That Time Donald Trump Refused “Elevator Sex” With a Supermodel

How to Make Her Obsessed With You

How to Make Her Obsessed With You by Doing Almost Nothing…

When you’re out on a date, you need to impress the woman you’re with…right?

You might brag about your accomplishments…

Show her how great you are…

Impress her with your educational background or financial worth…

But let me ask you this:

Imagine yourself as a man who knows just how great he is and what value he brings to the table — in that case, would you ever brag or try and impress a woman?

Hell no you wouldn’t!

The “I Hope I Like You” Mindset Powerful Men Are Using to Get More Women Today…

The type of man who knows his own value doesn’t try and impress the women he meets — he waits for them to impress him.

He’s constantly thinking about what value or benefits she can bring to the table, not what he can offer her.

I call this mindset, “I hope I like you VS. I hope you like me!”

When I’m with a woman, either on a date or in a relationship, I’m always looking for what value she can add to my life.

I know the value I bring. I know that I’m the prize and that she’s lucky to have a guy like me in her life…

Not the other way around.

If she’s going to be living under my roof…

And if I’m going to provide security and protection for her…

Why would I constantly be trying to impress her?

Women will never truly love or appreciate that which is given to them freely. She’ll only value what she has to work for — especially hotter women (although this is true for all women).

Put yourself in her position: How can you value anything you get for free?

You can’t.

But if you have to work hard for something, it will intrinsically hold more value.

People, especially women, are willing to put the effort in if it’s worth it…

And women also want a strong return on their investments!

Give your money away for free, and she will never learn the value of your gifts.

Give your heart and love away for free, and she will never truly feel special.

Give your attention away for free, and she will never value your time.

Why Donald Trump Turned Down Elevator Sex and Felt Even More Powerful as a Result…

We all know who Donald Trump is, right?

Well, love him or hate him, this is a man who knows his value!

Here’s a story to illustrate just how powerful knowing your worth can be:

Donald was in an elevator alone one day, and in walks one of the sexiest women he’s ever seen.

The woman says, “You’re Donald Trump.” To which he replies, “Yes, that’s me.”

She tells him, “I think you’re so handsome, and we’re all alone in this elevator…we could have sex and no one would ever know. I would love to have sex with you.”

Before I go any further — most men would have stopped that elevator and ravished this sexy little vixen, but Donald isn’t every man. He’s a man who knows his value.

So Donald looks at her and says, “Sure, we could have sex right now, but WHAT’S IN IT FOR ME?”

I first heard this story in an interview he did, and I was amazed by his reaction.

Here’s a guy who knows his worth — not just financially, but as a man — and if he’s going to sleep with a woman, she better bring something incredible to his world.

Over the years, I’ve adopted this same mentality and have slept with hundreds of women as a result…

And so can you.

One of the best opportunities to start practicing this new mentality is on your next first date with a woman.

How to Make Her Obsessed With You

3 Ways to Make Her Impress YOU on a First Date

Next time you go out on a first date, instead of trying to impress her…

Just sit back and make her impress you!

There are 3 easy ways you can do this:

1) Don’t brag.

Never try to impress the woman you’re with. If she asks you what you do for a living…

Tell her you still live at home with your mom and you’re taking classes online! Throw a smug smile on your face, and she’ll instantly need to know more.

If she asks you about how many dates you go on in a week, tell her, “This is my very first date, and I’m super nervous and got a haircut to impress you. How does it look?”

If she asks you if you want to get married, say, “Whoa, slow down! I barely know you. Give me three reasons why a guy would want to marry you!”

To be clear, this is NOT your opportunity to bring her down or make her feel bad about herself. You aren’t insulting her — you’re just not actively trying to impress her.

2) Make her work.

Remember, you’re trying to get her to impress you, not the other way around.

Ask her challenging questions that force her to qualify herself, such as:

  • “So, what makes you so special?”…
  • “If you could wake up tomorrow morning and have your dream job, what would it be?”…
  • “What’s your relationship with your father like?”…
  • “You’re cute and fun, but why are you single?”…

The idea behind these types of questions is to give her the impression that you’re not sold on her just yet.

Sure, looks are important, but good looks in a woman are also very common.

Make her show you what else she has going on — she needs to “earn” your attention before she can properly appreciate your value as a man.

3) Reward her physically.

Once she’s worked for your attention, the only attention you need to give her is through your physical affection.

Let her know she’s won you over by making physical advances on her — don’t just let her know with your words.

You could hold her hand…

Kiss her…

Hug or high-five her…

And have sex with her…

And she’ll begin to crave your touch like you wouldn’t believe.

The less you try to impress a woman, the more she’ll become self-conscious.

Women are so used to men trying to win them over that a man who doesn’t try very hard completely throws them off.

But touching her will generate an intense curiosity and attraction to you almost immediately.

Just like this girl I was with the other night.

When I first saw her, I almost threw up she was so damned hot!

She was a dead ringer for that Victoria’s Secret model who does the Fiat commercials. I’m not even exaggerating.

Unfortunately, I also thought she was the poster-girl for an “ice queen.”

You know the type: she had that “spoiled princess” vibe about her, like guys had been throwing themselves at her and kissing her ass since she was in high school (which was probably only a couple of years ago, to be fair!).

Like she was “too good” for me (or any other guy).

And you know what?

I didn’t care. Not at all.

Not only that, but I immediately went to approach her, and I didn’t even bother coming up with a witty “line” or “routine” to use on her.

You see, I know that (especially with this type of girl) what works to melt even the frostiest chick I see on any given night isn’t what I say or when I say it…

It’s how I touch her!

That’s because women are up to 10 times more sensitive to touch than guys are (no joke–it’s been scientifically-proven).

So in reality, you can touch her in a way that turns her on without having to worry about what you’re saying, no matter how hot she is or unapproachable she might seem.

All you have to do is click here now to see why touch can make even the hottest (but frostiest) “ice queen” incredibly turned on within just a few short minutes of meeting her.


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