How To Use Tinder to Get Exactly What You Want–Will You Meet Your “Match” Tonight?
Tinder has become a household name almost everywhere.
My own mother — who knows I make a living as a dating coach, by the way — has even asked me if I use Tinder!
You know something’s a big deal when your mom starts asking about it.
But as big as Tinder has become, the fact of the matter is that it won’t be this popular forever.
For now, though, Tinder is still a place to meet attractive, available (or at least “available right now”) women…
…But only if you have the right profile, openers, and tools at your disposal.
So I got together with two other serious Tinder experts (who you’ll meet in just a second), and together we’re going to show you how to use Tinder to get exactly what you want.
From your picture selection to landing a date, we cover absolutely everything you need to know about mastering Tinder today.
Whether you want a one-night stand, a long-term girlfriend, or something in-between…
Our Tinder tips and tricks will help you get there — guaranteed.
From left to right: Glenn, Blake, and Race
Meet Your 3 Tinder Experts…
Rather than write this entire guide alone, I recruited the help of two of the foremost Tinder experts in the industry today. But first, let me tell you a little bit about myself.
It covers my history, my experience with Tinder, and how I’ve used it in the past to get women.
But if you don’t have time for that, here are the basics about my experience with Tinder:
I’ve been using Tinder since the first week it launched. All in all, if I had to guess the number of women I’ve had dates with and taken home from using Tinder, I would conservatively estimate it’s about 75.
If you include the number of women I wasn’t able to get out on a date or sleep with, that number would more than double.
I’ve seen it all on Tinder.
I was there from the beginning and I’m still there now. I know how it works and, more importantly, I know how it doesn’t work.
Now allow me to introduce you to Tinder expert Race dePriest.
Race began using Tinder when he moved to Las Vegas, but he’ll tell you more about that in this video:
Race has a unique outlook about using Tinder that you’ll learn more about later, and he’s also hadexpert-level Tinder experience with thousands of women — he’s even written a book about it!
Rounding out our team of Tinder experts is none other than Blake Jamieson.
If that name sounds familiar, there’s a reason for that. Blake is responsible for bringing the world Tinder Hacks — the website and step-by-step guide that’s helped thousands of men get more matches on Tinder.
Blake is the Tinder expert, and his advice is absolutely indispensable if you’re serious about getting more dates.
But don’t take my word for it! Let’s dive in.
The Tinder Mindset (It’s Not What You Think…)
In many ways, Tinder has reshaped the way men think about dating.
Women have picked up on this.
Because men are less willing to physically approach women in person and are more likely to rely on internet dating apps, women are left with some difficult decisions.
They have to choose to:
1) Be alone and meet fewer men, or…
2) Use dating apps to meet more men of varying quality.
Many women have opted to use apps like Tinder, but at this point in the game they’ve wised up.
Their swiping behavior is no longer what it used to be…
Their selection process is much more fine-tuned…
They are ready, willing and able to disqualify a man in an instant…
There is literally no room for error.
It’s not as though women don’t want dates, sex, or potential long-term relationships…
…But the way they use Tinder to find them is much different.
Women have an idea of what their ideal mate will sound like, look like, and how he should text.
They have evaluated every possible outcome.
Therefore, it is imperative for you to realize that playing it safe is the best way to go.
“Glenn, what do you mean by ‘playing it safe’?”
I mean that you should curate your Tinder profile and behavior to appeal to as many women online as possible.
At the end of the day, it’s a numbers game.
Women have been creeped out or scared by weird men one too many times.
Even the most innocent things you say can send you to the “ignore this guy” zone — and without these tips and tricks, you’ll never know why.
Here’s how to take full advantage of the modern Tinder experience.
“What Makes a Good Tinder Profile?”
The short answer to this question: Pictures!
Without a doubt, your pictures will affect your results more than any other determining factor.
We live in a society that places more importance on looks and status than anything else.
The better you look, the more sexual opportunities you will have…
But this rule only applies to Tinder and online dating.
In real life, you can easily overcome a mediocre physical appearance by portraying a confident and positive attitude.
