How To Make Your Penis Bigger: 5 Proven Ways to Get “Magnum-Sized”

how to increase penis size
Learn how to increase penis size naturally below…

How to Increase Penis Size… And See MASSIVE Results, Fast

Click Here to Discover 5 All-Natural Foods That Get You Hard-As-Steel FAST (Even If You Haven’t Had an Erection in Years)…

Most men, at some point or another, question their penis size. 

They wonder if women want bigger penises (hint: they actually don’t…as long as you know what to do with what you’ve got…)

A lot of guys wonder how they measure up… I know I did. (I mean, we don’t sit around in locker rooms, staring and comparing…)

And at some point, we wonder if there’s anything, short of surgery, that you can do to make yourself bigger and harder.

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Well, the good news is:

There are actually many ways for you to make your penis feel longer, stronger and thicker…

Read on, and I’ll show you–or at least describe (no d**k pics here)-–how to make your penis bigger, the all natural way.

I’ll also mention a few things to avoid…

Let’s get started:

Penis 101

First things first: what is the average penis size? 

The average length of a flaccid penis is between 3.4 and 3.7 inches.

The average length of an erect penis is between 5.1 and 5.7 inches. 

The average circumference of an erect penis is between 3.5 and 3.9 inches. 

But don’t worry about what  your tape measure says…

Here’s something interesting: the size of a flaccid penis does not indicate the size it will be when it’s erect. It could become quite a lot bigger, or show just a modest change. 

You can expect your penis to stop growing by age 19, though some finish sooner and some later. It just depends how long puberty lasted for you and at what age it began. 

How To Make Your Penis Bigger: 5 Proven Ways to Get “Magnum-Sized”

OK… But Can You Make It Bigger (Naturally…)?

Now… how to increase penis size. 

Doesn’t matter if you already wear Magnums–we still want to reach our full potential…

So, yes, there are ways. 

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There are a few, all natural, tactics that you can use to increase your size. 

Mostly your size is determined by genetics, but lifestyle, health, and special techniques can make a difference. 

Plus, if you’re not already getting to maximum hardness, you could definitely be bigger… (more on that later…)

how to increase penis size

Hitting the Penis Gym

One popular belief is that stretching your penis in specific ways can actually increase its size.

It is believed that this is because the exercises and stretches cause micro-tears, and as they heal the tissue size increases (talk about a life hack!). 

Here are 4 of the most effective exercises:

1) The Warm-Up “Stretch”

Before doing any exercise routine, it’s important to “warm up” the muscles you’re going to be working out.

And you want to be particularly careful when it comes to your penis (a penile injury can be really painful – yikes).

Warming up will help you to avoid injury while making your muscles and tissue more susceptible to stretching and growth (that’s a good thing).

To begin, find a hand towel or washcloth to a temperature that’s just a little above your body’s temperature–you want it to be hot to the touch but not so hot that it will burn you.

Use the cloth to physically warm your entire groin area–not just your penis–until you feel your muscles all starting to relax.

Do this for a few minutes. If it starts to cool down, go ahead and rewarm the cloth.

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Once your groin is warm, you’re ready to start stretching. 

  1. Start with a warm, flaccid (soft) penis.
  2. Grip your penis behind the head and pull it gently downward, toward your feet. Hold the stretch for 30 seconds or so.
  3. Continuing to grip your penis behind the head, pull it gently to the right and hold the stretch for 30 seconds.
  4. Repeat and hold the stretches, pulling upward, pulling to the left, and then pulling it straight out away from your body.

The stretching motions of this exercise create micro-tears in your penis’ muscles and ligament tissues. As the tissues heal, new cells grow to fill the microtears, elongating the muscles and tissues.

Through stretching alone, some users have reported flaccid length gains of up to one-quarter of an inch.

How To Make Your Penis Bigger: 5 Proven Ways to Get “Magnum-Sized”

2) Jelqing

One of the foundational penis enlargement exercises when it comes to penis enlargement is “jelqing.”

