How To Spice Things Up So She Craves You Constantly–Will These Tips Help You Get Lucky Tonight?
Relationships are always great in the beginning.
This is when the emotions you feel are at their height, and you’re excited by the experiences yet to come.
However, as time goes on, you may have experienced that gradual decline of passion, and the disappointment that comes along with it.
The knee-jerk reaction is to think there is something wrong–with you, with the other person, or with the relationship as a whole.
And as a result, many guys think that the relationship must have changed. If the passion doesn’t just naturally exist, it’s not there… right?
The truth is, monogamy is hard.
As time passes, the novelty fades, and passion dwindles. It’s almost inevitable.
Luckily, that doesn’t mean that you can’t get it back.
The people who know–therapists, marriage counselors, and relationship gurus across the board–don’t subscribe to the belief that passion “just exists” between two people.
They say that passion has to be created, and the easiest way to work through a lack of passion is to actively help find ways to create your own.
So today, I’m going to show you 5 of their most effective strategies to bring that sexual spark back, and fast.
1) Schedule Sex
Trying to make more time for sex isn’t enough when the passion is at a low.
Sex is too easy to avoid unless you have a set day and time scheduled.
So that’s exactly what you do–you make appointments for sex with your partner.
I know, I know–scheduling sex might not sound all that sexy.
Will the sex really be hot if you’re only doing it because you’re supposed to be doing it?
First of all, both of you making the effort to get past this problem means that both of you are agreeing that you still want each other.
And being wanted is hot.
Second of all, this is sex we’re talking about!
Of course you can make it hot–you may just have to work a little harder for it while you’re re-lighting the fire.
At the end of the day, the connection you feel with your partner is arguably the most important part of your life, so a little more effort will be worth it.
If you need extra motivation, think of a small “penalty” if either of you has to break one of your appointments. 😉
2) Laugh Together
Moments of shared laughter are a powerful force in relationships.
And here’s why:
When a couple experiences a shared feeling of glee or giddiness, the bond between them is strengthened.
They feel more supported by and more attracted to their significant other.
Laughter also makes you feel happy, and happiness with your partner is essential to spark feelings of desire.
In fact, a 2015 study published in Personal Relationships proved that shared laughter is even more important for men when prompting feelings of passion.
The more men laugh with their partner, the more intense their physical passion for them.
3) Plan A Memorable Date Night
Sometimes, finding that passion again is as easy as switching up your relationship’s routine.
Trying something new is a way to re-introduce yourself to your partner–you get to see them in a new setting, doing new things–and the unfamiliarity is exciting.
Some of the newness from the early days returns when a couple steps outside their comfort zone.
It helps even more if you pick something where the two of you can be physically active together.
So if you usually go out to dinner, or see a movie, try going dancing. If you like the outdoors, try hiking.
Get your heart rate pumping and let those endorphins do some work.
A little adrenaline in your bloodstream will boost desire levels, so don’t be afraid to try an activity where you work up a sweat.
4) Have Patience
It’s important to believe that your sex life with your partner is something that can–and probably will–fluctuate.
Don’t panic, thinking you need to solve this problem before it gets worse.
You’re normal, and your relationship is normal. Trust me.
So instead, think about your relationship in terms of the big picture.
All couples experience highs and lows, many of which are determined by the changing circumstances of your life.
For instance, a recent study proved marital happiness reaches a “high” during the period of time after kids graduate and leave the house.
There are other circumstances–busy periods at work, stressful situations with friends and family members–that sometimes bring the lows.
The back and forth is something no couple can avoid.
Don’t let the hard times shake you too much. There are always things you can do to bring that passion back into your bedroom.
Which brings me to my favorite way to get that sexual spark back:
5) Be The Man She TRULY Craves Between The Sheets
If you want to bring that sexual spark back in a BIG way… and make her crave your “manhood” like she used to… then it’s time to pull out the “big guns”:
Use this pornstar-developed technique to give her super-amazing, earth-shattering orgasms.
The reason it works so well, is because it’s based on the two things women really want during sex:
1) A guy who can do this… and:
2) A guy who can last “long enough” for her.
(Seriously, I’m a woman, trust me haha!)
And because the technique helps you fulfill both of these desires… her orgasm(s) will come almost automatically. 😉
But you don’t have to take my word for it… here’s a video of pornstar Edyn Blair “explaining” the technique just for you:
How To Use This Pornstar-Developed Technique to Give Her Mindblowing Orgasms TONIGHT…