Study: Have Sex THIS Often to Live Longer

how often should i have sex

Have You Ever Wondered, How Often Should I Have Sex? This Study Has a Surprising Answer…

What’s a “healthy” amount of sex?

It’s a tough question to answer.

Recent studies show that most people have sex about once a week — age, location, and relationship status all play a role in this — but is once a week enough?

According to the results of this one recent study, the question we shouldn’t be asking is “How much sex is enough?”...

The question we really need to answer is this:

“How much sex is too much?”

The Study That’s Flipping the Sex & Dating Community on Its Head…

Researchers at an English university recently published a study that’s raising a lot of questions.

The study examined the sex lives of mealworm beetles, and whether their sexual habits had any effect (good or bad) on their life expectancy.

It’s easy to assume that the beetles who have the most sex live longer for evolutionary reasons. Think about Darwin’s concept of “survival of the fittest”:

The beetles that are able to pass on their genes — AKA have sex with many female beetles — should be healthier, right? And because they’re healthier, they’ll live longer.

As it turns out, this isn’t the case at all.

In fact, the researchers found that the male beetles who had less sex, or were completely celibate, were the ones that lived the longest.


According to the study, beetles who have less sex live longer because of a hormone that releases sperm. This is the same hormone that releases sperm when you have sex, and the scientists say that it can “downgrade” your immune system.

And if this “downgrade” is serious enough, then it could end up cutting years off of your life… depending on how much sex you have.

Should I Stop Having Sex Altogether?

In a word, no.

While this “celibacy strategy” might work for mealworm beetles… it’s not something that’s going to be as effective for you, a human man.

Sure, choosing to be celibate might make you live longer — but it’s not certain how much longer.

Plus, many studies have shown that sex is actually good for you! In fact, some studies have suggested that having more sex will make you live longer.

So what’s a guy to do?

First, it’s important to understand the 3 major issues with this study, and why you should take the results with a (very large) grain of salt:

1) The Study Subjects Were Beetles, Not Humans

Here’s the most glaring problem: The subjects of the study were literally bugs. Not human men.

The main reason this is an issue is because, well, you and I aren’t beetles. So just because male beetles who have less sex live longer, does not necessarily mean that choosing to have less sex will make you live longer.

Even though you do have the sex hormone identified by the study, your body is much more complicated than that of a simple beetle.

There are a lot more moving parts in a human body than there are in a mealworm beetle, and that makes using this study to say “Celibacy is a good life choice!” more of a joke than a real statement.

Which brings me to point number two…

2) Important External Factors Were Left Out

What the hell do I mean by “External Factors”?

Well, just like your body is more complicated than the beetles’ in this study, your life is also more complicated than that of a beetle.

So while having less sex might be more biologically advantageous for the life of a beetle… this is not necessarily true for you.

For example, if you have kids, this can contribute to your own lifespan — and because celibate people, by default, cannot have any children (unless they adopt one), it’s difficult to compare the life expectancy of celibate people to non-celibate people.

People who are celibate also tend to be more religious. It’s possible that choosing to include religion in your life can also contribute to how long you live. How do you separate the two?

As you may have guessed, it’s incredibly difficult.

So we can’t say with any real amount of certainty that your decision to be celibate is what’s causing you to live longer. And unless countless more studies are conducted (and on humans), this isn’t going to change.

3) The Study Didn’t Examine the Effects of Celibacy on Other Lifestyle Choices

This is pretty similar to the last point, with one slight tweak:

The study had no way of measuring the effect of celibacy on other lifestyle choices. It had no way to answer the question: “Will the changes I make to my life as a result of being celibate affect my lifespan? If so, how?”

This is important, because while the study claims that it’s celibacy that causes these beetles to live longer, for human men, there are many other contributing factors.

For example, if you choose to be celibate then you might have some more free time on your hands. Maybe you take up exercise, which is a habit that can help you to live longer.

Or maybe you use the sexual energy you were previously using to have sex, and channel it into picking up a new hobby. Maybe that hobby leads you to a better-paying, more rewarding career. And because you’re so much happier, you live longer.

Whatever your personal situation, the fact of the matter is that no, being celibate is probably not going to extend your lifespan.

So what?

So don’t sweat it!

Whether you’re having sex once a week or once every six months, recognize that your sex life is not going to kill you (or lead you to the fountain of youth).

The key is to appreciate sex when you do have it. And thanks to a new technique, that’s easier than it ever has been before…

Study: Have Sex THIS Often to Live Longer

“Oh My GOD…I’m Coming… I’m Coming!!!” I Moaned…

Peter smirked…“Shhh…do you want the cops to catch us?”

I had always fantasized about sex in a secluded park… and so that night, we set out to check it off of my bucket list.

Though I have to admit I was pretty nervous… I was so worried about getting caught that I wasn’t sure I’d be able to enjoy myself…

But I forgot all about that when Peter pushed me down on the wet grass, slid off my skirt, and said, “I’m gonna try a little something new…”

When he was inside me, he did this kind of “pulsing” penetration… it felt pretty normal at first… though after a few minutes, it built into an EXPLOSIVE release.

I didn’t really know how to describe this “Pulsing Orgasm” until Peter showed me this video… that shows you what to do to give any woman the kind of pleasure Peter gave me…

Discover the “Pulsing Orgasm” for MAXIMUM Sexual Pleasure…

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