You’ve Already Wasted 10,000 Opportunities With Women…

talk to women
Photo Courtesy Vincent Albanese (CC BY 2.0)

Here’s How to Convert Number 10,001

We’ve all come across a super beautiful woman that gives us little tingles in our private areas. We’ve found ourselves desperately wanting to meet her but had no idea how or what to say. Or worse, not knowing how to talk to women generally.

Haven’t we?

Maybe it was in a coffee shop, bookstore, public park, gas station or a grocery store where you saw the woman of your dreams and didn’t make a move.

If you’re like most men, this has probably happened a few more times than you realize. 1000’s of times more!

Let’s Do The Math…

I’ll prove it: most guys start to become interested in women at age 13. On average, men get married at 34, so that would be 21 years of being single and on the hunt for women to bring into his life.

That’s potentially 21 years of noticing cute women and not going after them!

In the course of those 21 years, how many times a week do you think a man would see an attractive woman? If you don’t live in a densely populated area, on the conservative side, that number would be around 10.

If you live in a major city that number would be around 50.

For the purposes of this example, let’s stick with men who don’t have the luxury of living in a lively and heavily populated city.

Like I said, that’s 10 women a week a normal man will find attractive just going about his regular life.

With 52 weeks in a year, over the course of 21 years, that means that YOU, along with most men, have encountered about 10,000 potential women you would have loved to sleep with or date.

10,000 chances that didn’t happen! 10,000 women that did not get the honor and privilege of meeting you!

10,000 times you have seen a woman and did nothing about it. If you do anything in life 10,000 times, most would consider you a pro at it.

Basically, you’re a professional at not approaching women.

How to Get a Woman Interested in You

The problem is most men are too scared to walk up to random women, and if they aren’t afraid they have no idea what to say.

Over the years I’ve cured 100’s of guys of their fears of approaching women and helped them live rock-star lifestyles.

This process inevitably begins with making sure they have something to say to a woman.

Not just “any-old-something,” but something that really works well and gets women interested in you quickly. Something that actually gives you a shot at getting her attracted to you.

Once a woman is interested in you the hard work is over!

It’s amazing, but once a guy has something that he can confidently say to a woman, most of his anxiety about approaching her goes away. That is what I want to give you today.

The goal of this article is to give you the added confidence you need to finally stop making excuses for not approaching women.

I want to encourage you to get out of the habit of not approaching women so you can finally live the life you deserve.

The Easiest Way to Get Past Her Defenses

castle walls
Photo Courtesy Benn Barrigan (CC BY-NC 2.0)

One of my all time favorite conversation starters that really gets women giggling and interested in you quickly is what I call the “Funny Compliment”.

Giving a woman just a normal compliment will do little or nothing for you. She gets random compliments all day long.

I want to give you something to say that will bypass her “Oh… here’s just a normal boring guy hitting on me” defenses, and truly give you an opportunity to have a meaningful conversation with her.

Women love a man who is different, a man who says something with confidence and who is funny. What I’m about to tell you to say will make sure all of the above is conveyed to her instantly!

Simply walk over to the woman you’d like to meet and say:

You: “Excuse me, but do you think it’s ok to give someone you don’t know a random, sincere compliment?”

Her: “YES! Of course!”

You: “Great, you’re soooooo kind…because I’ve been having a really, really hard day and could really use a compliment. So can you make it super good?”

The reason why this works so well is because you’re conveying confidence, a sense of humor, and the fact that you’re having fun and not taking yourself too seriously. When you make a woman laugh, her defenses just melt away!

Most women will burst out laughing and will actually give you a wonderful compliment.

From there just try and have a cool conversation with her. Nothing fancy, just have fun getting to know her.

Your journey starts with you finally taking responsibility for yourself. Next time you see a woman you’d like to meet, remember what I’ve just told you to say and walk up to her.

Or you can call that girl the 10,001st girl you didn’t talk to!

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