But on Tinder, your personal “charm” is almost impossible to convey using only your profile and pics.
The women on Tinder already have an idea of what their ideal mate will look like.
This puts you in a unique position.
You know this woman hasn’t met the “man of her dreams” or else she wouldn’t be using an online dating app…
But you have no idea who the “man of her dreams” is supposed to be!
The one quality that women will be able to judge you on with certainty is your physical appearance — that’s why your pictures are so important.
When it comes to the number of pictures you should have, the other experts and I have different views.
Race’s video about choosing Tinder photos is a good place to start:
In my personal experience, you should have at least two pictures but no more than three.
Remember, women are looking for anything to disqualify you from their potential dating pool.
The more pictures you have, the more chances she has to find something wrong with you.
Two or three pictures give her a sense of who you are without exposing yourself to her fault-finding.
Choose the pictures you think are best, and change the color or depth of those pictures with photo-editing software.
Experiment with tone, contrast or black and white — like Race mentioned in his video, you want to look as close as possible to a guy in a magazine ad.
But she has to see what you really look like.
And let’s face it — not all of us are George Clooney.
There are two major physical hurdles men have to overcome on Tinder:
If you are overweight: Choose one picture of yourself where you look very thin. Show your whole body in that picture and have your other pictures focus on just your face.
If you are balding: Choose one picture where it’s hard to see your hair (or lack thereof). For your other pictures, find one where your hair is cropped out or you’re wearing a hat.
Women will easily pick up on what you’re hiding if you choose to “hide” a specific flaw of yours.
On top of that, women already feel vulnerable just by being on Tinder, so trying to deceive them is never going to end well for you.
This is why playing it safe is always better.
Here are some of my major DON’T’s when choosing Tinder pictures:
Do not include pictures of yourself with other women, even if it’s your sister.
Do not use pictures of yourself in action/sports poses. I’ve heard many women refer to this as “pimp posing” and it’s become a sort of joke to them.
And just in case you have a great body, please be humble and use a picture where she can tell you workout with a shirt on. Unless you are literally a male model, shirtless photos do not work.
Also, absolutely no pictures of you standing in front of a mirror! Women hate it when men post pictures of themselves that they have personally taken, aka the “selfie.”
Once you are fairly confident with your chosen pictures, experiment with them.
Blake has a great experiment to figure out which of your pictures will get you the most matches:
It’s really pretty simple. Basically, you put up one of however many pictures you want to test. I usually suggest three to five pictures that you’re testing that you kind of think are in your better pictures. You put one up. You don’t change anything else in your profile.
Write down how many matches you have currently. Put up your new picture. Then you swipe right on 100 girls. If you don’t have Tinder Plus, which is the paid version, that’s going to take a couple days because you’re capped I think at like 30 right swipes a day.
After you swipe 100, then you wait. You can wait 24 [hours] if you’re antsy. I suggest 48 hours…giving girls time to log onto the app and swipe you back, because what’s going to happen…If you swipe right on a girl and then she doesn’t log onto Tinder for two days…you’re going to be filtered to the top of her stack. Then she’s going to choose right away right or left…Then you just write down how many new matches you have, how many total, and then you can subtract out the original and you’ll get new.
This experiment will take some time, but it gives you a definitive, scientifically proven answer to which picture works best for you.
It also illustrates the concept that your most important Tinder picture is your first one (what women see when they swipe).
Blake’s got my back on this one again:
Really the biggest dictator or the biggest impact on matches is your very first profile picture. Everything else aside, how many pictures you have, what you put in your bio, that’s all very secondary. If you don’t get their attention with the first picture, you’re not ever going to get swiped right.
Having a good first photo makes a huge difference over time.
“What if none of my pictures are getting matches?”
If you’re not getting many matches, there isn’t a quick solution — all I can tell you is to try some new pictures!
This is going to require patience, but it’s worth it if you can wait it out.
Crafting The Perfect Tinder Bio: What Every Guy Should Know
Other than your pictures, your bio is going to be the first thing girls on Tinder see and associate with you.
You want your bio to be short, sweet, and original.
One of Blake’s tricks is to use a “challenge question” as a bio:
Basically, it’s a question that only has two possible answers. I like to make them goofy and fun to answer. Then I’ll turn it into a challenge…One of them that I really like to use is, ‘If you had a time machine that you could only use once, would you travel to the future or the past?’
Blake’s other bio that got him results:
Ranked 4th in the world for snuggling.
Race’s video about writing a good Tinder bio also has some helpful tips and tricks:
At the end of the day, you want your bio to pull her in and make her feel something — this is not a good time to copy and paste your resume.
The “Super Like” Mystery Revealed…
Super Likes are one of Tinder’s most misunderstood features.
A Super Like will allow the woman you’re interested in to think that out of all the millions of other women on Tinder, she is “super special.”
It is, in my opinion, a way for Tinder to make money and get more attention while “enhancing the user experience.”
Tinder wants you to buy their premium membership, but in my experience, Super Likes won’t really do much for you.
You’re still going to come up in her matches if you swipe right on her, regardless of whether or not you Super Liked her.
I personally think this is just a Tinder gimmick with no real merit, but Blake and Race have a little bit of a different view.
Blake, for example, uses Tinder Plus, which means he can “Super Like” three girls every day. Here’s his strategy for how to maximize matches using Super Likes:
There have been a few times where the girl messages and is like, ‘Oh I got a super like. Thank you.’ She doesn’t know that I have Tinder Plus. She might think or probably does think I only get [one free Super Like] per day. I can make five girls…feel really special. It’s really easy.
For Race, Super Likes are a good way to set yourself apart, although you shouldn’t completely rely on them, as he explains in this video:
From all of this, you should gather that Super Likes are not the most important part of your Tinder game, but under the right circumstances, they can help you get more matches.
You’ve Matched With Someone… Now What?
By now, you know how to choose the right pictures and craft a perfect bio.
Another thing you have to consider is when to message your matches.
Women aren’t active on Tinder all day long, so when they are on Tinder, they’re ready to chat.
What does that tell you?
You want to send women your first message when they’re actively using Tinder.
I typically send my first message as soon as I get the match notification.
Time is your worst enemy on Tinder, and the longer you wait to message your matches, the less likely you are to successfully meet them in person.
If you can’t manage to send your matches messages immediately, not all is lost.
Blake did some research to find the days of the week when you’re most likely to successfully make dates with your matches:
It’s rare that you’d be swiping on a Friday night, find somebody else that’s on Tinder active because they don’t have anything to do and then you’re like, ‘Cool. Let’s go hang out’ immediately…For me, I like Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, just because if you get a good match and you get in a good conversation and you want to try and take it to the next level and meet up, you have time to make it happen that weekend, which is nice.
The bottom line: If you aren’t swooping in on your matches, odds are some other guy is.
How To Start the Conversation (& Keep It Flowing)…
Your first message to a woman on Tinder should be simple and non-threatening.
Remember that playing it safe is the best way to maximize your results since you’re playing to just stay in the game, not to win her over.
I have a few simple lines I like to use when I match with a woman.
If you match with a woman named Debbie, for example, just send this as a first message:
“Debbie!!!!! Having a good day so far?”
“Debbie!!!! How’s your night going?”
In my experience, this has been phenomenal at getting good responses.
Another great opening line is:
“Debbie!! You have excellent swiping preferences. Lol”
This is great because it’s funny, and it will definitely get her attention.
If that’s not your style, another great way to open with your matches is to flirt with them — but not too hard.
Whether it’s a shirt, lipstick, or a pair of high heels she’s wearing, women tend to respond more to specific prompts.
For example, if she’s wearing a t-shirt that has a band’s name on it like the Rolling Stones, you could say:
“Are you as cool as your Rolling Stones shirt?”
“If you’re not really nice to me I may have to steal that Rolling Stones shirt from you.”
