3 Conversation Starters for Men Who Hate Starting Conversations


Discover the Answer To: What’s the Best Way to Start a Conversation With a Woman?

When it comes to meeting, dating, and eventually taking home a new woman…

It all begins with the approach and introduction.

In my experience, if I were to wait for an attractive woman to approach me and ask for my number, I would be one lonely, sexually frustrated cowboy.

I have yet to meet the woman who has said to me outright:

“You are hot.  Here is my phone number.  What’s yours?  I’m going to text you tomorrow morning and see if you are available to have sex with me tomorrow night.”

So what? So, that means that it’s up to me — and you — to get the ball rolling when it comes to meeting and approaching new woman. And I’ve got a really easy way to do it.

The #1 Reason You Shouldn’t Be Afraid of Approaching a New Woman

While there have been a few confident ladies who have initiated conversation with me over the years, it’s a well-known fact that most women wait for men to make the first move.

Sure, a woman might make eye contact, smile, and show you that she’s approachable — but over time, I’ve realized that it’s up to you to put the wheels in motion and take charge.

But let’s face it:

It’s not easy to approach an attractive woman who you’ve never met before — whether you’re in a bar, a bookstore, a coffee shop, wherever — and start a conversation.

I get that. It just doesn’t feel natural. And often, it’s almost painful.

Dealing with rejection or humiliation is super difficult.

But I want to tell you something: You don’t have to be afraid of approaching a new woman.


Because there are a few no-risk ways for you to do it.

Armed with the right conversation starters, you can effortlessly approach the woman you want, and you can do it without “showing your cards,” so to speak.

So with that in mind, I’m going to share my 3 best strategies to start a conversation with a woman you’re interested in.

Beginning with number one:

What’s the Best Way to Start a Conversation With a Woman?

1) The One-Word Conversation Starter

Before you approach a woman, there’s one rule you should keep in mind — it works to tame your nerves and remind you of the big picture:

Remember, her panties aren’t coming off until you can at least say “Hello.”

So the one-word conversation starter? It’s simple: “Hello.”

That’s it. Keep it simple.

She’ll probably respond with a “Hi” or a “Hey.” And there you have the beginnings of a potentially great conversation!

2) The Conversation Accelerator

This one isn’t so different from the conversation starter I just showed you — but it could help things progress faster.

What is it?

“Hey, how are you?”

By saying this, you get the greeting out of the way, and you throw in a question. This increases your chances of getting a response.

But what should you do when you get a response?

If you get a “fine”, or “great” response (whether or not you get asked how your day/night is going in return), then you can simply say this:

“That’s great/sorry to hear, anything planned for the rest of the day/night?”

You can use this conversation starter everywhere, anywhere and in most any circumstance, any time.

Quite often, the conversation flows from there. And you might be surprised by how often the woman you approached is ready to not only participate in a conversation… but ready to move the dialogue along herself.

3) The “No Agenda” Conversation Starter

That being said, now that you know the “secret” of starting a conversation with anybody, any woman, any time…

If your approach anxiety issues are holding you back, and you are not ready to begin approaching a woman with the idea of asking for her number…

Then a great practice is simply to say hello to 10 random people every day:

  • On your way to work…
  • During a lunch break…
  • Out on a walk…

Wherever, and with no agenda.

Simply say hello to 10 strangers…”Hi, How are you?” Say it 10 men, 10 women, 10 old ladies, whomever.

It doesn’t matter.  Simply get in the habit of starting a conversation.

You don’t even need to move the conversation along.

At first, “Have a great day” is fine, and you might be surprised by some of the interesting conversations you have with people — especially when you let go of any expectations.

In fact, it’s liberating. You are putting good vibes out there with absolutely no agenda.

Smile and put some cheer in a stranger’s day.  You might be surprised how it puts you in a great frame of mind as well.

2 Keys to Improving Your Conversations With Every Woman You Meet

When you start putting these ideas into practice, what will happen is that greeting strangers with enthusiasm and sincerity will become so automatic to you, that the natural progression will be to do the same, “Hello, how are you?” with women you are attracted to as well.

Personally, I make it a point to say 10 “Hellos” every day.

Quite often, the “Hello” turns into a meaningful conversation.

And guess what? Some “Hellos” and conversations just happen to be with outrageously attractive women.

At the end of the day, here is the hard, unvarnished truth:

I regularly speak to experienced and successful dating coaches and men who have had fantastic dating and seduction histories.

Even they will occasionally admit to bouts of approach anxiety.

What do they do…?

They practice and get themselves back on track by saying their “Hellos.”

And when they meet a beautiful, attractive woman that they’re interested in, they know exactly what to do to escalate the situation.

Here’s how:

What’s the Best Way to Start a Conversation With a Woman?

The “Secret Weapon” That Turns Her On While You’re Talking To Her…

Did you know that women are up to 10x more sensitive to touch than you or I are?

It’s true — while a simple “poke” isn’t gonna make you feel much…

For a woman, the right kind of touch triggers her brain’s pleasure center… and releases a cascading waterfall of libido-boosting hormones… all within minutes.

This kind of touch is so powerful… so potent… so damn compelling… that my mentors jokingly call it the “Secret Weapon.”

Though I really shouldn’t joke about it… because a couple minutes after using it, her eyes will light up… she might start “accidentally” touching you… and often, it’ll seem like she’s super turned-on.

And then sure enough, she’ll put her hands on your shoulders, and whisper in your ear, “Let’s take this back to my place…”

Hell yeah. Here’s how to use it:

Discover the “Secret Weapon” That Turns Her On While You’re Talking to Her (Even if You’re in Public!)…

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