The Choice That YOU Have to Make

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Photo Courtesy Elias Malaquias (CC BY 2.0)

How to Get More Dates With Some Effort

Why do some men go out on multiple dates a week, while others only go out on dates a few times a year?

Is it their good looks that get them dates? Is it their money and a fancy car? Or is it that these guys are just natural lady killers?

I have some good news and some bad news for you.

The good news is…


When it comes to getting tons of dates with beautiful women your looks, money, etc. rarely matter. In my many years as a dating coach, I’ve met many men along the way who are getting laid like rock-stars.

Let me tell you right now: none of them were particularly handsome, rich or “natural” with women.

I would go so far as to say that they were of average looks (at best), with far from successful careers, and with little or no natural ability to attract women.

So, what is it that they have going on for them that allows them to sleep with 50 to 100 new women a year?

We’ll explore this in just a minute. Hang in there!

What Separates The “Naturals” From Every Other Guy?

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Photo Courtesy Jon Fife (CC BY 2.0)

Now for the bad news:

The bad news is…they are all ultra-proactive with regard to their dating life!

You may be saying to yourself, “why is that bad news?”

It’s bad news because in my experience 99% of men are anything but ultra-proactive in regards to their dating and personal lives!

There is an enormous difference between being proactive and ultra-proactive. And chances are you may be just proactive at best.

“Proactive” is a very subjective word. When it comes to dating, proactive can mean having a single dating online profile that you check once a week hoping some woman emailed you.

Proactive could also mean that you’re using Tinder as a primary means to try to get more dates.

Proactive may also mean that you read blogs and study dating advice, but never implement what you’re learning.

But being “ultra-proactive” has a completely different meaning behind it. Just by using the word “ultra,” you get a sense that these men are doing everything at their disposal to meet and attract women.

When I say “everything,” I mean everything. All of their eggs are never in any one particular basket. They are constantly doing many things at once to maximize their overall success.

How to Get More Proactive In Your Dating Life

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Photo Courtesy Deveion Acker (CC BY 2.0)

Allow me to use myself as an example of being ultra-proactive when it comes to getting women. I can assure you that I am just like the many other men I’ve met who have an abundance of women in their lives.

The way I see it is there are just a few ways to meet women and a few things you can do to maximize your attractiveness level to improve your odds.

You can do some online dating, cold-approach (which is where you walk up to a random woman you’ve never met before and talk to her), and social circle (this is where you are introduced or meet women through friends or events that you are a part of).

Then there’s improving your fashion/your look, and studying and implementing the dating advice you’ve been reading or watching. I may have left something out but you get the idea.

I am constantly working on everything I just listed above. Even though I would consider myself successful when it comes to dating, I’m still always working on myself and making sure that I am meeting women through multiple streams to get more dates.

As of now, I have 3 online profiles that I’m always making changes to. I’m always testing new pictures, new emails to send women and tweaking what I have written in my profiles to see if women respond better. Just from this alone I can average anywhere from 3 to 5 dates a week.

On any given week, if I don’t have multiple women I enjoy sleeping with, I will do a minimum of 20 cold approaches. Back when my cold approach game wasn’t good or at the level I am now that number would be closer to 100. Yes, about 100 cold approaches a week!

For the past 5 years, I’ve read about 1 new self-help book a month. I tried to read 1 new book a week and found that it was impossible to learn, remember and implement any and all of the advice in them. I am constantly working on myself, my identity, my confidence, self-worth, etc., which only leads to a more attractive personality that women respond very favorable towards.

As far as my sense of style or fashion goes, I’ve found a great look that has women checking me out constantly. But am I happy? Nope. Even with a great look that women love I’m still always trying out little things and making tiny changes. The devil is in the details.

Just “Proactive” Isn’t Good Enough

So, as you can see, am I being proactive or ultra-proactive?

They key to your success is being ultra-proactive not just passively proactive. The harder you work the more success you will have. You can’t deny that! You will get back exactly what you put in. Do a little work and you get little results.

Your future is in your hands! Only you can make or break your dating life. If you want more women and more dates, you’re going to have to do more work. There is no way around it.

I wish there was. God only knows that I have put in thousands of hours into making my dating life as abundant as possible, and trust me, if I can do it you definitely can!

The rewards of hard work are well worth the effort. Never in a million years could I have imagined the lifestyle I would one day be living before I started working on myself and my dating skills. It is possible to get more dates. You just have to be willing to put in the work.

Right now, you have a choice to make. That choice you make can and will affect the rest of your life. What choice will you make today after reading this?  Proactive? Or ultra proactive?

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