How To Find a Loyal Woman Who Stays By Your Side Long-Term (No Matter What Happens)…
Click Here to Discover the “5 Finger Magic” Move That Gets Her Addicted to You In Bed…
It’s my own fault…
But whenever I start seeing a woman, I always end up seeing her as much as I can.
At first, she cherishes every moment with me.
That’s all she notices, in fact–how much wonderful time we get to spend together.
But eventually, she wishes we would spend more time together.
Once I’m spending more than 3 days per week with her, she changes. She starts to only notice the time we don’t spend together.
At first, she noticed everything she liked–in her mind, it’s the thought that counts.
But then, if I’m always taking her out, she starts to judge the place.
“You really want to go to that dive again?”
Or she judges my motives:
“You are planning to show me off to our Italian friends again?”
If we always stay in–which might happen a lot in the beginning of a relationship–she starts to need to get out.
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“We never ‘do’ anything…” Or, “You need to take me out on dates.”
If she used to be excited about every little knick-knack I’d surprise her with, she starts to demand presents.
“You need to get me gifts,” my friend’s girlfriend told him.
This is the nature of the beast–by which I mean your relationship. (I’m not calling your beloved girlfriend a beast.)
And as things evolve in this way, if you don’t handle her properly, then she may choose to leave you–or worse, cheat.
So I’m going to show you exactly how you can keep a woman happy and loyal to you, without giving in to all of her demands.
Because the truth is, it’s a lot easier than you may realize–once you know what to do.
How To Escalate Your Relationship Without Emptying Your Wallet…
If you’ve been in a relationship for a few months, then you may not be behaving the way you did when you first started seeing this woman.
Maybe you’re not seducing her like you used to.
Often, the guy who nervously moved up the escalation ladder when he didn’t know where she’d stop him has begun to take her for granted.
And now, he skips all the foreplay, as well as some of the “60” in the “69.”
Maybe you started out giving her gifts and Financial Displays of Affection.
Financial Displays of Affection, or FDAs, are what women call the “Grand Gesture.”
This includes things like helicopters to Martha’s Vineyard… a weekend in Puerto Rico… dinner at a three-star restaurant… and so on.
What’s the solution to keeping her happy?
Should you fight it?
Do you put your foot down? Tell her in no uncertain terms that you’re not going to take that kind of script-flipping?
Or should you just give in and let her have her cake and eat it too?
It’s not “expensive,” and she’s right–she’s my lady, so I don’t mind being a little more direct in lavishing time, money and attention on her.
The solution is none of the above.
That’s Not All…
In order to avoid emptying your wallet, or draining yourself emotionally when you’re with a woman… you must accept her as she is.
This change she’s trying to bring is good.
It means she is becoming even more attached to you.
Although it may feel like she’s taking you for granted–and in a way, she is–it’s because she is seeing the future with you as a given, and is working on making it perfect.
Of course, this doesn’t mean you should do what she tells you.
Giving in will make her less interested in you–ALWAYS.
What it does mean, though, is to laugh and be sarcastic.
Act like you did when you first met her and you were flirting–but don’t resist or reject her requests.
Simply don’t deliver on them, or deliver on them no more than you already do.
But what you can do to keep her happy is to love her more. When she asks you to do these things, pull her close to you and say:
“I love when you nag me, because you’re acting like a wife!”
When you shake things up and take her out of her “comfort zone,” that’s when she’ll go back to appreciating you, instead of denigrating you.
3 Simple Steps to Make Her Yours (& Keep Her That Way)…
Like I’ve mentioned before, women thrive on drama.
That means that if you are happy with her and everything is “perfect,” she will be seething and thinking that you require her to be quiet in order to be happy.
Meanwhile, if you are unsure about her and this relationship–she will, in her own insecurity, very likely appreciate every minute and find ways to make herself your “ideal woman.”
All of this means that there are 3 steps you must follow to protect her from causing drama, or leaving you.
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1) Pay Attention.
I can’t stop saying it, I know, but it’s the easiest way to enjoy your relationship and to keep her from missing the drama she craves.
Now, “pay attention” doesn’t mean drop what you’re doing and only watch her–it means not to pretend you are with her, and to really be there.
If you’ve told her you’re going to be doing your thing or whatever, she’d be wrong to interrupt you. But still notice when she’s getting antsy, so that you can SAY something.
“Look. Darling. You seem to need attention today. I told you I have things to do. You don’t have to stay cooped up here.”
It’s these little things that will both show her you care about her–and serve to keep you happy and drama-free.
2) Variety is the Spice of Life.
Be aware of when your woman may need a change. This change can come in several forms.
Do you take her out to dinner a lot?
Try going out for breakfast, or make her breakfast in bed.
Try listening for things that she specifically wants, that don’t require a lot of time, money or effort.
Not just chocolate and flowers–things like figs, or manchego cheese, or getting her car washed, or lunch on the water. Small things that are unique.
I know it might specifically sound like “romantic gestures,” but I’m trying to point out that when you give her something that you’ve discovered she wants–but not while she’s demanding it–you get the points for attention.
You please her AND you don’t lose any points for being too “obedient.”
Some things you may even be excited to give her, like a massage or bondage roleplay. 😉 (But more on that in a sec.)
3) You Come First.
I don’t mean this literally.
But sometimes you don’t have the bandwidth–or interest–to keep inventing ways to entertain her.
So when that happens, take some (unannounced) time off. Just take a day.
And when she asks where you were, you can respond with something like:
“Where was I? Ha! I love when my little life interests you so much!” (Or whatever.)
Doing all of these things will ultimately ensure that she stays interested in you–and that you aren’t bending over backward to please her.
However… there is one more step to my “Faithful Girlfriend Formula” that I haven’t mentioned yet…
And it’s arguably the most important:
The Secret 4th Foundation Of My “Faithful Girlfriend Formula”…
It’s orgasms…
A whopping 75% of women never reach orgasm through penetration, and another 10% don’t orgasm AT ALL.
But here’s the thing… orgasms are essential for a woman’s health and happiness.
Orgasms promote healthy estrogen levels… increase endorphins which make her happy… cure migraines, and I could go on all day.
My point is… if you’re not making your woman come enough, she’s going to be unhappy.
(As a matter of fact it could drive her to leave you, or to go find a man who can.)
And in my experience, the fastest and most effective way to satisfy her with orgasm after orgasm…
… is through a technique I learned from world-renowned sex expert Lawrence Lanoff:
It’s called “5 Finger Magic,” and you can click here to see how to do it.
Like I mentioned above, most women can’t orgasm from penetration alone…
Though they can typically come when using your fingers.
And this “5 Finger Magic” move in particular, has been shown to give women intense full-body orgasms…
… multiple orgasms…
… and even squirting orgasms, that leave her breathless and practically paralyzed in bed: