Ever Wondered What to Drink on a First Date (Or if You Should Drink at All)? The Answer Might Surprise You…
Let’s talk about alcohol.
A lot of clients tell me, “I can approach a woman…but only if I have a few drinks first.” Many guys think that alcohol is a replacement for confidence or will give them the “balls” to talk to women.
And often, it can! I won’t deny that. Though for some men, drinking can be more of a hindrance than a help.
So today, I’m going to show you why drinking can make you feel more confident…
How to know what to drink depending on the woman you’re with…
And how to achieve this level of confidence without any alcohol at all.
Why Drink on a First Date?
Let’s start with the absolute basics: Why drink on a first date?
There are a lot of reasons:
- It “loosens you up”…
- It could make her feel more comfortable…
- A bar is the perfect mix of casual/romantic for a first date…
Just to name a few.
Though when you think about what alcohol does, the fact that it helps seems kind of surprising. After all, alcohol is technically a poison.
It impairs your ability to do most things. If you drink enough, you’re not legally allowed to drive…
You shouldn’t operate heavy machinery…
And you probably won’t get high scores on your favorite video game (or low scores on your favorite golf game).
In fact, alcohol seems to make you bad at everything except socializing.
So why is this?
It’s simple: Alcohol impairs function.
The #1 Way Drinking on a First Date Can Help You
I’ll say it again: Alcohol impairs function. It does not improve your skill or ability…
But it can often make approaching a woman feel SO much easier.
The reason for this is obvious once you know what it is:
Alcohol impairs your ability to get in your own way.
If a few drinks makes talking to women feel easier, this means that the only thing that’s making talking to women hard…is you.
Let me explain:
Alcohol slows down your reflexes…
Clouds your judgment…
And strips you of any previous hesitations you might have had.
For example, for the introvert who always overanalyzes his conversations, alcohol makes this kind of introspection difficult.
Or take a man who’s always quick to criticize himself — alcohol will prevent him from bringing himself down in a conversation.
Or for a man who’s always stopping himself from making the first move — alcohol will stop him from stopping himself.
Alcohol prevents you from doing 2 things at once. And if one of those things is talking to a woman, you’re not going to be able to do anything else except focus on the conversation.
Here’s the bottom line: If alcohol helps you interact with women, you can be 100% certain that you can interact with women without it.
Now, that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t drink on a first date…I’m not preaching about what is or isn’t “right.”
All I’m telling you is that if booze helps you, then you have what it takes.
You only need to get out of your own way (But more on that in a second).
It Doesn’t End There…
While alcohol can be a great secret weapon to calm your nerves…there are some definite reasons why putting down the bottle is a good idea.
Here are some:
a) Whiskey d–k. A few drinks can make sex a lot of fun…but a few too many, and sex becomes improbable — if not impossible. On top of that, it’s easy to forget to wear protection if you’ve had a few too many.
b) The smell. Sometimes, the smell of alcohol makes a woman feel like you should be avoided. Specifically, beer, whiskey, and tequila are all very strong-smelling. Vodka is a good place to start if you aren’t sure how your date will feel about drinking.
c) Sleepytime. With the exception of tequila, alcohol is a depressant — so it lowers your energy. Yes, it can lower your nervous and self-critical energy…but it also lowers your excitement (something women seek out in a mate).
d) Excess. While a couple of drinks can lower your inhibitions, alcohol can also impair other self-stopping activity. One of these activities is stopping yourself from drinking more!
For some guys, a couple drinks can turn into too many. The evening’s activity goes from “having a good first date” to “seeing how many whiskey shots I can take without falling over.” If that’s not bad enough, there are hangovers and next day nausea to deal with. On top of that, drinking too much can also lead to…
e) Overspending. Alcohol, like jewelry, has a wide range of prices. So a $50 night can quickly become a $500 night when a round — or two — of top shelf shots are added to the mix.
f) Time. In addition to money, alcohol can encourage spending more time at the bar, instead of focusing on finding a cool activity to do on a date. So what can you do about it?
How to Use My 3 Step Sentence Generator to Start a Conversation With Any Woman You Want (With OR Without Alcohol)
I wrote about this cool little trick a while ago…but it’s useful in this situation too.
Here’s how to use my 3 Step Sentence Generator to start a conversation with any woman you see:
Step 1: Find a positive emotion to channel. Happy, excited, pleased, satisfied…any of those work. Really do your best to feel it.
Step 2: Make an observation. Keep it simple — something you can see, hear, smell, touch, or taste in the moment.
Step 3: Have a reason to say it — it can’t be out of nowhere.
What it looks like in action:
Let’s say I’m in a cafe next to a woman who’s reading the New York Times. I’m feeling excited to talk to her, so she can easily pick up on that, which grabs her attention.
From there, I already made my observation — she’s reading the Times. So what’s my reason? “Hey, did you see that piece the Times did on South American wine last week? I’m a big fan of Chilean reds.”
Simple! Plus, this versatile tactic forces you out of your head and into the present moment.
So yeah, have that tequila shot (or two) on your first date…but also be aware that you don’t need liquid courage to have a great first date.
Especially if you have this next trick up your sleeve:
A Shy Guy’s Secret Weapon: The “Intrigue Touch”
She bit her lip and looked up at him with doe eyes…”Would you wanna…uh…hang out sometime? Let me give you my number…” She trailed off with a giggle.
From across the food court, I gave my buddy Ralph a big thumbs up. He usually needed at least 3 whiskeys to spit out “Hello” to a woman…
Though today was different. Today, I showed him the “Intrigue Touch.”
It’s a cool little trick that seems like an “innocent” touch…though a few seconds after using it, you might see her get goosebumps…and she’ll feel that special “spark” with you…
It’s perfect for a crowded place like a mall…or even at the gym or at work…because it’s so subtle, no one else will realize how turned on she’s getting…
You don’t even need to say a word…let the “Intrigue Touch” do all the work…exactly like Ralph did. He went out with Little Miss Doe Eyes for 5 months… before he decided they should “just be f–k buddies.” 😉
This “Intrigue Touch” rocks. Check it out — you’re gonna love it:
Show Me How to Use the “Intrigue Touch” to Turn Her On FAST…