How To Sleep With Her Fast, Even If You Have to Slow Down a Little First…
I’ve talked about this before, and I’ll probably talk about it again… because it’s something that all of us are going to deal with at one point or another:
Last-minute resistance.
It’s when you’ve got a girl back at your place, and she’s given you every indication that she’s DTF… and yet, right when you’re about to get her clothes off, she goes cold. Game over.
Some guys think it’s a test…
Other guys think girls just enjoy acting like teases…
And while both of these may be partially true sometimes… the reality is a lot simpler than that.
So today I’m going to show you why a girl will send you these kinds of mixed signals, and how to seal the deal in any situation.
Hi, I’m Glenn Pearce, and as part of my new series, Ask Glenn, I’m answering your most difficult, burning questions related to sex and dating.
And today, I want to show you the truth about sealing the deal when a girl says “let’s slow down”–why so many guys have trouble with it, and how to easily pull it off.
INSIDER SECRETS: This Subtle 3-Touch Sequence Gets Her to Rip Your Clothes & Ride You Like a Drunk Girl on a Mechanical Bull…
Because honestly, if you follow the right steps…
… then it’s a LOT easier than you may realize.
So let’s get started!
Catch The Full Video Transcript Below…
Hey. It’s Glenn Pearce, and we’re back again for Ask Glenn Anything Questions, and I’m really happy about all the guys who wrote in.
There are so many wonderful questions, so let’s get right into it.
SHY OR INTROVERTED? Click Here to See Why Talking Less & Doing More of THIS Gets Her In Bed With You…
Okay, Thaddeus is writing in, and Thaddeus says:
Hey, Glenn, I just discovered Gotham Club, and it’s good, really helping me get better get better with a lot more women quickly than I ever would’ve on my own, and your stuff is especially top-notch.”
I’ve been your using your tips and tricks to get more women and I even I got to go over to a girl’s place. We were on the couch, making out. Great, right? Wrong. Every time I made a move to get her shift off, to, to get her shirt off to her pants, to unclasp her bra, she stopped me, and she said, ‘We’re moving too fast.’ Yes, the dreaded ‘last-minute resistance.’
I would always stop for a while, but eventually went back to trying again. She was resolute as freakin’ Patton. I ended up sleeping over, but just to cuddle and, in the morning, she said she had a good time, but she hasn’t answered my texts. I realize this girl may be a lost cause, but, in the future, can I get past these ‘last-minute resistance’ barriers girls always seem to have up with me? You rock, man.”
How To Seal The Deal Without Scaring Her Away…
Let’s address the latter part of that question.
You say that girls always seem to have this resistance to you.
When guys tell me that girls are always resistant to them, I would need to know a lot more about you to really address that.
I mean, “always” means always, and I don’t like the word “always.”
There could be a million different things going on with you that I can’t really address here. Okay?
BRAND-NEW: 7 Hot-As-Hell Sexts That Get Her to Come Over & Strip Down Naked For You…
What I do want to say is you did something very right, something very positive, and what you did is you kept trying to get in her pants.
I think sometimes we call this “rinse and repeat.” It’s when a girl says, “No.” You say, “All right, cool,” then you try again.
Another thing that I do is, when girls say things like, “We’re moving too fast,” when I’m trying to put my hand down her pants or something like that, I’ll look at her in the eyes.
And I’ll say, “You’re right, we’re moving way too fast. We should probably slow down,” and then just keep going forward, so I agree with whatever she says.
I’ll get girls saying like, “Was that the only reason why you brought me back here?”
I’ll be like, “Well, is that the only reason why you came back here?” Or she’s like, “This is getting like way too sexual. Like I’m getting way too turned on.”
I’ll be like, “Yeah, you’re right, I’m getting way turned on, too. We should probably stop and take a breather,” and then, five minutes later, go at it again.
What If She Slept Over But You Didn’t Have Sex
Yeah, the girl you have in mind, she is probably a lost cause.
I mean, if she spent the night, you didn’t f*ck her, she’s not texting you back.
I don’t have enough information to really tell you why she’s not, but what I can tell you is, if you did f*ck her, chances are she’d return your text.
I mean, let’s just face it.
Girls usually text the guys they sleep with. But I really don’t have enough information, so what I would say is write in or get in touch with me personally, and maybe we could do some coaching and I could figure out what the real problem is because you did say, “always.”
If you’re trying to get down a girl’s pants and you’re making out and you’re escalating, but you’re always getting this resistance and always not getting girls texting you back…
Then, clearly, there’s a big problem.
But another piece of advice that I can give you, is that you have to create strong sexual desire and tension in the girl.
TRENDING: This “Formula” Takes You From First Date to Sex in < 30 Minutes (Click Here to Get It)…
The #1 Reason I Never Get Last-Minute Resistance Anymore…
When I bring a girl home, she’s already decided she’s going to f*ck me.
I’ve already done all the attraction, all the legwork up to that point.
When she’s coming home, I don’t get last-minute resistance. I really don’t, and I haven’t for years.
I never get girls who are like, “No,” or, “We shouldn’t do this,” and, “What kind of girl do you think I am?” or, “I’m just not f*cking you on the first date.”
I just never get that. And I think it’s because girls know that, if they’re coming back to my place, they’re f*cking, and I also make girls feel comfortable to f*ck me.
They’re not going to feel sl*tty. They’re not going to feel judged. They know that they could completely let themselves go sexually with me and be safe.
And here’s how to do it, so the next girl you bring home f*cks you straight away:
Slowing Down Isn’t A Bad Thing (Because You Can Still Seal The Deal–Here’s How)…
If a woman lets you kiss her, and she tells you to slow down… it doesn’t mean she’s not into you.
It simply means she’s not in the mood…
… and in my experience by far the fastest way to get a woman in the mood, and eager to sleep with you… is touch her more.
For example, this sequence of innocent-seeming touches will get her more and more turned… and make her want to get very sexual with you, very fast.
(Note: Most guys are too scared to touch women at all… though this will only land you face first in the friendzone.)
But when you touch a woman in the right spots, in the right way… you’ll notice her attitude change, and fast.
She’ll be flirtier… she’ll be touchier…
And soon the same girl who was trying to “slow things down” will be all over you like a fat kid on an ice cream cone:
Click here to watch a short, free video that shows you how to touch hot girls to seal the deal.