When it Comes to the Intersection of Sex Psychology & Society Today, There’s a Lot to Consider–Do You Know How to Hack Her “Prehistoric” Brain?
Understanding your sexual drives & desires is practically impossible without grasping the basic tenets of human psychology.
It’s kinda like trying to get a boating license without ever learning how to swim.
The same can be said of understanding women — if you really want to comprehend the female brain, and how female sex drive works… then it’s crucial to understand how evolution shaped the way that men & women interact.
With that in mind, today I’m beginning a series about evolutionary and sexual psychology. And I want to show you everything you need to know about it to help you better understand women.
Not only will you learn a few things about yourself — you’ll get some great insights into how the female sexual mind works as well.
So today, I want to start off with the basics:
How the human brain developed into what it is today, and what that means for your future interactions with women.
Dissecting the Female & Male Brain: Reptilian Vs. Mammalian
The brain that you have today took millions of years to develop — you probably already know this.
And with each step in the evolutionary process came an added dimension of complexity in how we operate and think.
The first of these layers is what is now referred to as your “reptilian” brain.
Thought to be the first iteration of the human brain, it’s where your most basic instincts (food, sex, sleep, etc.) lie.
It’s also the part of your brain that keeps your unconscious motor functions (like breathing) running.
While you probably aren’t always aware of your reptilian brain, it’s absolutely vital for survival — after all, where would you be if you didn’t have a part of your brain to tell your heart to keep pumping blood?
However, as we evolved as humans, so did our abilities to think and even to remember.
Enter — the “mammalian” brain.
Your mammalian brain envelops your reptilian brain and allows you to feel and remember things. It gives some nuance to your otherwise basic instincts.
At this state in evolution, men and women could recognize when they desired things, and they could remember exactly what it was that they desired.
So while your reptilian brain tells you “Me want sex”… your mammalian brain says, “Because I see a beautiful woman and want to have her children.” And of course, vice versa for women.
What came next?
Well, that’s where things get very interesting.
Beyond Instinct & Into Consciousness: Your Neocortex
Armed with your reptilian and mammalian brain, you could observe something and decide whether to fear it or to eat it… but that wasn’t quite enough for the human race.
Next came the neocortex — this huge addition to the human brain allowed for strategy, planning, and foresight.
No longer were the days of, “I see, I do.”
Now, you thought about it…
Considered the implications…
And then made a decision based on the evidence you collected.
The neocortex essentially opened the door for everything you are today — it’s the bread and butter of your brainwaves.
It’s the “human” part of the human brain.
So what?
So, all three parts of your brain are interconnected — and together, they drive every decision that you and the women you surround yourself with make.
It Doesn’t End There…
There aren’t any discrete “barriers” between the three parts of your brain — through a network of nerves, thoughts, actions, and emotions, they all flow from one corner of your headspace to another and work in unison to make you who you are.
When the reptilian portion of your brain tells you that you’re hungry, for example, your mammalian brain will tell you to eat whatever is quickest or whatever is the tastiest. Then comes your neocortex to say that maybe you should eat something healthier from the farmer’s market down the street.
Just writing this, I’m reminded how amazing of creatures we are.
But let’s talk about sex. Hell, that’s why you’re here, right?
Sex, at its most basic level, is… well, just that. It’s a basic instinct. Whether it’s for self-preservation (the reptilian drive), or to seek pleasure (the mammalian drive), sex comes from your earlier iterations of the brain.
And thanks to the neocortex, when a woman feels sexual desire, she can use conscious thought to answer the question:
“Do I want to sleep with this guy… or do I want to seek sex somewhere else?”
By understanding how these three parts of your brain operate, you can help determine how she’ll answer that question around you… and ultimately, you can do everything in your power to make sure her answer is “Yes.”
So let this be the first big takeaway:
Your brain is self-centered at its core — you want you to be happy.
What does the future hold?
Well, the next step is to examine the differences between the male brain and the female brain — in particular, the female “emotional” brain.
Because if you can find a way to tap into her “emotional” brain… then getting sex when you want it becomes a whole lot easier.
3 Steps to Tap Into Her Emotional Brain (For Fast Sex)
The final frontier of female psychology… is finding a simple way to tap into a woman’s “emotional” or “sexual” brain.
It’s the part of her brain that answers questions like:
“Am I interested in him sexually?”…
“Do I feel turned on right now?”…
“Am I gonna sleep with this guy tonight… or not?”
And previously, the only way to make sure she answers “Yes” to those questions was to “smooth talk” her… or use complicated “charming” techniques… which sometimes work… but not always.
Enter — the Physical Fast Track.
It’s a simple, 3-step method that allows you to bypass a woman’s “logical” objections… and tap straight into her “sexual” brain… and there are three steps:
You start by giving her this specific kind of eye contact…
Then touch her in this seemingly “innocent” way…
Then finish it off with this “closing move”…
And when you’re done… you’ll notice she might be eyeing you up and down… licking her lips a little… and coming up with all sorts of “excuses” to give you her number… or even leave with you right then & there:
Discover How to Hop on the Physical Fast Track & Turn Things Sexual FAST…