Would You Like Some Sex With Your Morning Coffee? Here’s the Cafe For You

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Sex robots…sounds like something out of a sci-fi flick, right?

Well, what if I told you that sex robots are very, very real…and they’re being used in, of all places…coffee shops?!

Believe it.

One man is trying to make it possible for you to order a side of oral sex with your morning cup o’ joe.

But is it legal? And beyond that, is it moral?

Today, we’re laying out the pros and cons so you can decide for yourself.

A Side of Sex With Your Espresso: The Pros

Getting oral sex from a robot while you sip your espresso might seem like a far-fetched concept…but it’s more of a reality than most men think.

However, just because you can do something doesn’t necessarily mean you should.

It’s a decision you’ll have to make for yourself…but we can help.

Here, we’re breaking down all the pros and cons of visiting one of these so-called “fellatio cafes.”

Beginning with the pros:

1) It’s a Great Way to Start Your Day (Seriously)

According to Debby Herbenick, author of Because It Feels Good, ejaculation is actually a very healthy way to start your morning.



Getting a sexual release out of the way can help relieve stress or tension in other areas of your life. So it could make for an easier, more relaxing work day.

On top of that, a high sex drive can often be very distracting when you’re trying to focus on other things.

By having sex when you want, the way you want, you don’t have to be distracted by your carnal desires.

2) It’s NOT Too Good to Be True

“A cafe with sex robots? SURE.” Many guys aren’t convinced that something like this can actually happen.

But truth be told, it’s all completely legal!

Because robots are being used (instead of actual sex workers), this eliminates concerns that any women’s rights are being violated.

On top of that, a visit to one of these cafes will be way more stimulating than porn…and way less dangerous than hiring an escort.

So you don’t have to do anything “sketchy” or risky — it’s all 100% safe and clean. No diseases to worry about. No mess to clean up afterward.

3) It’s Safe

Like I mentioned above, using a cafe like this will free you up from worrying about any STDs or other diseases.

You are in control the entire time, and you dictate what happens.

This is not the next Westworld, where robots come to life. This is a legit, safe operation.

Despite all of this, a lot of guys still feel “weird” about visiting a cafe for oral sex…

And that’s no coincidence.

A Side of Sex With Your Espresso: The Cons

There are several reasons why visiting this kind of cafe might not be the best idea for you.

Yes, this kind of cafe is new, exciting, and appeals to all sorts of single men…

But it’s not for everybody.

Here are 3 things to consider before you jump on the next plane to Europe to pay this cafe a visit:

1) It’s Impersonal

This is the most glaring issue with having oral sex with a robot: It’s completely impersonal.

Some men are able to ignore this, and focus 100% on the pleasure…

Though a lot of men can’t get past the fact that they’re being pleasured by a large chunk of metal.

And that’s perfectly normal! It’s not natural for humans to have sex with robots.

When you think of receiving oral sex, chances are you picture a woman you saw in porn or an ex-girlfriend. A woman with her own feelings and sexual desires.

The bottom line is that these robots are not conscious, so it’s a truly one-sided experience.

2) It Isn’t Private

Sure, the actual experience of receiving oral sex might be private…but anyone can see you walk into the cafe, and put two and two together.

Receiving oral sex from a robot in a coffee bar is, by its very nature, not very private.

While the cafe plans to have 2 separate, boxed-off areas for the NSFW deeds to go down, most men would still receive their oral stimulation at a bar….

Where there are bound to be people. The bottom line is that it’s going to feel a LOT less private than enjoying sex in your own home.

And imagine if you run into someone you know while you’re there? Yikes.

3) It Could Be The Beginning of a Slippery Slope

Did you know that caffeine is a drug? In fact, a lot of people are addicted to it and don’t even know it!

(If you’ve ever gotten a headache or felt sluggish in the morning because you forgot to have your coffee, you’re actually experiencing caffeine withdrawal.)

Like caffeine, an orgasm can feel like an addictively pleasurable experience as well.

So what?

So, the dangers of putting two highly addictive things in one place are potentially disastrous.

If you’ve ever struggled with self-control…

Or felt powerless in making your own decisions…

Then visiting a cafe like this probably isn’t a good idea.

And that’s because once oral sex from a robot becomes part of your morning routine, you might not feel like you can function without it.

Needing a cup of coffee to get through the morning is one thing…but needing oral sex? That’s something else entirely.

Just as technology has distanced us from people in many ways (like with online dating), this service can make it easier for men to have their sexual needs, without interacting with women.

So is that the future of dating? Are personal, human interactions a thing of the past?

Not exactly — if you know what to do:

How Technology Affects Relationships

Would You Like to Achieve “Ultimate Sexual Mastery”?

We’ve spent years trying to develop a way for guys to achieve the kind of sexual luxury usually reserved for “elite men”…

The kind of lifestyle where you can have any woman you want, whenever you want…

…Where women offer themselves up to you, just because you’re “you”… (almost like you’re a freakin’ celebrity)…

…The kind of lifestyle that every man wants, but most men can’t even dream of…

And well, we’ve finally done it.

But be warned…this kind of lifestyle isn’t for everybody…only the guys who are “committed” will have the power to achieve “Ultimate Sexual Mastery.”

So if you think you’re ready for it…then get a glimpse of what “Ultimate Sexual Mastery” could mean for your future:

Discover How to Achieve the Lifestyle of “Ultimate Sexual Mastery” Most Men Can’t Even Dream Of…

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