This “Social Intelligence Secret” Can Get You Girls Who Are Out Of Your League

What Attracts Women To Men? The Truth Might Surprise You…

Click Here Now to Discover 7 Secret “Sex Signs” Hot Girls Give Off When They Want You BAD…

Have you ever seen a really attractive woman on the arm of a pretty “average” guy?

Most guys assume she’s with him for the money…

Or because he has connections…

And to be honest, I used to think this too.

However, I later realized that this isn’t always the case.

And in reality, as an “average” guy, it’s a lot easier to attract super attractive women than you might think.

THE LATEST: 27 Signs She Wants You to Take Her Home Right Now (Controversial Video)…

So with the help of my mentor David, today we’re going to show you how to easily attract women who you may believe are “out of your league.”

But before I show you my secrets & techniques, I want to introduce myself.

Hi, I’m Craig Miller, Gotham Club’s founder.

As part of the Gotham Club Style Guide, my style mentor David Aames (whose work has been featured in Vogue) and I are giving you key style advice you need to get better with women fast.

And in this week’s video, we’re answering this:

“How can you dress to attract exceptionally attractive women?”

Catch The Full Video Transcript Below…

Hey it’s David Aames here.

In general, you want to dress in a way that makes a positive impression–in a way that makes you seem like a happy and confident person.

Because if a woman is conscious of fashion, or is looking for a man with social intelligence, fashion is a very obvious sign of social intelligence.

I think a lot of times, the way men dress hides their best qualities.

They say, “I don’t care about clothes…”

Or, “fashion isn’t important to me…”

And people–not just women either–miss out on a man’s personality or his potential because they dismiss him because of his clothes.

TRENDING: Can You Spot the Hidden Signs a Hot Girl Wants You to Approach Her (Most Men Totally Miss These!)

The Truth About First Impressions and “Social Intelligence”…

You know, nobody’s perfect.

We all make judgments about people based on the way they’re dressed, whether or not we know it.

If you don’t believe me, then just walk down the street in any city.

Notice somebody, and ask yourself:

“What is their life like?”

You’ll realize that your answer is based on the way that they’re dressed.

For example…

How do I feel about necklaces–specifically, men wearing necklaces?

Most of the time, I think it’s awesome.

But that depends on the necklace, it depends on the man, and it depends on how the two go together.

The best place to buy a necklace?

I like to go to ethnic shops, because you’ll find something that’s unique, beautiful, and usually hand-crafted. You’ll also see a wide variety of things–not too expensive.

How To Stand Out & Attract Supermodel-Hot Women…

I’m a huge fan of wearing all kinds of accessories. And I think that the more accessories you have, when you are a master of styling, the more you really, really stand out.

I have come to the Plaza Hotel–I’ve been right there at that bar wearing all white with a bunch of long necklaces. And I looked like some kind of brilliant genius artist.

This s**t works.

But of course, it depends on the person, and it depends on how comfortable you are with it.

And it really depends on the accessory, because the accessory will re-contextualize your entire outfit.

I think that a man should always be evolving and re-evaluating his sense of self.

It should be a constant, non-stop evolution.

And personally, the more I’ve seen my clients discover fashion, the more they’ve become passionate about evolving their style.

Here’s A Real-Life Example of What This Looks Like In Action…

I knew a guy once who hadn’t dated for 20 years.

Then he got divorced. He wasn’t conventionally attractive.

He was shorter than I am, and I’m practically Peter Dinklage’s height.

And so this guy goes from dressing in all black and white… to color blocking.

Before I know it, he’s wearing yellow pants with a red shirt and a whole bunch of accessories.

And I’m just like, “I didn’t pick that out for you.”

He said, “Yeah, I was just having fun.”

So for that guy, he makes a daily evolution of his fashion. And that allows him to make a daily evolution of himself as a person.

Above all, do what you’re comfortable with. (As long as it doesn’t hurt other people of course.)

That’s what’s going to get you noticed by a lot more women–especially really attractive girls.

what attracts women to men

You’re About To Get A LOT Of Attention… Here’s How To Take Advantage Of It

Dressing better is going to get you noticed by a lot more women everywhere you go…

Not only does dressing better make you look more physically attractive, but it also lets women know you’re socially intelligent.

(Which is a HUGE turn-on for must women.)

But you want to know a simple way to boost your social intelligence even more?

Learn how to read a woman’s body language…

Because women’s brains are wired differently than men’s are, they take rejection a lot more harshly than men do…

… so they almost NEVER make the first move.

Instead they drop these subtle non-verbal hints that are supposed to tell you when they want you to make a move…

Whether it’s going up and talking to her… asking for her phone number… going in for the kiss… or even taking her by the hand and leading her to your bedroom to get in on.

But there’s a problem…

Men’s brains aren’t wired to pick up on these signals.

So most of the time these subtle little hints go right over most men’s heads… BUT when you know what they are, they’re pretty easy to spot.

Here’s the best part…

When you pick up on these signals, women will become more attracted to you, because like I said, social intelligence is a HUGE turn-on for most women:

Click here to discover the 7 most common signs that a woman is into you.

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