The Sexy & Savvy Alexis Fawx Reveals 5 Nutrients for a Truly Powerful Bedroom Boost…
Click Here to Discover the “Sex Snack” for MAXIMUM Hardness During Sex…
Have you ever wondered if pornstars have some kind of secret “trick” they use before shoots?
Something that gives them that nice extra boost, that makes everything look (and feel) so good on camera…?
It’s something I’ve been asked over and over again–and today, I want to give you some answers.
But first, let me introduce myself!
Hi, I’m Alexis Fawx. 🙂
You may know me from some of my videos & movies like The Preacher’s Daughter, or more recently, Lesbian Massage 3… I’m an adult actress, and I’ve been in the industry since 2010.
As someone who’s on camera a lot, I know how important it is to take care of your body–not just physically, but mentally too!
I love to exercise both my brain and my body. And when it comes to the foods & nutrients you can eat for better sex, I have quite a few “industry secrets” to share with you today.
I’m going to show you the 5 best nutrients you can eat for better sex, and why they work so well.
These are nutrients that male pornstars use to last longer and stay harder during sex–and I’ll also share some foods you can feed a woman to turn her on as well.
Plus here’s a quick tip: animal products, like red meat and dairy make you feel full and drowsy, so save the steak dinner for AFTER sex… 🙂
(Sort of like the juicy cherry on top of a sexy sundae. Yum!)
Anyway, enough food references for now… let’s dive in with nutrient #1!
1) If you want a faster recovery time…
A lot of guys in the industry have to do multiple shoots in one day–and that can be pretty exhausting!
So to help relax their nervous systems, and get them ready for the next load… they often take magnesium.
However, it’s important to clarify that I’m talking about magnesium citrate, not magnesium oxide. (Magnesium oxide is not absorbed very well by your body, unlike magnesium citrate.)
Here’s why magnesium is so important:
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It’s naturally occurring in your body–however, it can be difficult to tell if you have a deficiency, or don’t have as much as you need.
So by adding magnesium citrate as a supplement to your diet, you’re basically guaranteeing that you’re getting enough to give yourself that little extra bedroom boost. 😉

2) If you want bigger, thicker loads…
Oh. My. God. I can’t even begin to tell you how much it turns me on when a guy lets out a huge, thick load on set.
It’s WAY better than a few clear drops that barely dribble out, that’s for sure!
And in order to get the thickest, whitest loads possible, a lot of guys in the industry take zinc supplements.
Why zinc?
Well, study after study has found that zinc can increase sperm volume, sperm motility (how fast and efficiently they move), and the percentage of healthy sperm in your semen.
Zinc is also a powerful antioxidant, and it’s a trace mineral that men need to develop strong sperm.
So it’s not some crazy chemical that’s going to mess with you or anything–it’s something your body needs. And by adding a zinc supplement to your regimen, you’ll be putting yourself that much more ahead of your competition.
(Plus, as an added bonus, you’ll get to watch the look of delighted surprise of every woman you sleep with when she sees *just* how big your loads are. Hell yeah!)

3) If you want to get a girl “in the mood”…
Just like there are nutrients out there that help you be the best you can be in the bed… there are nutrients out there for the women you sleep with too!
And some of the best nutrients that help a woman get in the mood can be found in almonds, avocados, and celery.
Avocados not only contain a lot of healthy fats which can give you and the woman you’re with tons of energy–but they also contain B6, which can boost her energy and sex drive too.
Almonds have a lot of omega-3 fatty acids, which are important for blood flow. And this includes blood flow to her more *sensitive* areas.
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Finally, eating celery has been found to put off pheromones, which have been linked to sexual attraction or natural “sexual chemistry.”
So if you want to get her in the mood, try putting together a snack of celery sticks and almonds with some guacamole–for three times the pleasure. 😉
(Note: If you’re not into celery or avocados, here’s another pre-sex snack you can make for maximum pleasure in bed…)

4) If you want to go multiple rounds in a night…
Let’s talk about what it’s REALLY like to be a guy in the porn industry for a sec.
During an average workday, you might have to get hard anywhere from 2-10 times–and very often, you’ll have to get hard and NOT have sex.
As you probably imagine, this puts a lot of stress on the body. Both physically and mentally, it’s a very demanding lifestyle.
So one thing that these guys do to make sure they can get hard as fast as possible, as many times as they need to? Eat fruit!
Fruit sugars are a great source of energy because of how they’re digested.
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When you eat a cookie, your body digests the sugar a lot differently from when you eat a banana–a banana is going to allow your body to use that sugar for energy all day, as opposed to a cookie, which only gives you a quick burst of energy.
On top of that, most fruit has a high water content, which helps keep these guys hydrated. And hydration is VERY important for good, long-lasting sex!
Of course, other than adding these nutrients to your body, it’s very important to get enough sleep and stay physically active. Both inside and outside the bedroom. 😉
Which brings me to the final nutrient you can use for better sex right away…
5) If you want more stamina, hardness & all-around lasting power…
The final nutrient on this list is by far my favorite. 😉
Because every time I do a shoot with a guy who eats this… he almost never has to stop in the middle for a “break”…
… and because he can stay SO hard, for SO long… we both usually have multiple real orgasms on-camera too.
In the industry, we call it the “Sex Snack”… which I know isn’t very scientific lol… but basically, it’s this combination of 5 powerful bloodflow-boosting foods.
I first heard about it from one of my co-stars, Dave…
… even though Dave’s 71 years old, he can still stay hard for HOURS on set… and he swears by the “Sex Snack” to this day.
(Maybe that explains how he became the World’s Oldest Pornstar…?)
Here’s a short video that will give you the recipe–I hope you like it as much as I do ;-):
Discover The “Sex Snack” for More Stamina, Hardness & All-Around Lasting Power [RECIPE]…
[Note: This post was updated by Gotham Club on October 25, 2020.]