This Cunnilingus Technique Is Proven to Drive Women Wild With Pleasure (And Is Fun For You Too)–Get The Step-By-Step Instructions From an Expert Below…
Hey, this is another episode of Ask Ruwando.
And today I’m going to show you my “Ace In The Hole” cunnilingus technique that will help you give women extremely powerful orgasms.
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So I’ll share the technique with you in a second.
But first I want to lay down five really important tips and fundamental techniques, that I think a lot of guys often forget when it comes down to giving oral sex to women.
And these are not theoretical techniques.
A lot of these things I actually heard directly from women that they wish men knew, so I’m sharing with them with you now because these are things I wish I knew a long time ago.
I’ll show you the truth below:
Catch The Full Video Transcript Below…
1) “Lock In” Your Head
The first thing is locking your head.
I don’t know where this comes from. I think a lot of guys maybe pick this up from porn.
I used to do this too, right?
It’s like always move my head around thinking like, oh, if I move my head more, it’s going to feel better for her.
I can’t tell you how many women I’ve heard complain about guys doing this.
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This is not something women like.
In fact, a lot of women have told me they actually prefer it when a guy locks in, because if your head is moving around, she’s not gonna be able to feel stable and safe in her body. It might actually stress her out.
So that’s the first thing I wish I knew when I was a lot younger (I probably gave a lot of bad head once upon a time).
And I mean, a woman’s vulva is not so big that you need to ever move your head around anyway.
It’s not like male genitals, so you can lock your face in and make sure you’re just focusing on the sensitive spots–like these 3 for example.
2) Don’t Rush to The Clitoris (Here’s Why)
The next fundamental tip is to not rush to the clitoris right away.
You probably already know that the clitoris is the most sensitive part of a woman’s vulva. It’s at the top of her vagina, and if you aren’t sure where to find out you can check out my other anatomy video here on Gotham Club.
So if you imagine receiving head from a woman, it feels good obviously to have your shaft stimulated.
But it also feels good to have your balls stimulated–and that’s kind of how it feels when you spend more time around areas other than the clitoris.
For example, kissing her inner thighs and labia.
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Sucking on her labia lips is basically the equivalent of having your balls stimulated by a woman.
So don’t skip out on that.
Even though the clitoris is maybe, you know, the highlight or the thing you want to focus on most when you’re giving cunnilingus, it’s also important to focus on those other areas (especially when you’re warming her up).
3) Use “Natural” Lube
This next tip is to use lots of saliva.
And I’ll be honest, the reason why I realized this some years ago was that I was going down on a woman after yoga class, and she was really sweaty.
Obviously, you can imagine it wasn’t the most pleasant experience, given the fact that she was sweaty.
So I was using a lot of saliva to kind of like wash my nose–yeah, it’s a little gross, but sex is a little gross.
It’s just how it is.
And I realized that using a ton of saliva will wash away whatever maybe doesn’t smell good or whatever.
There’s an added benefit, too:
It also adds lubrication, which feels good for her.
And something a lot of people don’t realize is that wetness tends to beget wetness.
Like if you’ve ever been into a sex shop, they have lubricants that say on the bottle:
Add a little of this and it’ll encourage her body to produce natural lubricant.
That’s true of any water-based lubricant, and it is true of your saliva.
If a woman is starting to get turned on even a little bit, and she feels wetness–even if it’s wetness from your mouth on her–that’ll encourage your body to produce more, because it’s just going to feel sexy.
It’s going to feel sexy to her to have wetness down there, and her body will actually produce more wetness to match the wetness that you added there.
4) Hold Her Body Like THIS…
The fourth fundamentals tip is to hold her body.
I mean, yes, you are using your mouth on her vulva–but your hands can do things too.
And sometimes it’s something as simple as holding her hips or thighs–or if you’re romantic with her, holding her hands or arms.
These things will make her feel a little safer, and a little more held.
A lot of what allows a woman to go to orgasm is not just the stimulation–which of course is important–but it’s the feeling of safety.
