How I Passed This Weird “Selfie Test” Girls Try

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She Used Her Hot Selfies to Try to Trip Me Up…

A little while back, I was in bed with an incredibly attractive woman who is a decently famous model/actress.

Her (now-divorced) parents are incredibly famous, so she’s been used to getting attention from everyone her entire life.

I’ve gone to a party or two with her and the attention she gets is insane! It almost makes me feel a little bit inferior (almost!). I’ve never seen an ass kissed harder in my life!

When she introduced me to her friends or higher ups in her world they usually just kind of ignored me.

Poor me!

It actually does make me feel a little uncomfortable just to be honest and I know that I can never let her see me like this, for reasons that will soon become apparent (how’s that for some vulnerability?).

Anyway, this girl gets more attention from men and women than anything I have ever seen. She acts annoyed at the attention she receives but I know that she secretly loves it.

She always told me that she’s tired of walking in her parents’ footsteps, and wants to create her own career for herself. I actually still feel for her because I could see her pain when she confided this to me.

So…. I was lying in bed a while back and this girl and I were cuddled up she grabs her phone and just starts showing me sexy pics of herself!

“Gee, What a Terrible Problem to Have, Glenn!”

selfie test blonde
NOT her (and not the full pic!), but you get the idea…

I know, right!

Now, I’ve been in this situation many times before and I know exactly what she’s trying to accomplish by doing this.

I have to say that I was very well prepared to immediately differentiate myself from all the other lame guys who she may have hooked up with or all the other men chasing her. In all of my life I have never heard a phone get so many texts–her phone absolutely never stops!

What is it with women and selfies? Especially sexy nude selfies? And when girls send you these pics, how can you  handle it in a way that will make you look like a rock-star compared to other guys?

Hang on! I’ll show you in just a minute.

Back to the Action…

As she’s showing me selfies, her phone is constantly getting pinged by texts. It seems like she’s getting 5,000 of them and she’s huffing and puffing and acting annoyed at her texts.

This was obviously an attempt to get me to ask her about her texts, or at the very least to try to get me to comment on her level of annoyance, and of course I don’t say a word or give her the satisfaction of inquiring about the texts or her huffing.

I’m 100% certain that if I had asked her who those texts were from, she would’ve told me they were texts from guys she wasn’t interested in.

This girl kinda likes me a lot and has been consistently trying to get me to give her more attention and at times maybe make me jealous. It’s pretty easy to see through her intentions. Pretty typical…

First she started showing me sexy selfies of her in some underwear…

And I would say, “Come on… Put your phone away and just cuddle with me.”

But the less attention I gave to her pics the more she tried! It’s so funny–scarcity in action!

Then she would show me another one and say:

“What about this one? Do you want me to send it to you?”

And I would say:

“Nah… I’ll just post it on the internet so your parents could see how bad their little girl is!”

And she’d slap me playfully and start laughing!

After a few more attempts at showing me some lingerie selfies, she starts showing me some nude ones.

I’m not going to lie, she looked incredibly hot.

Did I want her to send me some of them?


Could I ask her for them?

Absolutely not!

I couldn’t ask her for them, she would have to send them to me on her own. The moment I would have said, “Yes, send me that one, she would have said, “No!” or “I can’t!”

As she was doing this I could tell she was becoming even more attracted to me! And I know why, too:

I was showing her that I’m not like the other guys she meets.

I’m not needy or clingy…

I’m not trying to get anything from her…

I’m just showing indifference to her attempts to lure me in…

At this point I know I need to go in for the kill…

selfie test draper

I said, ” Why does every single woman have so many sexy selfies on their phones?”

Her jaw dropped. She said, “Does every woman take these kinds of pics?”

And I said, “Every woman I know does!”

Game Over!

She said, “This is why I like you so much!”

And pointed to her heart and said, “This is why I like you so much.”

In one sentence I won the battle and showed her that I wasn’t like other guys. I also conveyed that I liked her for more than her looks, which are all most other guys are after.

She gets up and goes to the bathroom. As I’m laying there in bed, my phone starts blowing up with texts from her…

Sure enough, she’s sending me selfie after selfie, and I know that these are selfies she hasn’t shown anyone else. She trusts me now.

I text her back: “This will give me something to remind me of you when I leave town. xoxo 8)”

She comes back to bed and we don’t talk about it again. She just rests her head on my chest with a huge smile and we both fall asleep.

How You Can Pass This and Other Tests From Women

Women love attention but they love the proper type of attention even more.

If you can make her feel special in ways that normal guys can’t, she’ll fall in love with you!

This isn’t about tricking a woman, either–it’s about understanding women and what they are really trying to tell you with their actions and words.

It’s about showing a woman that you appreciate her in ways that she needs and desires to feel appreciated. Women love to know they made the right choice by being with you and they’ll test you often to see if they really have made the correct choice.

If you can pass her tests and handle her properly, she’ll reward you with her heart, attention, and (if you’re lucky) some awesome, sexy selfies!

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