If she’s got a picture of herself wearing some super sexy red lipstick, you could go with:
“I’ll bet that red lipstick gets you out of trouble when you’re bad…”
Let’s say she has a picture of herself wearing some great high heels. I’d say:
“Do you wear those high heels to intimidate guys?”
“I bet those heels get you a lot of attention!”
Of course, what works for me might not always work for you…
So let’s see what Race and Blake have up their sleeves.
In this video, Race discusses what NOT to say, along with some indispensable tips for how to approach every type of Tinder woman (but more on that later…):
Here are some lines the women on Tinder will never respond to:
“Hey Cutie!”
“You’re Hot”
Not only are these openers overly general, but they’re directed at her physical appearance.
Stay away from commenting on a woman’s physical appearance until after you feel comfortable with her.
My final piece of opener advice: Never use emoticons or emojis!
Emojis are, in my opinion, immature and not very masculine. If you want to come off as a “man,” then stick to words.
That’s just my opinion, though — Blake makes a mean case for using them to provide context:
If you put an emoji [in a Tinder message], you can make [your message] a little bit more clear like, ‘I’m serious here’ or ‘I’m joking’ or whatever.
Blake also has a unique style of opening that might work better for you.
Remember when he mentioned using a “challenge question” in your bio? Well, you can use those same questions as conversation starters with your matches:
I’ll always open with the same thing every single time. I say, ‘I have a very important question for you. It’s kind of a deal breaker …’ Then immediately after, I’ll send one of the challenge questions. I will try to look at their profile to see if I feel that [one particular challenge question] is going to do better than the other.
In addition to the time travel “challenge question” Blake mentioned above, another high-performing one he uses is:
“Crunchy or smooth peanut butter?”
Remember: keep it simple.
You don’t need to banter excessively or flirt hard.
In fact, sometimes you don’t need to say anything at all! That’s the core of another of Blake’s best strategies:
Definitely GIFs do really, really well for me because they’re still new. There’s still this novelty to them. I think that probably a lot of guys either don’t know they exist or are just being lazy and not using them because it’s actually easier than writing something, which is great.
“What Should I Do if She Doesn’t Respond?”
The more you try to “win” her over via clever messages and flirting, the more chances you give her to “disqualify” you.
Remember, she’s measuring you against the “ideal man” she has in her head.
The fact of the matter is that even if you do everything right, she’s not always going to respond to your advances.
If you’re getting dead air, you have two options:
1) Accept your loss and move on. This is what I recommend.
2) Try to rekindle the conversation. Race and Blake have some foolproof tips and tricks if you’re just not ready to let go of her yet.
There are enough women on Tinder for you to just move on if you don’t get a response. However, if you do choose to pursue the conversation, you should go about it delicately.
Race generally advises guys not to chase after a woman who’s not responding, but in case you want to, this video offers you some good go-to tricks:
Blake also offers up some specific strategies that have worked time and time again:
[Having your Tinder match not respond] is a really common thing. I think it’s because people get busy, especially girls on Tinder. They’re going to get a lot of messages and [your messages] are going to get buried…I don’t take it personally. I don’t think anyone should take it personally…If some time has elapsed and you guys haven’t talked and you want to rekindle, I’d probably just open with another question.
Another of Blake’s high-performing strategies is to be blunt, but in a flirty way:
Don’t get angry. What I will do is I’ll send this message…’Here’s a graph of how our conversation is going.’ Then it’s the little emoji of it looks like a stock market crash kind of. It’s a little graph sign of it’s up and down, up and down, and then just down, down, down.
The most important thing to remember is not to take it out on her if she doesn’t respond.
Getting angry at girls on Tinder is not only a waste of time, but it has the potential of blowing up in your face if she posts your blunder on social media.
You can try to rekindle the conversation, but if it doesn’t work, then just let her go.
The 2 Types of Women On Tinder
So now you know how to make the perfect Tinder profile, send a great opening message and keep the conversation flowing with your matches.
But what good is any of that if you don’t know the women you’re messaging?