Jelqing is similar to the motion one makes when milking (milqing?) a cow.

Some guys like to use lube when jelqing–prevents chafing–while others do it “dry.”

As far as the exercise goes, it doesn’t matter: Do what’s most comfortable for you.

That being said, lube can be better for your penis’ skin and make the routine a little easier and more comfortable.

If you do choose to use lube, pick a good, water-based one (any pharmacy will carry it). Then lube up (or not) and start jelqing:

  1. Grab the base of your penis–as close to your body as possible–using only your thumb and index finger.
  2. Apply light squeezing pressure–it should not be painful–and slide your thumb and finger toward the middle of your penis’ shaft. You’re pushing blood along the length of your penis, toward the head.
  3. End the jelq by moving your thumb and finger in a “milking” motion toward the end of your penis but stopping just before you hit the head. Each jelq should take two or three seconds. Repeat several times.

Jelqing works on a couple of different levels.

First, it helps to stretch and expand your penis’ capacity for bloodflow because you are forcing blood down the length of your penis under pressure. (More on bloodflow below…)

Second, jelqing works similarly to the stretching exercise: It creates micro-tears that stretch and allow your muscle tissues to stretch and elongate.

Check out how jelqing can help to make your penis feel bigger.

how to increase penis size
Learn how to increase penis size naturally below…

3) Pelvic Floor Muscle Exercises (“Kegels”)

You can work out your pelvic floor muscles with an exercise commonly referred to as a “kegel.”

The muscles of your pelvic floor are instrumental in both getting and maintaining strong erections.

In fact, studies have suggested that kegels should be a “first-line approach for men seeking long-term resolution of erectile dysfunction.”

Other research has suggested that kegels are a better overall solution for erectile functioning than drugs like Viagra.

Once you master the technique, you’ll find not only that kegels are easy to do but that you can do them pretty much anywhere. Here’s how:

  1. Locate your pelvic floor muscles. These are the muscles you contract when you stop the flow of urination midstream or to tighten your anus. If you can do this, you know how to contract your pelvic floor muscles.
  2. Contract your pelvic floor muscles.
  3. Hold the contraction for as long as you can. You may not be able to hold it for more than a few seconds (or at all) at first–and that’s OK. The more you work out muscles, the longer you will be able to hold the contractions.
  4. Release the contraction and repeat. Combined, all of these steps are one kegel. Do them in sets of 10, trying to hold each kegel for the same amount of time.

Start off slow, and gradually increase your workout, trying to exceed the amount of time you hold each contraction as you become more practiced. Start by shooting for 50 kegels a day at one or two seconds per contraction.

Kegels have helped a lot of guys strengthen their pelvic floor muscles and train themselves to achieve and maintain stronger, harder erections.

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4) Reverse Kegels

As you probably suspect, a reverse kegel is the opposite of a kegel. So, instead of contracting your pelvic floor muscle, you’re going to extend it, then relax it.

  1. Locate your pelvic floor muscles. This time, though, you want to extend your muscles as if you’re trying to force yourself to pee harder or to open your anus wider.
  2. Extend your pelvic floor muscles.
  3. Hold the extension for as long as you can. Again, you may not be able to hold it for more than a few seconds (or at all) at first. But keep working the muscle–you’ll get there.
  4. Release the extension and repeat. Alternate between kegels and reverse kegels. For every 20 seconds of kegels you do, do five seconds of reverse kegels.

This will increase your ability to hold off ejaculation so that you can last longer in bed.

If you practice all four of these exercises on a regular basis, you’ll start to see results in both the strength of your erections and the size of your penis.

How To Make Your Penis Bigger: 5 Proven Ways to Get “Magnum-Sized”

Lifestyle Changes that Make You Bigger (Down There) 

If you want to naturally increase your penis size, your daily choices matter a lot. 

