How to Channel Your Masculinity and Get the Woman You Really Want…
The universe is unfair.
In fact, I would go as far as saying that the universe is downright backwards.
Women don’t want good men, they want bad men.
And it’s frustrating as hell.
In every other part of your life, career, fitness, your hobbies: the better you are at it, the better the results.
If you’re a better salesman, you make more sales.
If you eat and exercise more effectively, you become healthier.
If you become a better painter, your paintings improve.
But with women? The better man you are, the less women seem interested.
The One Reason Why Women Don’t Date “Good” Guys
There’s clearly a connection between these a–holes and the attention they get from women — but women don’t give them attention because they’re a–holes.
What we have here is a simple case of confusing cause and correlation.
Women aren’t attracted to these men because of their evils, vices and poor character…
They’re attracted to something else these men possess.
Here’s the truth: You can be a nice guy—a man with virtue—and be highly attractive to women.
A good man that women fantasize about.
You just need to possess the quality that these jerks who get women have.
So what is this quality? What is this magic thing that you need to develop?
You need to express The Masculine.
I capitalize it here to emphasize that I’m not talking about being a “real man” — this is something a little different.
Expressing your masculine has nothing to do with what you look like…
What clothes you wear…
What job you have…
Or how much money you earn.
It also has nothing to do with virtue.
The one reason women tend not to date nice guys is because nice guys struggle to express The Masculine.
I believe that all men have The Masculine within them — it’s just a matter of expressing your masculine energies.
There are 7 of these masculine energies that I mentioned in my last article:
- The Magician…
- The Peacemaker…
- The Warrior…
- The Wildman…
- The Trickster…
- The Lover…
- The King…
I cover all 7 of these masculine energies in my book, Red Knight: The Thinking Man’s Blueprint To Masculinity, Sexual Confidence & Becoming Irresistible To Women.
But for today’s purposes, we’ll be covering the one masculine energy that “jerks” are so good at expressing:
The Warrior.
How to Start Expressing Your Inner Warrior and Find The Masculine Within You
Most men in the Western world have been progressively softened and feminized over the past 60 years.
What does that mean for you?
It means that women today find men who can express their masculinity highly desirable. And in fact, masculinity has become the single quality women want most in a man.
And it’s precisely because most men lack The Masculine that women today will put up with a–hole and jerk behavior.
You might see a woman shouting at her boyfriend…
Arguing with him non-stop…
Storming off in a rage…
And still, she stays with him.
The reason she stays with him is because this man has the Warrior within him — a quality she can’t find anywhere else.
Her really nice, virtuous guy friend she complains to and cries to on the phone? He isn’t expressing his inner Warrior.
Because, you see, the Warrior is the energy of single-minded, determined, laser-focused action.
The Warrior has a mission he is on…
A goal he is pursuing…
And he marches toward that goal with aggressive commitment.
The Warrior doesn’t care what people think.
The only thing that concerns the Warrior is his purpose — and he does everything in his power to achieve it.
It’s like the kind of mindset you might have at work. The kind of attitude you may express in some parts of your life…
But is is there with women? And if it isn’t, how can you begin to channel it so every woman you meet instantly recognizes you as a masculine Warrior?
Here’s my 3-step cheat sheet:
1) Be Neutral
When you meet a beautiful woman, it’s natural to want to smile, nod, and agree with everything she says.
Fight this urge with everything inside you.
You may think that you’re gaining her favor by agreeing with her, but she’ll never see your inner Warrior that way.
So instead of automatically agreeing with her, try more neutral statements, such as:
- “Oh, cool”…
- “Hmmm”…
- “Ok”…
On top of this, stop smiling at her. Relax your facial muscles and try and look as neutral as possible.
When you relax and assume a neutral demeanor, you’ll begin to feel the silent strength of your inner Warrior.
It might feel strange at first if you’re so used to being nice to women–and it might even feel a little rude.
But I promise you that she won’t see it that way. To her, you’ll come across as strong, masculine, and very high-value.
Of course, you should smile when she says something amusing and laugh if she makes a good joke…
But otherwise, keep a straight face and channel your inner Warrior.
This leads me to the second technique:
2) Challenge Her
Now you know how to be neutral, it’s time to take it up a notch and actually challenge what she says.
This doesn’t mean that you should start an argument with her for the sake of starting an argument…
But it does mean that you should share your opinion — even when it’s the opposite of hers.
You want to do this calmly and without emotion, because you still want to make her feel comfortable. Not combative.
The key is to be playful with how you “argue.” It shouldn’t feel serious — it should feel like fun.
It may sound crazy…
But given that this woman probably isn’t used to being challenged, the fact that you’re doing it will instantly set you apart as a Warrior man.
When you disagree with her, it demonstrates that your ideas and beliefs are more important than making her like you — and that shows her that you’re a driven, purposeful man.
For example, if she says she’s a cat person, you could respond:
“Cats? Too lazy. Heartless. Dogs are way better.”
You’re not accusing her of being wrong…you’re simply sharing your opinion! And that’s going to keep her interested in you.
Which brings me to the final step you have to take to show her your inner Warrior:
3) Use the “Warrior Touch”
Imagine this…
You’re at a party, and a giggle from across the room grabs your attention — that’s when you see her:
Wavy hair framing a nymph-like face. Tight black dress. A bubbly energy that could lift even the lowest spirits.
She eyes your empty glass and walks over: “Looks like you could use another drink, handsome…how’s your night going?”
You tell a joke…she laughs…time starts to fly…and then the emptying room brings you back to reality. Damn! Need something fast–think boss!
You don’t worry for long though…because you have a secret weapon you’ve been waiting to use until just now:
Your hand meets the small of her back with just the right amount of force…
Her face turns a rosy shade of pink…she bites her lip…it’s working.
You catch a whiff of her shampoo as she leans over and puts her soft hands in yours…
…and then she whispers the words you knew she would…
“Let’s get out of here…”
This “Warrior Touch” is pretty badass. So check it out — you’ll love it:
How to Use the “Warrior Touch” to Get the Woman You Want Right Now…