From my personal experience and from talking with hundreds of women, there are two types of women on Tinder you’ll be dealing with:
Type 1:The Offline Tinder Girl
This girl likes to have a date, meet for drinks and then make her decision based on real-life chemistry.
Usually, this type of woman will let you know either in her profile or through messages that she’s not into messaging with guys for an extended period of time.
For example, her profile might say something like:
“I’m not into endless texting.”
That may be super obvious, but a less obvious way of her telling you she’d rather just meet up than have a drawn-out conversation is:
“Let’s have a drink and see what happens.”
Basically, if she’s chatting with you and not really asking too many questions, you will want to ask her out for a drink ASAP.
“Why should I ask her out for a drink and not dinner or a movie?”
This type of woman wants to figure out if you have chemistry and go from there — she does not want to waste time with you if you don’t have chemistry in person.
For her, dinner and a movie is a huge commitment. A drink is not.
The most important thing is that you make plans with her within six to eight messages.
Blake has more to say on this:
The reality is any girl is going to be getting matches. If she’s active and using [Tinder] every day, she’s getting matches every day and she’s getting messages every day. You’re going to get buried very quickly. If I start a conversation, I definitely want to build rapport. Usually that’s maybe 6 back and forth messages, nothing crazy like novels, but get to know each other a little. Then I’ll try and move it off of Tinder the same day that the conversation starts.
A Type 1 Tinder girl responds best to quick, back-and-forth conversation and minimal messaging.
She’s also probably ready for a date immediately. Don’t be afraid to ask her out that same night or the next day.
If you spend too much time messaging her before you ask her out, you’ll lose her every time.
No clue how to ask a woman out for a drink? No problem — Race, Blake and I cover that in a later section, so stick around.
This brings us to your second type of Tinder woman…
Type 2: The Inquisitor
This type of woman needs to have a more in-depth conversation — whether it’s through Tinder or texting — before she’ll agree to meet you in person.
Typically, a Type 2 Tinder girl will:
Ask you more personal questions
Be very inquisitive in general
Want to know about your Tinder experiences with other women
Share very personal information about herself with you freely
I have found that this type of woman will want to keep the messaging or texting going for a while.
“Awhile” may mean a few minutes to a few hours, or even a few days.
In general, the more you text with her, the more comfortable she will feel with you…
And the easier it will be for her to say “Yes!” when you ask her out for a drink.
But don’t make the mistake of asking a Type 2 Tinder girl out too quickly. You’ll lose her before you know it.
“Is there a foolproof method for telling the difference between the two types?”
The short answer: No.
Deciphering between the two types of women on Tinder is not a science — it’s an art. That means you’re probably going to make a few mistakes.
And that’s fine!
Women expect men to read their minds. Unfortunately, if you try to read her mind and come up with the wrong idea, you might lose the girl.
Again, the sea of available women on Tinder is vast, so moving on from a stale conversation is almost always going to be your best choice.
The Secret “Third Type” And How to Find Her
I know I just spent a long time telling you that there are only two types of women on Tinder, but the truth is that there is a third type…
Type 3: The Tinder Unicorn
This is the hookup woman.
You won’t find very many of these women on Tinder, but they definitely do still exist.
The key to landing this woman is to be able to recognize her immediately and capitalize on your opportunity.
You won’t be able to tell just by reading her profile or by how she looks in her pictures.
The only way I’ve been able to properly identify this type of woman is by what she says when we text.
And no, she won’t just outright say, “Come over and take me.”
What the Tinder Unicorn will normally do is give a few hints that she “may” be open to a random sexual experience by saying things like:
“I’m bored”…
“I think I may just have a quiet night alone”…
“It’s such a good night for a movie or Netflix”…
“I’m in the mood to be spontaneous”…
“What are you doing tonight?”…
“I wanna hear you play guitar”…
She will be very subtle with you, but if you can recognize her desire to hook up, chances are that you’ll be able to sleep with her that same night.
In any of the above scenarios, go for it.
For example, if she says, “It’s such a good night for Netflix and a movie…”
You should write back:
“You’re so right. Why don’t I grab a bottle of wine and you come over to my place?”
