Discover What To Do When She’s Been Bad So You Can Still Sleep With Her In The End (Easier Than You Think!)…
You may have heard some variation on the expression, “A little information can be a dangerous thing.”
Well whether or not you have, there is a danger that comes shortly after you start to use the tips I give you.
I’ve seen it over and over and it’s even happened to me on occasion.
First, you will lose good women when this happens and I don’t want that after you’ve come all this way.
Second, if I prepare you for it, there’s a chance when it comes you will smile and take a breath and feel even more sure and more capable.
Let’s face it though:
The truth is, even though I’m preparing you, you will still fall prey to this and probably throw away at least one woman you should have smiled and held on to.
What’s the danger I’m talking about?
Here it is.
Why Most Men End Up Sabotaging Themselves When They Start to See Success With Women…
These methods, the little hints I give you, are extremely effective.
It may be hard to believe now, as you’re thinking that your problem is money or lack of experience or looks or personality…
But these tips will suddenly change the effect you have on women.
THE LATEST: This Simple Card Game Makes Any Woman Fall Deeply in Love With You (Click Here to Get It For FREE)!
When they do, there’s an unbelievably good chance that instead of basking in the glory and filling your hands with flesh… you will get pissed off.
You don’t believe me now.
You think:
“No, David. I’m going to be grateful and grab a** with both hands!” But it will probably happen anyway.
“It can’t be this simple. That can’t be the whole explanation,” you’ll think.
And you’ll be right.
It’s not that simple.
But the difference for you will be so great that you’ll feel like you’ve walked through a door with “Girls don’t like me” on one side, and “Girls hit on me” on the other side.
Instead of saying, “Woohoo! This s*it works!!” and continuing to develop your personality and deepen your relationship… you’ll be pissed off at the exact same girl you wanted desperately last week.
At One Point Or Another, She’s Going to Piss You Off (Here’s What NOT To Do)…
“Wait a minute,” you’ll think about her, “this whole time, all I had to do was sprinkle the tiniest fleck of a**hole into our relationship and you’d start calling me back?!”
“Hold on,” you’ll say to yourself… “All the time I’ve basically told you in a thousand ways that we should be more than friends. But as soon as I stop and suggest you put up with this new jerk you’re dating so I don’t have to listen to you whine about loneliness, you want to make me dinner?”
“David,” you’re saying… “if she would call me back… if she would make me dinner (!) I would NOT get pissed off! I would tell all my friends about your genius, send you a hundred new clients and get busy building a beautiful life for me and my beloved!”
No, you won’t.
Well, maybe you’ll start to.
Maybe you’ll try. But, if the storm doesn’t come on its own with no prompting, trust me when I tell you that SHE will do the prompting that will get you pissed off.
“Why are you so mean? You’re always so mean to me!” she’ll whine, punching your arm.
Rather than realize immediately, “Wow! David is a genius! She’s touching me! She’s treating me EXACTLY the way she treats that jerk that she says she can’t stand! It’s begun!”…
You will do one of three things:
1) Retract, Rescind & Revert:
When she pisses you off, you might back away from confrontation:
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be mean! You’re beautiful. You KNOW I think you’re amazing.”
2) Cower, Crack & Confess:
Or maybe you’ll go on the defensive:
“What? I’m just trying something new. This guy said that I need to stop being so nice, and see–you’re acting like you do with your boyfriend Helmet.”
WARNING: This “Magic Potion” That Gets Girls to Chase You Is Almost Sold Out (Click Here to Get It)…
3) Attack, Accuse & Avoid:
Or maybe you’ll fall prey to a self-fulfilling prophecy:
“See! Ha! You b*tches! I’m always nice to you, and you walk all over me. You only respond to mean! You are NOT a friend! You are SO full of it….” And so on.
Unfortunately, it is her instinct to test your resolve. Believe me, she feels better when she knows you have a backbone.
So What Should You Do Instead?
If, as it happens, you are attempting to change the way your best-friend-who’s-a-girl sees you, I’m even MORE certain that you’ll get pissed off one millisecond after you get the hint that it’s working.
How do I know?
I know because if you are trying to talk to other women, your best friend will start to notice the “smell of women” on you.
She’ll notice that girls come up to you when you’re out together. You will, hopefully, seem less desperate around her, less eager to please and less willing to sacrifice your time or happiness for any chance of interacting with a woman.
As she realizes you are becoming a man of value, she will flirt with you or do something to make you show interest. (I say “make you” because most men don’t have the socio-psychological skills to resist her.)
Once you show enough interest where she knows you’re invested, she will test to see if you’re really growing balls or if she’s mistaken.
That test will look like ingratitude or sudden anger about nothing or hypocrisy and basically will piss you off.
As she starts to flirt, instead of showing interest, please take my advice and use this approach:
1) Find some other women.
Any other women.
Never confuse yourself into thinking that the only (or even best) romantic option you have is also your closest female friend. When things go badly, who will you talk to?
She should be LAST on your list.
SHY OR INTROVERTED? Click Here to See Why Talking Less & Doing More of THIS Gets Her In Bed With You…
2) Stop.
You don’t need to use ANY methods on her–IF you are simultaneously talking to other women.
She had total access to you for a long time. If she says, “Let’s…” do you often say “No?” Probably not.
She will immediately begin feeling the pull away if you are talking to other women simply because you will be less accessible.
3) Save her till the end.
Treat your best friend as a source of research.
If she begins to behave differently, make a note of it and notice what you’ve done differently and what she’s doing differently–possibly in response.
Don’t go further unless she makes a physical move on you–after which, all bets are off. Have at it, tiger!
But of course… if you DO still want to turn things sexual, without waiting for her to make a move…
There is a way, and here it is:
How To Turn the Tables & Get Her in a Sexual Mood…
Like I said, when a girl you like pisses you off, 99% of time she’s doing it to get a reaction.
She’s trying to get a rise out of you…
Or she’s seeing how angry she can get you…
Which is why I recommend NOT blowing up on her… and keeping your cool instead.
Because women follow the most dominant emotion they’re feeling at any given time… when you keep your cool, she’ll naturally calm down too…
… and at that point, it’s going to be VERY easy for you to turn things sexual.
All you have to do is stay calm, and casually touch her in a few “innocent” spots.
These spots are nowhere near her breasts or butt, so she won’t think you’re coming onto her… yet because a woman’s skin is up to 10x more sensitive than yours or mine…
… these touches will make her feel tingles *down there*… they will turn her on… and they can quickly take her from trying to piss you off…
… to trying to GET you off. 😉