Flirting At the Gym Is Easier Than You Ever Imagined–Here’s How to Get Her From the Elliptical Back to Your Place…
For most guys, the gym is the scariest place on earth to walk up to a woman and try to flirt with her. And to be 100% honest, I can understand their fears.
Heck, I was scared s–tless of these places myself when I first started learning how to approach women. So what are they?
1. The gym, and…
2. Public transportation.
Now, if you don’t live in a major city then chances are you’ll never have to worry about taking a train or a bus. That’s why I’m going to focus on the gym today.
The Huge Mistake That Opened My Eyes to This Flirting “Secret”…
I would estimate I’ve been asked how to meet women in the gym 1,000 or more times since I started coaching:
- “Glenn, I see so many hot women at the gym. How do I meet them?”
- “Glenn, women in the gym look they don’t want to be bothered and I don’t want to offend them.”
- “Glenn, everyone will see and hear me.”
- “Glenn, she’s wearing headphones and listening to music. That must mean she doesn’t want to talk to anybody.”
I can sit here and probably write another few hundred excuses that I’ve heard about why guys feel like they “can’t” approach women at the gym.
Heck, when I first started out these were the exact same excuses I would say to myself.
Speaking of which…I remember one time in particular back in the beginning of my journey when I was at the gym, and I noticed one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen.
She was perfect for me — exactly my type. I wanted to approach her so badly. I just had to find the perfect moment.
THE LATEST: If A Hot Girl at the Gym Does This With Her Body Then She Wants to Sleep With You!
I was scared and nervous as hell…but I needed to meet her. So when I finally saw her in a corner of the gym all by herself with no one else around, I moved in for the kill.
I knew exactly what I was going to say. I was ready — but when I walked up to the little area where she was doing her stomach exercises, I FROZE!
I kept saying to myself over and over again that only perverts approach women in the gym. It’s creepy. She’s working out, she doesn’t want to meet guys…
I was using all the same excuses my clients use today. But over time, I learned one very important thing from my mistake…
2 Excuses Every Girl at the Gym Uses to Push Guys Away (PLUS: How to Get Around Them)
After that traumatic experience, I was stuck in my head for days:
- How could I let this happen?
- What’s wrong with me?
- If I ever see her again I will approach her no matter what’s going on in my mind…
But as you may have guessed, that day never came. I never saw her again, and even now — 10 years later — I can still remember the feeling I had after I froze.
Sound familiar? I’ll bet it does. We’ve all experienced this kind of fear before.
Fear is a very deeply rooted emotion that takes a lot of hard work to overcome. I’m not going to lie to you and say it’s easy to overcome, because it’s not…but trust me when I tell you that fear CAN be overcome.
Here’s something I used to help me get rid of my fear:
When you’re at the gym, in the back of your head, remember that every woman there — whether she’s single or not — would love the opportunity to meet an amazing man.
Every single one of them. Even married women or women in a serious relationship would love to meet men who are confident, charismatic and all-around cool.
It makes her feel special and desired. Now, that doesn’t mean she’ll cheat on her lover…
It just means that she WANTS to meet a nice guy like you. So try and remember that.
The reason most guys don’t realize this is because women use 2 major excuses for not wanting to be hit on at the gym:
1) “I’m sweaty, I’m not wearing makeup, and I don’t feel cute.”
Most women say they don’t want to meet guys at the gym because they’re not feeling “cute” enough.
So in her mind, she’s too self-conscious to be open to meeting a new guy. I’ll show you why this is B.S. in just a second, but first, let’s address her second excuse:
2) “Guys at the gym are all creepy.”
Again, most attractive women have been hit on at least once at the gym — and most guys have ZERO idea how to do it. So chances are she had 1 or 2 bad experiences…
And she’s letting that ONE experience ruin your odds…or is she?
The reality is that her excuses are your huge advantage. Here’s why:
If a woman isn’t feeling as cute as she normally does, it’s a good thing. Her personal value is down.
So if she normally feels like a 10, at the gym she may feel and act like an 8. Make sense?
And if she’s the type to think only creepy guys hit on girls at the gym, all you have to do is NOT be creepy. That’s it.
The act of approaching a woman at the gym isn’t creepy…it’s how you approach her that matters.
Now what I’d like to do is inspire you with 2 amazing things you can say to a woman at the gym that will 100% get a great response from her.
I’ve tested these techniques over and over again…and they work almost every time. Here they are:
Option #1: What to Do if She’s Wearing Headphones
For a woman at the gym who’s wearing headphones…
Walk over to her and motion with your hands to get her to take out her headphones. Don’t say ANYTHING while you do this.
When she takes her headphones out, say:
“Hey… Do those things work?” (She might laugh and she’ll say, “Yes why?”)
Then say:
SHY OR INTROVERTED? Click Here to See Why Talking Less & Doing More of THIS Gets Hot Girls at the Gym In Bed With You…
“Really??? Because every time I’m at the gym all these girls are always trying to pick me up and interrupt my workout. Totally annoying! So, I figured if I got some headphones they’d get the idea that I wanna be left alone. How are they working for you?”
It’s funny, and she’ll immediately get the joke and probably say, “Not that good, obviously!”
I’ll show you exactly what to do next to make her yours in just a second…but first, you’ve gotta see option #2:
Option #2: If You’re Feeling Gutsy…
My next favorite thing to say to a woman at the gym definitely takes some balls, but you know what they say: The bigger the risk, the higher the reward!
Walk up to her and say… “I’m soooooo mad at you!”
She’s definitely gonna ask you why and look really confused…
Then say, “Because I told myself I was gonna come to the gym, enjoy my workout and not talk to anyone. But you are just way too cute! I had to come meet you.”
Next, extend your hand out and introduce yourself.
It’s a little direct, and I don’t blame you if it’s not for you! I’ll cover a few more subtle gym approaches in the coming paragraphs.
“How Do I Know If a Girl at the Gym is Interested In Me?”
Believe me, I know how important it is to know if a woman’s interested in you or not.
Once you know she’s interested, the fear of rejection basically melts away. All you have to do is play “don’t f up” game and you’ll be all set.
But while a lot of the usual signs she’s into you rely on how she’s standing, what she’s looking at, and how she positions herself…
At the gym, that can be a little bit tougher.
After all, she’s moving around, lifting weights, or using cardio equipment.
So the signs that she’s into you? They’re going to be a little bit different.
Fortunately, my buddy (and fellow Community Expert) Magic made this cool video showing you how to know exactly when she’s interested at the gym.
(Doesn’t hurt that he had the lovely Mary join him–she’s a personal trainer who spends a lot of time in the gym)…