Even If She “Hates Your Guts,” Has Rejected You, or Otherwise Seems Like an Ice Queen…
Hey, it’s Craig. Magic’s video above has some simple tips and tricks you can start using right away, as soon as tonight, on practically any girl.
I say “practically any girl” because sometimes certain girls require a little more finesse…
For example, a while back I wanted to date this one girl I had in mind (let’s call her “Allison”).
Allison was super hot and had flirted with me a few times. But when I went to ask her out…
…she made this weird face and said, “Ew…no.”
She told me how I wasn’t tall enough…
…I didn’t make enough money for her…
…and she even told me weird things like “You don’t like musical theater” and “You don’t even read The Economist“…(WTF?)
I still really wanted her though (like I said, she was smokin’ hot lol)… so I went to Magic for some help. And he told me something pretty shocking:
Many women have “rules” they make up in their minds that they use to figure out which guys they’ll sleep with or date…
And many times, these rules are really silly, or even outright ridiculous.
After Magic told me about these crazy “rules” girls have… he leaned in and whispered to me…about how he had learned a top-secret “Hot Girl Reprogramming” trick from a really unusual source...
I thought it was genius! I listened carefully to Magic and used it exactly as he showed it to me the next time I saw Allison…
…and by the end of the night, she was putting her clothes back on, saying, “I can’t believe this–I never do this sort of thing and hookup with a guy so quickly…but I’m so glad I did!”
This secret is so powerful that I asked Magic to have one of his students create a short, free presentation about how this “Reprogramming Trick” can subtly and quickly change a woman’s mind about who she’ll sleep with (or date)…
…so that you can use it to get the one girl you REALLY like or just have some casual fun.
All you have to do is click the button below to see more–you’ll love it:
P.S. – Before I talked to Magic, It would’ve NEVER dawned on me to do this to sleep with a hot girl… (pretty counterintuitive)… but try it next time you’re out and let me know if it works for you as well as it did for me!