How to Get Girls to Message You On Bumble (Online Dating Hacks)
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Discover How to Get Her to Message You First–Do You Know the #1 Profile Hack?
If you’re not familiar with Bumble, it’s a dating app where the girl has to message the guy first.
That means what’s on your profile matters… a lot. However, there are definitely plenty of easy ways to spruce up your profile & get her to message you first!
The key is knowing what to do. 🙂
Hi, I’m Jessica J.! I was a host for Playboy Radio, and last year I was named OkCupid’s most popular female user.
It’s safe to say I know a lot about sex and online dating.
INSIDER SECRETS: 27 “Sex Signs” Girls Give Off When They’re DTF…
So every week, I’ll be answering your most burning questions about sex and online dating.
And this week, I’m answering this:
“How can I get girls to message me on Bumble?”
In this video, I reveal exactly how to get her to message you first, plus:
- The bizarre “thing” your profile picture might be missing…
- A step-by-step method to get her to message you without risking rejection…
- My #1 Easy Profile Hack to start getting more messages FAST…
- Why adding some mystery to your profile can make a huge difference…
- How to separate yourself from every other guy and stand out as her #1 option…
Once She Messages You: 3 Little Letters That Get Things Going Fast…
My guy friend asked me the other day:
“Jess, I can get girls to message me on Bumble… but the conversation always dies out! How can I keep things going so we eventually go on a date?”
Hmmm… I couldn’t think of anything off of the top of my head… so I pulled out my phone and opened my messages on Bumble.
Of the 30 or so guys who I had messaged, I ended up meeting 4 of them in person.
I looked through their profiles… nope, they all had different looks. It wasn’t their pictures.
I read their responses to my message… a-ha! They all used this 3-letter “phrase” in their response to my first message.
What’s crazy is that this “phrase” isn’t anything out of the ordinary… and if my guy friend didn’t ask me that question, I probably never would have noticed it…
Though the numbers didn’t lie. Only 4 guys had used those letters with me… the 4 guys I decided to go out with.
(Full disclosure: I only slept with two of them!!)
If you wanna know what those letters are… then check this out:
3 Little Letters That Get Things Going Once She Messages You…