If she says, “I think I’m going to have a quiet night alone…”
Say, “I have a better idea. Why don’t we have a quiet night together and watch a movie and order some food?”
As long as you don’t imply sex in your messages, you’re good to go.
But remember, this third type of woman is hard to find on Tinder today, so be careful.
If finding your own Tinder Unicorn is your only goal, Race has a lot of advice for how to turn your Tinder matches into Tinder hookups:
But, as Race mentions in the video, you shouldn’t be focused on finding the women on Tinder who only want to hookup.
Instead, you should focus on getting her number and getting to see her in person, because once you’ve got that, a hookup is almost guaranteed.
How To Get Her Phone Number 100% of the Time
Should you get her phone number or just stick to messaging her through the app?
This is tricky.
I’ve had a lot of success with both scenarios, but I think the best way to do it is to get her to give you her phone number.
What I like to do is ask her out for a drink, make plans and say, “OK. Sounds great!”
This gives her a natural opportunity to offer up her phone number.
And if she chooses not to give you her number, just give her yours in the next text.
You could say, “Here’s my number. Let’s text before we meet up.”
Nine times out of 10, that woman will text your phone almost immediately after you’ve stopped messaging on Tinder.
If she doesn’t give you her number or doesn’t text you after you give her yours, don’t worry.
Keep communicating with her through Tinder.
It’s possible that she just wants to make sure you’re not crazy or a stalker before she gives out her number.
Blake has a secret trick to get your Tinder matches’ phone numbers, and it’s all about the timing:
If the girl seems cool and seems receptive and there’s a little bit of rapport…what I’ll do is I will say, ‘Hey, I’ve got to run. I’ve got dinner plans’ or something. You can make up some excuse or it could be a real excuse. ‘I have to get back to work. I have to get to the office’…Some excuse why you can’t talk anymore right now and then I give just my phone number. Then in the next [message] immediately after, I say, ‘Use it if you want to. If not, no hard feelings.’ Then a little winky face emoji. That’s it. Then I literally usually I’ll get a text that same day and be like, ‘Hey, it’s Stacy. Save my number.”’ Then you can continue the banter on Tinder or on texting and I’ll usually say, ‘What’s your last name? Do you want to be Stacy Tinder in my phone?’
Using Blake’s trick, not only will you get her number, but you’ll get her last name too! This gives you ammo to do a little research before you meet her.
Before I move on to my Golden Rule of Tinder, let’s talk about fear.
One of Race’s biggest hangups about the way guys use Tinder is their irrational sense of fear.
Here, he explains why:
If you’re so afraid of rejection that you can’t even ask for her phone number, you might want to reconsider being on Tinder.
I don’t mean to sound harsh, but the reality is that if you want to get these dates, you’re going to have to take things offline — that means you’re going to have to learn how to take the initiative.
The Golden Rule of Tinder Dates…
Always, and I mean always have the date somewhere close to where you live!
Whether you live in a small town or a large city, plan your date as close as possible to your house — even if she lives 50 miles away.
That way, it’ll be much easier to bring her back to your place!
“Won’t she be turned off if I try and take her home on the first date?”
Here’s the deal:
Odds are you won’t get a second date unless you have sex with her on the first date.
As a professional dating coach, I’ve had a lot of practice with women.
In my experience using Tinder, I’ve noticed that if I don’t sleep with a woman on our first date, my chances of seeing her again are next to zero.
It sounds counterintuitive, but what it boils down to is getting that emotional attachment.
Remember, this is a Tinder date — it’s going to take more than a fun night out to make her feel a connection with you.
If she goes home with you, then you’ll form a stronger connection with her. On top of that, she’ll feel more vulnerable after giving herself to you.
This increases your chances of seeing her a second time exponentially.
If you don’t sleep with her the first night, of course you should try for a second date, but you will almost always get a second date if you sleep with her on the first.
This should be obvious, but if you can’t bring a woman home to your house, plan your date as close as possible to her house.
