This Makes Younger Women Want to Date You… (And It Isn’t ANY of the Reasons You Think…)
When most people think of a younger woman dating an older man, they immediately think: she’s gotta be crazy hot, he must be insanely rich…
Think Anna Nicole Smith and her crypt keeper husband… 🙂
But that’s not really the case. (Although, it doesn’t hurt if she’s super hot, haha…)
Many younger women prefer dating older men.
NEW: 27 Signs She’s DTF And Wants to Sleep With You…
Not because you have a fat bank account, or a hot car…
But because you have experience, which is something young women respect and want to learn from.
You have longevity, which is a biologically desirable trait.
And most of all, you have one thing that all women want, and is the cornerstone of all successful relationships…
In this video, I’ll talk about why it’s not shallow to want to date younger women and let you know what it is you have that all younger women want (Hint: it starts with the letter “C,” and it’s not what you think…):
Catch The Full Video Transcript Below…
“Do you like to date younger women?”
This is one of the questions younger women will often ask you…
If you are someone who’s 35-40-50, and you’re dating someone who was 10-15 years younger than you, one of the questions women often ask you is, “Do you like to date younger women?”
What they’re trying to do is see if you’re a shallow person who just wants younger women, and you’re not looking for a quality relationship.
How you answer this question makes a huge difference on how she will feel about you and where your interaction is going to go from there…
It’s All About Compatibility…
So whenever someone asks me this question I first tell them, the reason I date younger women is two-fold.
One: I find that younger women are way more active, they want to try new things, they want to explore more, they want to travel more. They want to participate in many more things.
And this forces me to have an active lifestyle.
I’m not saying that older women are not active or do not have fun. But with age comes more responsibility. Oftentimes, women my age, they’re already married.
Or if they’re not married, they have a kid, or they’re at a stage of their life where they’re working all the time.
And they don’t have time to do these things.
Plus, this is already behind them. They’ve already done all the adventures in life. They’ve traveled. They have already experienced nightlife enough that they don’t care about going to loud places and they’re done jet skiing.
It’s because of this that I often find older women to be a big mismatch, for me.
The reason I date younger women is because I enjoy an active lifestyle. And with them, I get to do it. It’s a good match…
You’re Only as Old as the Woman You Feel
The second part is, there are times I feel like an old man.
There are times, days, weeks, months, I just don’t feel like leaving my apartment at all. I just want to sit and watch TV and lay low and do nothing.
Now if you’re dating someone who’s like you, then you’re both sitting there and becoming couch potatoes. But if you’re with someone who’s younger, who’s more energetic and who wants to do more things, they then drag you out of the apartment.
And once you’re out, you’re like oh, I’m so glad I left my apartment.
So that’s the second part… When I’m lazy, when I’m feeling like I don’t want to do something, the younger woman with their energy and their desire to do new things, will drag me out.
So that’s really the reason I like to date younger women…
This is the Answer Women WANT to Hear…
When you tell women this, it reveals that you’re someone who knows what they want in life, and you’re not just going after a young body.
You’re actually going for compatibility and a young lifestyle.
And that answer is very acceptable to people, and enticing for young women.
So next time, you’re with a woman who is younger than you, and she asks you, why do you date younger women or do you like younger women?
This is how you should respond, and you will always pass with flying colors…
Now, she definitely won’t be offended. But she still might say she doesn’t date older guys…
Here’s What to Do If She Says She “Doesn’t Date Older Guys”…
A lot of younger women say they “don’t date older guys.”
But in reality, that’s just them trying to look good around their friends. I can’t count the number of times a hot younger woman has said that to me…
But then I pull out the big guns, and use my ‘Negative Body Language’ flip the script move…
And 9 times out of 10, she slips me her number.
It’s a really subtle trick about how you stand… your posture… and where you touch her…
Immediately, it wipes out any existing “rules” she has for who she’ll sleep with (and who she won’t).