Discover The Sex Tips For Men Who Want to Give Her Ultimate Pleasure–Do You Know This Scientifically Proven Secret?
There are all sorts of sex tips out there about the best and most reliable ways to give a woman an orgasm.
And yes, some of them are actually good. However, this isn’t always the case… which means that there’s a lot of misinformation out there, that may be preventing you from giving a woman the pleasure she craves in bed.
Until now, that is–one study surveyed over 1,000 women to discover where and how they really want to be touched that leads to the fastest orgasm…
And the results are shockingly specific.
So today, I’m going to show you the kinds of techniques that are most likely to lead to an orgasm for her, and how you can use these successfully with the next woman you take home.
Let’s dive in ;-):
Where Does She Really Want You to Touch Her During Sex?
According to the survey, a whopping 37% of women need you to stimulate their clitoris in order to have an orgasm during sex.
So while standard p-in-v penetration can certainly help give her an orgasm… sometimes it’s not quite enough.
Of course, this isn’t really all that surprising–we’ve known that the clitoris is a pleasure “hot spot” for many women for years. It’s not news.
However, what is news is the way in which women want you to touch them *down there.*
Because apparently, different touches can lead to different levels of pleasure. So which touches are the most pleasurable of all?
Scientifically speaking, there were 3 popular techniques that the women said they loved most. And I’m about to show you what those are.
3 Types of Touch You Should Try With Her Tonight
So now you know where she wants to be stimulated… it’s time to talk about how.
Because even if you know where to touch her, the fact remains that there’s still some finesse involved in giving her pleasure in exactly the way she wants.
So with that in mind, I’m going to show you the 3 types of touches that the women said they found most pleasurable.
Beginning with the most popular:
1) Up & Down
By far the most popular kind of touch was an up & down motion–64% of the women reported that this is the way to give them an orgasm.
One of the main reasons that an up & down motion may be so popular is that it provides the clitoris with both direct and indirect stimulation.
Because too much direct stimulation can feel uncomfortable sometimes, and not enough can feel equally frustrating, an up & down movement is often the “goldilocks-level” of perfect touching that she needs to achieve orgasm.
Of course, be careful not to go too fast, or use too much pressure. When in doubt, ask for her feedback–she’ll let you know if she likes what you’re doing. 😉
2) Circular Motions
Similar to an up & down movement, just over half of the women said they enjoyed circular movements as well.
And this is likely due to the same reason why up & down movements can be so pleasurable:
There’s just the right amount of both direct & indirect clitoral stimulation.
Sure, there are some nuanced differences between an up & down motion and circular movements–maybe you stimulate more of her labia majora with circular movements–but these are small details.
When in doubt, you can experiment with both up & down and circular motions to see which one the woman you’re with prefers.
3) Side To Side
The third most popular kind of touch was found to be side to side movements, with about one-third of the woman saying they enjoyed it.
I know what you may be thinking…
“Up & down… circular… side to side… this is all kind of the same, right?”
And I get it–you’re certainly not wrong.
But at the end of the day, it’s important to remember that the clitoris is an extremely sensitive area–so while an up & down motion may give one woman a really fast orgasm… it’s side to side that might do it for another woman.
One sort of “catch-all” technique you can try is to rotate through these motions during foreplay.
If you notice her breathing more heavily, moaning more, or saying “Yes” during one particular type of motion, then stick with that one–that’s how you can know what she likes.
Speaking of which… there is one final orgasm technique I’d like to share with you. It’s a personal favorite of mine:
Could My Boss Tell I Was Lying About the Bruise I Got From “Walking Into A Door”?
When “Dan” suggested we go workout together one day… and “check out the sauna” afterward… well, let’s just say I’ve never been that excited about exercise in my life. 😉
After our workout (if 20 minutes on the elliptical counts as a “workout”)… we stripped down and walked into the steaming hot sauna… he unwrapped the white towel that was covering my wet, naked body… and started kissing me…
He pushed me down on the bench… climbed on top of me… and instead of just “going for it” like normal, he traced his right index finger down my stomach, and… OMG. Whatever he was doing *down there* felt freaking AMAZING.
After a few minutes, I couldn’t take it anymore… I felt my whole body start to shake, and as I was coming… well, let’s just say I got a little “into it”… and slipped off of the bench onto the floor, face first. *LOL*
Dan helped me up… but I wasn’t even thinking about my face. I had to know what the hell he was doing to me that felt so freaking good… so when we got home, I made him show me where he found this “5 Finger Tantra Technique” (as he called it)…
And that’s when he showed me this: