Discover The Best Sex Vacation Destinations for Hookups With Mega-Hot Foreign Girls Who Crave American Men…
Coming on to a woman the right way can be tricky.
You never know what kind of approach will make her respond favorably, and you don’t want to embarrass yourself, or get rejected.
Well, as it turns out, not all women are so hard to please–particularly certain foreign girls.
According to a recent survey, there are certain foreign girls who not only welcome more forward behavior from men…
But they want it. More specifically, they’re looking for casual sex.
And these may not be the foreign girls you’re picturing (this has nothing to do with “sex tourism” or anything like that).
So today, I’m going to show you where to find these girls, and how to get them back to your hotel room once you’re there.
Not that it’ll be much work if you follow the right steps anyway. 😉
How A Psychological Study Revealed This Hotbed of DTF Women…
A new cultural study has proven that a certain country may be the perfect vacation spot if you’re single and looking to hookup.
The study surveyed undergraduate female students at Curtin University’s School of Psychology, and aimed to determine how women from different countries characterize inappropriate male sexual behavior.
As you can imagine, the more obviously criminal acts were recognized by all of the women as inappropriate.
It was when it came to appropriate male behavior that a certain type of foreign woman stood out as far more accepting than other students.
Women from this country are less likely to disapprove of a man “wolf whistling”–you know, the very well-known traditional portrait of a male cartoon’s whistling and whooping when he spots a Jessica Rabbit-type.
On top of that, the women in this country are more open to casual sex as well.
So where is it?
It’s a place where the girls as hot as the weather…
Why This Country Is the New “Big Easy”…
Women in Australia are more open to “aggressive” behavior from men.
In fact, of all the women in the survey–from 12 countries altogether–women in Australia were the most tolerant of all.
Only 26% of Australian women said it was “inappropriate” for a man to proposition a woman with sex at a social event.
And if you do the math…
That means 3 out of 4 Australian girls may be potentially down for a one-night stand down under. 😉
BRAND-NEW: 3 Secret “Touch Tricks” That Get Hot Aussie Girls Soaking Wet, Naked & On Top of You In Bed!
Just for the sake of comparison, women in Japan and Portugal were found to be much less accepting of this behavior–88% to 100% of women said the same action was “unacceptable.”
But why is this?
Well, it might be because Australian women have the freedom offered by the western way of life.
Western women live in a world in which men have less influence over their lives and decision-making. They are free to socialize with men and form their own opinions.
On the other hand, in eastern countries, women have much less control over their lives.
Men in these countries are encouraged or even expected to monitor the women in their household.
And this can make the women more suspicious of men.
Women in countries with more freedom are far more accepting of aggressive romantic advances. Even ones as drastic as asking a woman you barely know to have sex.
How To Get an Australian Girl to Go “Down Under” With You…
The chill-factor of the average Australian woman is also amplified by STDs– or lack thereof, anyway.
In eastern countries, there tend to be more cases of sexually transmitted viruses and infections.
A sexual suggestion in these countries is a silent reminder of the potential for infection, and is immediately more concerning for women.
Western countries (and medicine) have an easier time containing STDs, and western women tend to be more laid-back toward casual sex as a result.
So it makes sense that Australian women are more comfortable–happy, even–to talk about and have casual sex with men they don’t really know.
But what about the sense of shame a lot of American women feel toward being open to casual sex?
Do Australian women have the same experience?
Not necessarily–and this works in your favor.
Australian women are generally not in an environment in which they would be harshly judged for casual sex talk.
When you are in control of every freedom you take, you have no reason to be on your guard, and you’re much more inclined to speak openly about what could be considered taboo topics.
An Australian woman knows she has enough control to handle the situation, because she trusts her own autonomy in making sexual decisions.
This trust is what drives her to open up to new men so fast.
And that’s what makes Australia a great vacation choice if you want to get laid quick. 😉
But how exactly do you go about getting these Aussie girls in bed once you’re there?
I’ll show you below:
So Can You Walk Up to Any Aussie Girl and Just Ask If She Wants To Bang?
Well of course not…
Because even if a woman is only looking for casual sex, it doesn’t mean she’s going to say “yes” to your advances.
Even if she’s really into you… she just might not be in the mood to have sex, and still say no…
But that’s OK, because you can always get her in the mood.
How you ask?
With nothing more than your touch.
It’s been scientifically proven that there is a direct link between touching and sexual arousal.
Sex is a physical act after all… 😉
And there are 3 under-the-radar touches in particular that will turn her on, and make her super h*rny to have sex with you…
… all without her even realizing what you’re doing.
Which can cause her to touch you a lot more, act WAY flirtier, and she may even invite you back to her apartment.
When you use these touches your chances of sleeping with her that same night go through the roof…