How Putting Down The Weights Can Increase Your Libido Dramatically–And Boost Your Bedroom Performance Too…
Click Here to Discover 5 All-Natural Foods That Can Boost Your Boners & Get You Hard-As-Steel FAST…
If you’re a red-blooded male between the ages of 18 and 99, I’m guessing you’ve been told one thing about fifty bazillion times:
Improve your lifestyle, and you’ll improve your sex life, too.
Eat vegetables. Exercise. Stop smoking. Don’t drink too much.
Blah, blah, blah…
Okay, all of this is true, and I’m not telling you to run out the door and start guzzling Marlboros.
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But it’s possible to overdo some things that are supposed to be good for your health.
What am I talking about, exactly?
Too much exercise, my friend, may actually decrease your sex drive, AKA your libido.
The Bizarre Reason Why Too Much Exercise Can HURT Your Libido More Than It Helps…
It’s commonly known that too much hardcore exercise can mess up hormone balance in women and make them less likely to feel like getting it on.
New research shows that the same may be true for dudes.
Scientists looked at the exercise habits of 1,100 men. They asked them how hard they worked out and for how long. (No puns intended.)
Then they asked these men about their sex lives, and how interested they were in sex.
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According to all the crowing the media does about healthy lifestyles, you’d guess that the more a guy exercises, the better he feels and the more sex he has… right?
I mean, if a guy is slaying the weight machines at the gym and then running 70 miles and then climbing a mountain and bench pressing a rhinoceros and doing 50 squats while he brushes his teeth… he’s got to be an absolute BEAST in the bedroom, am I right?
Perhaps a man exists who can complete the above workout regime, and then leap into bed to pleasure his lady until sunrise.
But I seriously doubt it.
In reality, where the rest of us live, a really hardcore exercise program may make a man less sexually active.
That’s not because his abs are repelling ladies at the gym. Instead, he’s just less interested in sex.
The 1,100 men that the scientists surveyed proved this point. The ones who had the highest sex drives had medium-to-light exercise regimes.
The men with the hardest workout habits were, on average, having less sex, because they didn’t want it as much.
But There Is One Other Possible Explanation…
Now, the study still left some questions. We don’t know whether more exercise caused the men to be less interested in sex, or whether they were already like that.
Maybe these dudes just weren’t that interested in sex already, and they channeled their extra energy into rigorous exercise.
More studies are needed to understand this. But if you are having problems with your own sex drive, and want a stronger libido, there’s still a lot you can learn here.
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All things in moderation, my friend. If you are a hardcore exerciser, try toning it down a little and see if this impacts your sex drive.
So Does That Mean You Should Stop Exercising Altogether?
On the other hand, if you’re not running marathons, don’t worry about it—as long as you’re getting a healthy amount of daily exercise, your sex drive is getting all the juice it needs.
And while you probably shouldn’t stop exercising altogether, you don’t need a gym membership to walk outside (or jog if that’s your thing).
It’s all about moderation.
Of course, this rule of thumb applies to just about everything in life.
Sugar? Yeah, it’s not great for you. A bowl of ice cream every once in a while? Go for it.
Eat vegetables? That’s a definite do. But try to live off of carrots, and just see what happens. (I’ve heard you’ll turn orange.)
Moderate exercise can help your sex life in more ways than one. In addition to helping you maintain a healthy sex drive, it can be a great way to attract and maintain a partner.
A guy who’s in good shape and enjoys a spin on a bike every now and then, or a hike or an afternoon rollerblading, is a pretty fun guy to hang out with.
A date spent in motion—say, taking a walk in a park or on the beach—can be a lot less awkward than staring into the eyes of a near-stranger over a cup of coffee for two hours.
So think about ways you can incorporate moderate exercise into your life, if you haven’t already.
And don’t beat yourself up if bodybuilding isn’t on your to-do list for this weekend.
Because there are many other ways to boost your libido naturally, and one of the easiest doesn’t involve any exercise at all:
Here’s How to Boost Your Boners Without Ever Leaving Your Couch…
Having strong, long-lasting, and rock solid erections depends mostly on one thing…
That’s why some researchers suspect guys who don’t exercise much have the best sex lives… they just have great blood flow naturally.
Luckily there are some very simple things you can do to improve your blood flow…
… and one of the fastest and most effective methods I’ve found has to do with your diet.
It’s nothing complicated like counting your calories… or measuring your macros… or even preparing specific kinds of meals…
All you have to do is eat certain plant-based foods.
There are 5 plant-based foods in particular that can expand your blood vessels, and greatly increase blood flow…
… which in turn can make it MUCH easier for you to get a rock solid erection… stay hard long enough to properly please your woman…
… and even boost your sex drive! 😉
And you can do it all without having to get off your couch:
Click here now to see how to boost your boners and blood flow using these 5 plant-based foods.