New Study: Guys With THESE 4 Personality Traits Have the Most Sex…

personality traits women love

Discover The Personality Traits Women Love & That Get Hot Girls In Bed–And How to Use Them to Get Laid Tonight…

Click Here Now to Discover 3 Simple Touch Tricks That Get Hot Girls to Strip Down Naked & Do Anything You Want [Controversial Video]…

Ever heard the phrase “Nice guys finish last?”

Well, whoever said that first obviously hadn’t read this exciting new study.

That’s right—a new study shows that your personality is super important when it comes to how often you get laid.

Yes, your personality matters just as much (if not more) than your looks!

In fact, when it comes to getting lucky, your personality might be even more important than your appearance.

You heard it straight from the mouth of science.

SHY OR INTROVERTED? Click Here to See Why Talking Less & Doing More of THIS Gets Her In Bed With You…

If there’s something you don’t love about your appearance, forget about it.

You can land the lady of your dreams just by being a good guy. And now science has officially proven it.

A new study, conducted by researchers at Queensland University of Technology, has found that men who have the most sex all have 4 personality traits in common.

What, then, is this magical personality that can get it going on for the average-looking dude?

Here are the 4 magical traits that can get you laid a lot more often:

1) Agreeableness

What does that mean?

Basically, it means friendly and pleasant.

In a nutshell: nice.

No, you don’t need to roll into the club gnawing the bones of your enemies.

You don’t need to have a tough-guy attitude or a bunch of tattoos or a Harley.

I mean, if you have those things, more power to you! You’re probably great at rocking your vibe.

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But if you’re just a guy in, say, a sweater and the socks your mom gave you last Christmas, that’s totally okay, too.

In fact, she might just find you adorable. (The woman you’re trying to pick up on. Not your mom.)

When it comes to getting laid more often, science shows that nice guys finish first.

Play up your friendly, pleasant side. Even if you feel like the Grinch, it’s got to be down there somewhere.

Be a “Yes” man. And you’re sure to land a yes woman.

2) Emotional Stability

Chances are you like your dining room table the way women like their men: stable. Not wobbly. Not likely to fall over on top of you.

Emotionally, that is.

You get the picture. Women are more likely to sleep with men who seem emotionally stable.

That means men who seem to be in control of their emotions. Not scary-happy, not too sad. Definitely not too angry.

Just a regular, well-balanced guy.

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Sure, he might yell at the television when his favorite team is losing, but he would never yell at a woman, he’s nice to his mom, and he’s super sweet to his dog.

He doesn’t miss work a ton or fly into a rage over little things. He’s sad when bad things happen, but then he bounces back.

Sound like you? Great news! Just remember: science says this is even more important than your looks!

And if you aren’t feeling especially emotionally stable, there are lots of ways you can improve your mental health, from seeing a healthcare professional to spending time with friends and family.

3) Conscientiousness

Conscientious people care about the world around them.

Maybe a conscientious guy takes care of the planet by recycling.

Maybe he volunteers or donates to charity.

He doesn’t drive like a jerk or get in fights for no reason. He is aware that his actions have consequences.

Basically, a conscientious guy is a responsible adult.

It makes sense that women would rather sleep with responsible, caring adults, instead of impulsive wild boys—right?

After all, sex is a risky, intimate activity. Show her you’re worth the risk by living a conscientious life.

4) Extraversion

An extroverted person is outgoing. He’s not shy. He’s easy to get along with. He’s funny. He’s the life of the party!

If that sounds like a tall order, don’t worry. Even if you’re a shy person, you can learn to act more extroverted.

How? It’s easy. If you have a hard time striking up a conversation with women, just let them do the talking.

How do you get women talking?

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Easy. Ask them questions.

That’s right—by asking questions, you can fake it ‘til you make it.

Mirror your partner’s facial expressions. When she smiles and laughs, you smile and laugh, too.

This way, even if you’re a shy person, you can come across as outgoing—which makes you more likely to score!  

personality traits women love

What If You’re Not An Extrovert?

We get a lot of messages from our community members here at Gotham Club…

… and overwhelmingly, it seems like there’s ONE thing almost all guys everywhere are struggling with:

Turning things sexual with a girl.

Especially if you’re a little shy, or more on the introverted side…

… it’s not easy to talk like a smooth macho man, and seduce women like you see in the movies if that’s not really how you feel in the moment.

But you don’t have to worry… because you know what?

After speaking to several experts here at Gotham and doing A LOT of research… it turns out the most effective way to seduce a woman, and get her sooooo uncontrollably turned on that she wants to tear your clothes off… is through touch!

And it makes sense…

Personally, I’ve never gone home with a guy because he said some smooth line. (And come to think of it, neither have any of my hot girlfriends either)

But the few times when I HAVE felt an overwhelming urge to sleep with a man… I couldn’t put my finger on it, but my body felt super tingly & I was aching to get into bed… *mmmmmmm*

Turns out these men just happened to touch me in the right way, at the right times, and I was putty in their hands:

Click here to see why & how touch gets her in bed faster than words ever can.

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