The Life-Changing Dating Lesson I Learned From Colin Kaepernick’s Downfall…
How Real Men Survive in the Modern Dating World–How Do You Embrace Your True Masculinity?
Click Here to Discover How to Get Almost Any Woman You Want…
In the last few years, I’ve noticed something happening:
More and more guys are struggling to act like “real men.”
Now, you may be wondering… what exactly does it mean to be a “real man”? And why does it matter to women?
And to take it even further:
What traits are women looking for in men today, and how does masculinity play a role in it?
Many men today are feeling like their masculinity is being attacked–however, I’ll tell you right now that women still crave a certain type of masculinity.
And this all comes together when we think of the tragic downfall of football player Colin Kaepernick.
I’ll explain how in a second–but first, let me introduce myself.
Hi, I’m David Dupree, and every week I’ll be answering the most difficult & burning questions you have when it comes to sex and dating.
I get asked questions like this all the time, and today I’m answering this one:
“What does it mean to be a ‘real man’ in today’s dating world?”
In this video, I explain how to define your own masculinity in the dating world, plus:
- The secret to sexual success I learned from Colin Kaepernick’s tragic downfall…
- The #1 advantage of expressing this kind of “masculinity” around women…
- The deadly mistake guys make when dating women that scares them away…
- How to take control of seduction as a man (and why it’s attractive to women)…
- A close-up look at “bed death” and how to always avoid it…
How To Get More Success With Women Using Your “Raw Masculinity”…
When it comes to meeting new women… most men today make one big mistake:
They set their masculinity aside… and try to appear as “friendly” and “emotionally available” as possible.
Yeah, it’s a “safe” approach… but does it get the girl?
Almost never.
And that’s because modern-day women don’t want to sleep with a “friendly” guy… they want to be friends with him.
So if you want to take that next step, and go from “the guy she’ll dish aaall of her problems to, as a friend”… to “the guy she’ll do anything for, in bed”… then you’ve gotta make a couple tweaks to how you present yourself to her.
It’s not about being “macho”… or growing a beard or whatever… it’s a lot more simple than that.
Here’s what I mean:
Discover How to Get More Success With Women Using Your “Raw Masculinity”…