Planning Your Tinder Dates: Where To Go & What To Do
So you’ve got her number — how do you actually plan your date?
Blake’s scientific method of planning dates is pretty brilliant:
I’ll say, ‘Hey, I have some time Wednesday evening after work or Sunday afternoon. Which one works better for you?’…Then she might say, ‘Oh you know I have cheerleading on Wednesday, so Sunday is good.’ I’m like, ‘Okay cool. I’m free from 11:00 to 1:00. I’ve got a great spot that I’d love to take you if you’re down.’
This shows A, if you give it a time window and you have a cutoff time or, ‘Wednesday evening. Okay cool. I’m free after work. I get off at 6:00. I’m free until 8:30.’ I usually don’t make it longer than two, maybe three hours, for this little window. It makes you seem like you’re in high demand because you’re a busy guy. It’s also it makes girls feel more comfortable that the date isn’t just going to drag on and on because just like how you’re thinking, ‘Well she might not look as advertised,’ she’s thinking the exact same thing.
Creating a shorter window will both make her more likely to meet up with you and will give you a chance to get out without hurting anybody’s feelings (if that’s what you want).
In terms of what you should actually do on your date, I’m going to tell you which activities NOT to do first:
“Adventure” dates
Ice skating
Rock climbing
Boat rides
All of these ideas might sound cool and fun, but for a first date, they will never work in your favor.
For your first date, just keep it to a quick drink.
You’ll save more moneyand you’ll never come across as the guy who’s trying too hard to impress her.
Just remember to always buy a round of drinks for every round she buys.
As soon as she arrives at the bar, you could say, “I’ll get the first round of drinks, you get the second.”
Buying all of her drinks for her will not make you look better, so don’t ever try to buy your way into your date’s pants.
Life After Tinder: Can You Find a Long-Term Girlfriend?
Many guys ask me if there’s a chance that they’ll meet a potential girlfriend off of Tinder.
My answer is always the same:
Tinder women are still women.
The women on Tinder are your sisters…
Best friends from high school…
Your neighbors…
The cute girl you saw at the coffee shop…
Your ex-girlfriend…
You get the point.
In other words, Tinder women are real women with realistic desires, wants, and needs.
Just because they’re trying to find a potential partner on Tinder doesn’t make them “undateable” or less desirable.
If she’s on Tinder and you want to date her seriously, go for it.
There are good girls on Tinder who will make great girlfriends.
There are also bad girls on Tinder who will make great girlfriends!
No matter what stage a woman is in while she’s dating, eventually she will want (and need) to settle down.
Tinder is just another outlet for her to get there — just like it is for you.
So You’re a Tinder Master…What Now?
In this guide, Blake, Race, and I have shown you:
How to make a perfect Tinder profile…
When to message your matches…
What to say to your matches…
How to get your matches’ phone numbers…
How to plan dates with your matches…
And why you should always try to sleep with her on your first date…
But what if you’re not sure how to date…?
Or what to do once you get her out for a drink…?
Or what if it’s “been a while” and you’re nervous about your performance in the bedroom…?
Trust me, man–we’ve all been there. That’s why I’d like to share some of our best & most effective community resources with you right now.
(Because let’s face it: What good is a killer Tinder game if you can’t seal the deal on your date…?)
And because the men in our community come from all different walks of life… we crafted these resources for every stage of dating, and for every type of man.
Just click the one you’d like to know more about below:
“Silent Seduction”–For the shy or “introverted” guy who wants to seduce a woman without any weird “lines” or smooth-talking strategies…
“Sexual Decoder System”–Figure out if she’s into you before you invite her back to your place & prevent embarrassing rejection…
“Sexual Activation Blueprint”–Should you pay for her drinks? And what’s the smoothes way to invite her back to your place? This blueprint gives you all the answers…
“5G Male”–For the man who wouldn’t mind a little “boost” in the bedroom…
“Skeleton Key”–By far our most exclusive resource, this advanced course will help you achieve ultimate sexual success (threesomes, meeting models, becoming high-status, etc.)…
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