That way she can finally relax, let go and have an out-of-control experience, which is what an orgasm is for women.
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So something as simple as holding onto her body in some way will give her an added feeling of safey, that will allow her to experience higher levels of pleasure.
5) Match Your Pressure & Speed With the Tension in Her Body
The fifth and final fundamental tip before I get into my “Ace in The Hole” technique, is matching the pressure and speed or using with the tension in her body.
So again, you don’t have to be a mind reader.
You don’t have to have perfect intuition, but you have to match what you’re doing to the feedback you’re getting.
A lot of guys will read something in a Kama Sutra book, and they’re trying to follow a technique in their head.
Like they’re trying to lick the alphabet or something, and you’ve probably already heard all of this stuff before.
And that’s not listening to her body.
What she wants in a given moment is going to be different from every other moment.
So you have to pay attention.
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And again, you don’t have to be a mind reader.
If her body is starting to change, maybe that’s the time to speed up.
If she’s seeming to check out or not respond in a pleasurable way, maybe you’re doing something wrong–maybe you’re going too hard.
You have to pay attention and match the pressure and speed of what you’re doing.
A woman’s body will tell you exactly how to touch her in any sexual situation… if you’re willing to pay attention.
Here’s My Counterintuitive “Ace in The Hole” Cunnilingus Technique That ALWAYS Gets Her Off…
So here’s my Ace In the Hole technique.
This is the thing that I want you to think about, which will make you the best:
You have to flip the causality when it comes to pleasure.
And basically, that means instead of thinking about how you can use your mouth pleasure her–how can you use her vulva to pleasure your mouth?
Again, it might seem super counterintuitive, but this this mindset of making it feel as good as you possibly can for YOUR mouth–that’s the best possible chance you have to be actually in sync with your woman.
So I know it seems a little counterintuitive, but it’s basically a mind trick, if you will, that will get you into the mode of doing things for your pleasure.
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For example, think about a woman going down on you and she’s just not *that* excited about it.
She’s not doing it for her own pleasure. She’s doing it for you, and that’s it.
You can imagine this probably is not going to be that exciting.
And then think about a woman who, of course, cares about your pleasure… but she’s having such a good time going down on you. It’s for her too.
That’s the best head you’re ever going to get. Same thing applies when you’re going down on a woman.
If you’re really thinking about how you can make it the most fun for you, that’s when it’s going to be the most fun for the women you pleasure too.
So think about what feels good to your lips.
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So that, and the other things I’ve shown you so far, are great things to be aware of.
That’s going to allow you to give the best head possible, every single time.
But for the times when you don’t have time to go down on her… or just want to get her off with your fingers instead…
I highly recommend you try this:
You Know What I Find Even More Effective Than Cunnilingus Sometimes?
From my experience most women love cunnilingus… and it usually makes them come easier than anything else… BUT fingering (when done right) can be more effective.
With the right fingering technique, you can easily give a woman intense orgasms… multiple orgasms… and even squirting orgasms… a LOT faster than you otherwise could with your tongue:
(Click here right now and learn how it’s done) ←
Now I have to admit, I am a little reluctant to give away this technique…
It’s one of my “signature moves”, and something I pretty much always use the first time I sleep with a girl… (or anytime I’m with a girl I know I’d like to hookup with again)…
Though I did get kinda lit last weekend and showed it to a few of my friends…
And they all tried it, and 4 out of 5 of them said it made their woman squirt… so that’s when I knew, this is WAY too good not to share.
(We even started calling this move “The Squirter” in our group text lol…)
I mean, maybe you aren’t as into squirting chicks as my buddies are… so if that’s the case, maybe don’t try this move haha.
But if you are… and you want to give your woman INTENSE orgasms, using only your fingers… (and in a way she likely has never experienced before)…
Then man, check this out… you’re gonna love it:
P.S. I’ve gotta give credit where credit is due… I first learned this move from my close mentor, who used to direct girl-on-girl porn. (I know, lucky guy right?)