How To Increase Sex Drive & Your Size “Down There” the Natural Way…
What’s your breakfast of choice?
Is it toast, butter, and coffee?
Maybe a granola bar and a protein shake?
Or maybe you keep it classic with eggs, oatmeal, or cereal?
Maybe you eat nothing at all.
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Well, as it turns out, there’s one breakfast food that’s better than the rest.
And that’s because sexologists have recently discovered that it can not only make your balls bigger–literally–but it can give you more sexual confidence too.
How’s that for a great start to your day? 😉
But I’m getting a little ahead of myself here… let’s start from the beginning.
Here’s everything you need to know about this new sexual superfood, and how it can help you satisfy more hot girls in bed right now:
How A Study About Weight Loss Led to Weight GAIN in Some Very Surprising Areas…
The study originally had nothing to do with sex.
Researchers at MIT wanted to study age-related weight gain, so they fed two groups of mice two different kinds of foods:
One group was fed a junk food diet, and another was fed standard mouse food. Half of each group were also given yogurt.
And at the end of it all, the researchers made a very surprising discovery:
The male mice who had been eating yogurt… well, they didn’t exactly lose weight.
In fact, they had gained weight… in their testicles.
On top of that, the mice who ate yogurt were able to reproduce more offspring!
So does yogurt have the same magical effect on men?
Well, the truth is, there aren’t any studies about that yet–but if it works on mice, then it might work in the human body too.
Even if you aren’t convinced of yogurt’s sexual superpowers yet, there are other reasons you should probably be eating it anyway (sexual and otherwise).
Here’s what I mean:
3 More Surprising Benefits of Eating This Sexual Superfood…
There are a lot of other reasons to eat yogurt, aside from its testicle-growing and virility-boosting properties.
First of all, it can fight cancer.
Studies have found that yogurt can improve your immune response, especially in relation to colorectal cancer.
Second, eating yogurt regularly can also help reduce your blood pressure!
A recent Spanish study found that men who eat low-fat milk and yogurt products have lower rates of high blood pressure.
And since thousands of men have to deal with these and other related heart problems today, that’s just one more reason to add yogurt to your grocery list. (And avoid a trip to the doctor while you’re at it.)
Finally, yogurt contains a lot of other nutrients that can help give you a nice “boost” down there.
This includes protein, magnesium, and probiotics… which makes it a great snack to eat before you “get busy” (and it won’t fill you up either).
But what if you aren’t really that into yogurt?
Is there an alternative food you can eat to give yourself that same kind of bedroom boost?
And even if you do like yogurt… wouldn’t it be nice to know if there are other foods that have similar benefits for men?
Well, we did our research… and here’s what we found:
If Yogurt Can Boost Your Sex Drive & Make Your Balls Bigger…
Then you might be wondering:
Are there other foods that can give you an even more powerful bedroom “boost”?
As you may have already guessed… the answer is yes.
We first heard about these “sexual superfoods” from one of our readers, who was struggling with “limp d**k”…
He tried everything to fix it… and the only thing that worked for him was this strange combination of 5 foods.
These foods allowed him to get rock-hard at the drop of a hat (and they kept him that way)… and they also helped push his sex drive into “raging bull” territory. 🙂
And after looking into these foods a bit more… we were pleased to discover that almost every man who’s tried them has experienced similar results.
The only thing is… these 5 sexual superfoods are NOT as easy to find as yogurt.
And you need to eat them in a specific combination, in order for them to work: