You’ve Probably Heard of Harmful Porn Addiction Side Effects…So Today We Answer: Does Porn REALLY Affect Your Sex Drive, Or Is it All Just A Myth?
Porn: Just reading the word probably makes you feel… something.
It’s no secret that porn is all over the place these days — and a lot of people have a lot of thoughts about it.
It’s been said that porn is good for your relationship…
Bad for your health…
A good way to release anxiety…
And most recently, one study even found that porn can affect your sex drive! But it’s probably not in the way you think.
So today, I want to get to the bottom of the link between watching porn and your sex drive.
Is watching porn more harmful or helpful for your libido? And why?
Here’s what I found…
The Shocking Study That Revealed a Link Between Watching Porn & Your Sex Drive…
The study, conducted at a San Diego clinic, asked more than 300 men and women how often they watch porn… and then asked them how much they enjoy sex.
The results?
You might be surprised to learn that while the researchers found no link between porn-watching and sexual dysfunction in women… the same can’t be said of men.
In fact, the researchers concluded that watching porn can actually make sex feel less satisfying in men, and can lead to some pretty serious sexual dysfunctions.
I know that might sound disappointing… but it might not be. Not necessarily, anyway.
Before you jump to any conclusions, there are a few more questions that need answering:
How much porn is too much? And are the results really as bad as these scientists say?
I did some digging… and you might be surprised to see what I discovered:
Is It Really That Bad?
If you’re looking at the results and feeling worried that your libido might be threatened… then you should probably stop worrying.
The study found that only the men who preferred masturbating to porn over real sex were affected — and it was a small percentage of them (3.4%) at that.
So while, yes, watching porn in that context can decrease your sex drive, or lead to sexual dysfunction… it’s not statistically likely that you’re affected by it.
However, if you do think you might be watching too much porn, or that porn is killing your sex drive — then you have a couple options:
What To Do if You Suspect You’re Watching “Too Much” Porn…
If you think you might fall into that category — you enjoy masturbating to porn more than real sex, or it’s been so long since you’ve had sex that you can’t really compare the two — then you have a few choices:
First, it’s probably a good idea to set a weekly limit on how much porn you watch. You can even use special websites or apps to limit your time on your favorite porn websites if you don’t think you have the self-control to do it yourself.
If you’re not sure what kind of limit to set, think about how much porn you watch now, and cut it in half. Aim for that, and see what happens. Baby steps are key.
Next, try and focus on the real women around you. Look at their curves…
Think about what it would be like to touch them…
Imagine being in bed with them. This should help spark your sexual desire for real women again.
Finally, you could try masturbating without porn — this will help you extinguish your association between porn and pleasure. It will also help you realize that you can enjoy sexual pleasure without the presence of porn.
It Doesn’t End There…
One of the main reasons a lot of people believe that porn can lead to a lower libido is because guys compare themselves to male pornstars.
As a result, many men end up assuming that, in order to please a woman in bed, you have to be ripped and have a huge d**k.
More than anything else, a man’s size *down there* can be one of the biggest sources of insecurity when he’s in bed with a woman… but should it be?
I wanted to find out… does size really matter? And if a man feels he’s “average” or “below average”… should he be concerned about what women think of him in bed?
So if an answer is what you’re after…
Then I’ve got just that for you right here:
3 Hot Pornstars Answer: Does Size REALLY Matter?
As a woman, a lot of guys ask me:
“Monika, does size really matter to women? Does it really make a difference???”
And well… in my own personal experience, the answer is “yes and no”… but I’ve mostly been with “average” or “above average” guys (and the couple guys who were “slightly below average” still felt pretty damn good to be honest)…
I’ve never really been with a guy who has a “monster c**k”… in fact, I’ve only ever seen them in porn (lol).
So when I found this “behind the scenes” interview with pornstars Briana Banks, Alana Evans & Edyn Blair… asking them what really matters about a man’s penis… I thought:
“Yes!! Finally, we can lay rest to the ‘size debate’ once and for all.”
I’ll admit that they each gave some pretty surprising answers… and OMG, they went into so much detail I got a little turned on reading it haha…
But after I finished it, I had a definitive answer to: “Does size really matter?”
So if you wanna know what that answer is… here you go: