Read Her Mind: These 7 Questions Reveal Her Secret Desires…

what is she thinking

With These 7 Questions, You Can Finally Figure Out the REAL Answer To: What Is She Thinking?

Have you ever seen What Women Want?

It’s a movie starring Mel Gibson as Nick Marshall, a man who gets electrocuted, and as a result can hear what every single women is thinking.

Now, I’m not here to say it’s the greatest movie in the world… but wouldn’t it be cool to read a woman’s mind?

Well, as it turns out, I’ve discovered a way to do exactly that. And it’s easier than you might realize.

So put down the hair dryer and step away from the tub, because today, I’m going to show you how to read a woman’s mind — for real.

The #1 Benefit of Knowing What She’s Really Thinking 

Why would you want to read any women’s minds, or even one woman’s mind?

There are a lot of reasons… but one is more compelling than the rest.

In What Women Want, Nick Marshall’s ability to read women’s minds meant that he couldn’t shut any of their thoughts out. Yikes.

So being able to read every woman’s mind, without the ability to hit the “Off” switch, is not necessarily a good thing.

But for now, let’s focus on reading one woman’s mind.

Imagine if you were talking to a woman, and you knew what she was thinking… as she was thinking it. Wouldn’t that give you a great advantage?

(Especially when it comes to what she thinks about you?)

If you knew that she was interested in you, for example, then you wouldn’t have to spend any time wondering if you should ask her out, or make the first move.

What if you could hear her think, “I made a mistake breaking up with you”

Or, “I wish you’d try to kiss me”...

Or, “I would totally sleep with you right now!”...

If you knew these things, then you could go get what you want, without ever fearing rejection.

But is it really possible to read a woman’s mind like that?

Is it Really Possible to Read a Woman’s Mind?

Yes and no.

Obviously, there’s no way for you to read her mind, What Women Want-style… but there is another way.

If you want to peel back the layers of a woman’s mind, and see what’s going on behind behind all of her spinning gears, then you’ve got to read her cues.

When you’re talking to her, ask yourself these 7 questions:

  • What does her facial expression tell you?
  • How about the tone in her voice?
  • Or her body language?
  • What mood is she in?
  • Which nouns and verbs does she use the most?
  • What do her clothes and accessories say about her?
  • How would you “characterize” her?

If you’re feeling a little confused right now, you’re not alone. Reading a woman’s nonverbal expressiveness may seem difficult — but with the right tools, it becomes a piece of cake.

How to Learn Her Nonverbal Sexual Language

Women tend to be very expressive — and that’s a good thing! That makes reading her nonverbal cues pretty simple, once you know what to look for.

So why does reading her mind seem so difficult? It mostly boils down to the fact that unlike women, men don’t outwardly express themselves very well.

However, if you know how to express yourself, then reading a woman’s expressions becomes much, much easier.

Here’s a powerful 2-minute exercise that will help you understand her nonverbal language:

Once a day, read a short poem of your choosing out loud, and consciously overemphasize every single word.

For example, if the first line reads, “Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,” then you could use your hands to show the number “two,” and you could also use them to show “diverged.”

It seems simple, but after a few days of practicing, you’ll notice that reading a woman’s facial expressions and other nonverbal cues seems more like second nature.

And after you can recognize her nonverbal cues, the next step is to learn how to read them.

It Doesn’t End There…

Just like you learn how to read a book, the same can be said of learning how to read women.

Recognizing her expressions is like learning the alphabet — and in order to know what her expressions mean, you have to put them together into “words” and “stories.”

The easiest way to do this is while people-watching. Find a woman who catches your eye, and observe her.

What is her life like? Is she happy?

Does she have pets?

Look at her nonverbal cues, and use them like clues.

Then, when you’re on a date, try and “mirror” what the woman you’re with is doing.

Tilt your head when she does…

Smile when she does…

And believe it or not, you will get a sense of what she’s thinking.

If you really want to test the waters, you can even use your words to imply that deep level of understanding.

Begin sentences with phrases like, “It seems like  ________”… and “I had a feeling that ____”.

It’s subtle, but to a woman, it makes a huge difference, and can build a very strong, sexual rapport.

The results can seem like magic, but really all it takes are a few simple skills.

Which brings me to the final, most important skill of all…

Read Her Mind: These 7 Questions Reveal Her Secret Desires...

Did My Boss See Serena Giving Me the “Sex Signals”?

My sexy co-worker’s sexual interest in me was as obvious as the nose on her face.

How could I be so sure?

Because I was taught how to identify a woman’s “Sex Signals.”

First, I noticed her giving me the “Sex Eyes” while our boss set up the Powerpoint presentation.

Second, when Serena stood up to refill her coffee, I saw her feet pointed toward me at the “Arousal Angle.”

And finally, when the meeting was over… she gave me the third “Sex Signal” and dropped a piece of paper onto my table. It read:

“Meet me for lunch? ###-#### ;)”

Score. These “Sex Signals” are freaking awesome… and once you know how to spot them, you’ll notice more and more women seem really “into you.”

You can go here to check them out–you’re gonna love ‘em:

Discover How to Spot the “Sex Signals” That Reveal When a Woman Is Interested in YOU…

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