really powerful genes can do that and therefore attract females who are, in general, the ones who choose partners while males wait to be selected.”
In other words, women are biologically programmed to be attracted to older, dominant men. If this is you, then we’ve got REALLY good news for you today.
How Does This Translate Over to Your Success With Younger Women on Dating Apps?
Now, a lot of you may be thinking – “That sounds great! But how do I actually start using that knowledge to get laid?” Well, we’ve got your answer here.
One of the EASIEST ways for older men to get laid with younger, hotter women, is to simply leverage dating apps like Tinder, Bumble, and Hinge.
Nearly every single young and single woman is on a dating app these days, so if you aren’t on them yourself, you’re SERIOUSLY missing out!
The key is to embrace your age, however. Don’t try to hide it. Instead, emphasize the fact that you’re an older, more intelligence, cultured, and experienced man.
Girls go crazy for this. In fact, a lot of girls are often fed up with younger guys who SUCK in bed… older guys are often more experienced, and know how to last longer in bed.
So, now that we’ve made it very clear that not only are younger women attracted to older men, but that they actually PREFER them, here’s a few tips to help you score on dating apps.
3 Tips to CRUSH IT on Dating Apps As An Older Guy…
A lot of guys ask me how to get laid on Tinder, and the truth is it’s a LOT easier than most people think.
All you need to do, is emphasize the three following things:
- Looks
- Money
- Status
These three things make up the core of our dating app strategy, and even if you’re not a millionaire, or Brad Pitt’s better-looking cousin, you can still dominate on dating applications.
In fact, using just these three tips, I’ve successfully gotten a triple digit notch count, JUST from girls on Tinder.
That isn’t including cold approach or social circle game!
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1) Looks: The Right Pictures
The biggest mistake I see guys making on dating apps, is they don’t have good pictures. Like it or not, dating apps are primarily visual, so you NEED good pictures to succeed.
…and, of course, as an older man, you’ve probably gathered a nice cache of pictures over the years. Thankfully, you can use this to beat out your younger and inexperienced competition.
Ideally, you want a picture that shows off your looks on dating apps. If you aren’t particularly good looking, don’t worry – we’ve got ways for you to get in shape FAST.
You want a picture of you showing off your looks, but you want to make it natural. A lot of younger guys make the mistake of doing “gym selfies,” but this repulses girls.
Instead, get a picture of you at the beach, on a boat, or doing something outdoors.
Not only will this show off your body, but it’ll also show her you’ve got a fun life, too.
2) Money: Not Too Much
This is one of the biggest advantages you have over a younger man.
Unless they were lucky enough to be born as a trust fund baby, most young men are flat out BROKE.
That’s no fun, is it? No girl wants to date a guy who can’t take her out to dinner every once in a while.
Use this to your advantage. You don’t need to flex your money too much, otherwise you’ll attract a toxic gold digger. Just a little bit is fine.
Show pictures of you doing things that cost money, but don’t OVERTLY show that you have money. For example, show a picture of you on vacation, or flying first class.
This stuff is chick crack, because it’s not arrogant or bragging, but it’s just showing her that you do have the money to give her the awesome lifestyle that she wants.
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3) Status: Your Biggest Advantage
The biggest advantage you have over younger men, is your status.
Studies show that women LOVE men who have high status, and are attracted to men who are high up on the social hierarchy. Unfortunately for young men, they can’t even compete.
Show off your status by putting pictures on dating applications of you attending networking events, in a business conference, or giving a keynote speech to your company.
Again, this stuff will make you a CHICK MAGNET.
Who do you think a girl would prefer…?
A young 20-something-year-old who’s working some minimum wage job?
…or an older stud who’s pulling home a nice income, and going to networking events?
OBVIOUSLY, the latter. Women love older men who are more experienced than they are, so be sure to flex your status in your online dating profile.
That said, there is one big question I haven’t answered yet…
What If You Don’t Have Good Looks, Experience, Or Status to Show Off Online?
A lot of the tips I showed you above work GREAT if you’re an established older man… in decent shape… with a good amount of experience under your belt.
But what if you don’t have pictures of you traveling first class… or a “super impressive” career… or don’t really have a lot going on in the “looks” department?
Well that’s OK…
…there’s a LOT you can do to get laid online without any of that stuff.
Researchers at Cornell University analyzed over 400,000 college female Tinder profiles to find these “profile tweaks”… and man, a lot of this stuff straight-up shocked me:
Like did you know 91% of college-age girls will only swipe right on an older man if he has THIS in his profile?
(I personally never even knew women cared about it so much… most of my buddies were surprised when I showed them too.)
The good news is, these “profile tweaks” have NOTHING to with showing off your looks… revealing how much $$$ you make… or coming off as an “established” man…
Yet they’ve been proven to get more hot girls to message you first…
SHE will do the work to keep the conversation going…
And one of my recently divorced buddies, Mark, told me the day he added this surprising piece of info to his profile…
… he had a girl actually invite herself over to his place within an hour of “matching” on Tinder!
So if you’d like to bang more younger women on dating apps… with WAY less of the hassle…