Laundromats Are a Secret Goldmine of Hot Younger College Girls–So Here’s How to Pick Up Women at The Laundromat Without Ever Risking Rejection…
Click Here Now to Discover the Secret Signs She’s H*rny And Wants to Go Home With You…
I’ve been in my college dorm for a week and already have an entire hamper of laundry to do.
Every time I walk to the laundromat, I am praying that someone will be down there doing theirs too… just so I don’t have to be all alone.
Unfortunately, more often than not, I end up by myself, sitting in an empty room forced to refresh my Twitter every 30 seconds.
Then the lights go off.
It makes me bored out of my mind!
Do guys not realize how easy it would be to get my attention while I’m doing laundry?
When I’m in there all alone, I am silently begging for someone to start up a conversation with me–and I would take absolutely anyone at this point.
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So while most guys are trying their luck and getting shot down at bars & clubs… a very single, very attractive woman sits all alone, open to anyone with a pulse.
There is an entire dating “hot spot” out there that has been forgotten with the rise of the expectation to have to “go out” to meet someone.
What is it?
The laundromat.
Why Are Laundromats a Great Place to Meet Single Women?
Every week, hundreds of available women flock to the laundromat to clean everything from their workout clothes to their sexy lingerie.
This is basically your chance to meet women in a place where approaching her won’t seem “creepy”–in fact, it will be a welcomed move.
Doing laundry is just like starting a new relationship, too:
Get rid of the bad, and end up with something fresh.
But how exactly should you approach women in laundromats?
And what should you say once you walk up to her?
SHY OR INTROVERTED? Click Here to See Why Talking Less & Doing More of THIS Gets Her In Bed With You…
Keep reading, because I’ve got all the answers. 🙂
The Strategy: How To Approach & Talk to Single Women In Laundromats
Just like in any other place, starting a conversation with a new woman can feel tricky and uncomfortable.
However, in this case, you already have one thing going for you:
She is most likely hoping that someone like you will approach her!
So there’s no real reason to be afraid of rejection, because you both are wanting the same thing–someone to talk to.
You are both already bored and waiting for your laundry with nothing to do, so this small talk will be something she’s been secretly hoping for.
Now that you’re confident that this is a safe place to strike up a nice conversation, here comes the part that actually kills most guys’ game:
The talking.
I don’t know what it is about a pretty woman… but as soon as guys open their mouths around me, I feel like I’m back in middle school.
I have to work to decipher through the mumbling and “cool guy” talk to try to find out what you guys are actually about.
And the truth is, I don’t want to work that hard.
If you just started out by talking to me like “normal,” I would definitely warm up to you way faster than if I’m trying to piece together what you’re saying.
Women tend to be more emotional about relationships than men… and, therefore, we want to feel a base-level friendship and trust before we engage in anything romantic…
And here’s how to use this information to your advantage:
3 Original Openers to Use on Women at The Laundromat
It’s important to start off your conversation with a nice icebreaker–then you can let it flow wherever it wants to go.
And the truth is, it doesn’t always have to be sexy or flirty (though this is certainly welcome)–it can just be fun and easy too.
Here are 3 from Gotham Club Community Expert David Dupree that would work well on me & my friends:
1) “Men are idiots…” (while you hold a very pale yellow or blue article of clothing next to your whites)… “Can I put these in the wash together?”
2) “Hey, I am so sorry, but could I borrow your detergent? I came straight from work and completely forgot to pack some this morning!”
SPECIAL: This “T-Shirt Secret” Can Get You Laid Tonight…
(Bonus: If she lets you borrow it, you can say something like, “Oh, well I’ll give you some next time…” Or, “I can just take you out to dinner and call it even.”)
3) (While looking at one of your tags with a confused expression) “Do I need to get this drycleaned? These clothing tags are all jibberish!”
All three of these are great openers that you can use in just about any situation… and because they’re pretty simple, you don’t need to worry about stumbling over your words or coming off as “too forward.”
And if the conversation gets going… you may start to wonder if she’s interested in you sexually.
So here’s how to find out:
Should You Ask Her Out? Her “Sex Signs” Will Give You The Answer…
Let’s say we’re chatting in a laundromat, and things seem to be going well… so you want to ask me out on a date.
How can you know for sure if I’ll say yes? 🙂
a) If our conversation lasts for longer than 10 minutes…
b) If I have the “right” body language…
c) If I ask you a bunch of questions about yourself…
d) There’s no real way to know for sure…
If you guessed a, c, or d… well you’re not alone. Many guys still believe that the key to figuring out a woman’s true level of interest is in her words…
But in reality… this isn’t the case at all!
Because girls (especially younger college girls) get hit on a LOT… we don’t like to come off as “easy”… so we’re usually a lot more subtle about letting you know we’re into you.
That’s why the only real, honest-to-god way to know if I’m into you… (without flat-out asking me, which is kinda awkward anyway)… is to look at my body for some subtle hints that I want you sexually…
…and these subtle hints are commonly known by experts as a woman’s “Sex Signs.”
For example, if you see me do this with my hands… or this with my legs… you can be pretty certain:
Deep down, I’m waiting for you to ask for my #… or invite me out on a date… or even go in for the kiss right then & there… (if we’re alone of course haha!)
So if you want to know for sure if a woman likes you before asking her out… this video will give you the answer:
Discover Her “Sex Signs” That Reveal Her True Level of Interest In You…