The #1 Time She’ll Say “Yes” To Sex (Study)

Will You Get Lucky Tonight?

How to Initiate Sex Without Ever Risking Rejection–Will You Get Lucky Tonight?

Have you ever wondered why sometimes women say “Yes” to sex (or even initiate sex) quickly…

And other times seem to have no interest in the subject?

For a lot of guys, initiating sex can seem stressful — especially when you aren’t sure how she’s going to respond.

But imagine knowing that when you initiate sex, she’ll say “Yes”….

Without having to worry about her being “too tired”…

Or “not in the mood”… none of that.

Think it sounds too good to be true?

Think again.

How This Study Is Changing the Sex Lives of Men All Over the World…

A recent study reported when women are most likely to say “Yes” to sex — and the results were pretty surprising.

According to the results, women are most likely to say “Yes” to sex on Sunday mornings…

And least likely to say “Yes” on Tuesday evenings.

To a regular person, this might seem pretty random — why are Tuesday nights such a bad night for sex? And why are Sunday mornings so good?

I want to take a look at what the study reported to help you get a better idea around when you should and shouldn’t be asking for sex.

And once you understand why she wants sex at certain times, getting her to say “Yes” will become even easier.

Here are 3 things to keep in mind before you initiate sex with a woman:

1) Less Stress = More Sex

When you think about the times of the week women are most stressed out, it’s really not so surprising that Sunday mornings and Saturdays scored high for a positive reception to sex.

That’s because it’s the weekend — when she’s more relaxed and less stressed out than she is during the week.

As a general rule, women are more into having sex when they’re relaxed. When she has a long list of items to worry about, getting turned on isn’t as high of a priority.

But why would Sunday mornings score higher than Saturday nights?

Here’s my two cents:

Many couples go out on Saturdays or have a luandry list of items to tackle throughout the day.

While this is often less stressful than working, it still adds some stress to the day.

Sunday mornings, however, offer a great time to linger in bed a little longer and enjoy some quality time between the sheets.

Sunday is also the last day of the weekend, and women may view it as their last carefree day of the week to indulge in sex.

However, that doesn’t mean that weekend will always equal the best time for sex (like if she works on the weekends, for example).

So if the woman you’re with works on the weekends, aim for her days off or days when she has a light workload.

And from there, here’s the next key to keep in mind:

2) Don’t Make Sex Seem Like a Chore

During the week, most people get home from work around 5 or 5:30 PM.

And generally, when a woman gets home, she wants a way to destress from the daily grind — so why doesn’t sex top this list?

The problem with bringing up the subject of sex when she gets home is that, in her eyes, you’re adding another task at the end of a long day for her to tackle.

Sure, sex is always going to be more fun than doing laundry… but it still might feel like a chore to her nonetheless.

The thought of her having to say “No” to sex might also stress her out, leading to a pretty unpleasant experience overall.

Think of everything you do on a weeknight — from cooking and light cleaning, to preparing for your next workday — sometimes it can be stressful.

So if she seems overwhelmed, skip the sex talk, and just be there for her instead.

(And hey, sometimes just being there for her is enough to get her to initiate sex!)

3) Learn from Her Habits

If she says “No” to sex, it’s not necessarily a lost cause. And in fact, there’s something to be learned from every instance she says “No.”

If she always says “No” to sex right after work or cooking dinner, for example, try to pick up on the reason why behind her answer.

Be aware of how she’s feeling — if you notice she’s feeling that way again, it’s probably not a good time to ask her for sex.

For example, if she just got home from work, does she seem stressed?

Does she normally pour herself a glass of wine and relax on the couch?

If so, beat her to the punch by having a glass of wine ready for her when she gets home.

She’ll likely still want to chill for a bit, but she’ll be grateful for you as well.

And this could lead to her changing her mind about sex in the evening.

The key to finally knowing if she’s up for sex or not is to try to pick up on how she’s feeling.

If she’s relaxed, she’ll be more into the idea.

If she’s stressed, try helping her unwind before bringing it up again.

And once she’s ready for sex, if you can blow her mind in bed, then you’ll have her coming back to you for more and more.

But how do you do that?

Will You Get Lucky Tonight?

The Only Sex That TRULY Satisfies Me…

If you can satisfy me in bed… then I’m going to say “Yes” to sex a lot more often.

But the sad truth is… most guys can’t give me the most intense kind of orgasm I’ve had in the past.

My girlfriends and I all agree… we want you to hit *all* of our spots during sex…

Like have you heard of a woman’s Deep Spot“? You can hit it even if you’re not “huge” down there… and when you do… ohmygosh… I’m getting turned on just writing about it…

Here’s a short video that will show you how to hit a woman’s “Deep Spot” every time you’re with her… you’re gonna love it (& so will she):

How to Hit Her “Deep Spot” During Sex (Big D**k NOT Required)

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