For example, you might not have thought that a cigarette could affect your penis size, but smoking narrows your arteries, limiting blood flow to your penis. 

Quitting isn’t easy… but neither is explaining to a hot woman why you can’t seem to get hard… 

how to increase penis size

Exercising regularly is a super effective way to maximize your size. Exercise promotes full-body bloodflow (yeah, that word again…) and ensures that your cardiovascular system is strong and healthy. Strong, hard, and healthy veins means that you can have raging erections, so don’t skip the gym.

Believe it or not, meditating can also increase your size. 

This is because if you are overly stressed and anxious, bloodflow to sex organs is limited. Meditation helps you relax and has been reported for hundreds of years as a wonderful aid for sex drive. 

Shave and a Haircut Makes Your Two Bits Look Bigger…

You might be surprised to hear it but, a big part of your size is simply how everything looks. Possibly the easiest thing you can do is trim up your pubic hair to reveal more of your natural size. 

If you’ve got a lot of hair taking over down there, your penis could literally be hidden among those tangles. Women love when men shave or trim, too…

A clean trim or shave will also make women want to go down on you… just as an additional benefit…

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A somewhat more challenging way to look bigger is to lose weight

If you’ve got a keg instead of a six pack, it’s going to draw a woman’s eyes away from your penis. 

Plus, that larger belly mass is going to make your penis look smaller in comparison. 

how to increase penis size

Which Foods Are the Best at Boosting Bloodflow?

Every time a guy asks me how to increase his penis size, I ask him what he’s been eating. 

Some foods are better than others at promoting bloodflow, and as I mentioned, bloodflow is a huge factor–the biggest factor–when it comes to reaching your maximum size. 

To make your penis bigger with food, try ingesting these three “g’s” that have components which enhance circulation (blood flow) in your body: Ginkgo biloba, green tea, and garlic.

(Note: there are two more bloodflow-boosting “g’s” that I’ll discuss in a bit below.)

how to increase penis size

Gingko biloba, in addition to powerful antioxidants, contains terpenoids.

According to the Mayo Clinic, the terpenoids in gingko biloba boost circulation by causing blood vessels to dilate.

They also cause platelets to become less “sticky” and so serve to make your blood thinner.

The polyphenols in green tea are extremely beneficial to cardiovascular (as well as metabolic) health.

Specifically, studies have shown that the catechins (types of polyphenol) in green tea prevent blood vessels from becoming inflamed and also help to thin out the blood by suppressing adhesion among platelets.

Finally, there is plenty of evidence that substances in garlic increases bloodflow in human tissues–-like the muscles and ligaments in your penis.

This is because your red blood cells process compounds contained in garlic and use them to create hydrogen sulfide.

Hydrogen sulfide, in turn, relaxes blood vessels and increases blood flow.

While it’s cool that you can make your penis bigger naturally, it could be a pain to track down and consume enough garlic, green tea and gingko biloba to make a difference.

Fortunately, you don’t actually have to ingest these herbs–or their constituents–as food. You can buy them in concentrated capsule form to make sure you’re getting the dosages you need.

Now’s the Time to Own It

Whoever says size doesn’t matter is, well, compensating for something…right? 

Not necessarily. Ask plenty of women—even experienced women who have been around the block and been with a lot of impressive men—and they’ll tell you the same thing. 

To a certain point, size does matter. But once you’ve put your best, ah, penis forward, it’s all about how you carry yourself…

I’ve heard this from many of my women friends, and even past girlfriends. 

Now that you know all my secrets to make your penis bigger, I’m here to tell you there’s one more very important ingredient. 

If you can do this, you can wow her into coming back again and again.

You can make a lot of progress with the tips and tricks you’ve learned here, but at the end of the day, you need the secret sauce. 

What am I talking about? 

Confidence, pure and simple confidence. 

That’s right. If you follow the advice I’ve given you here, you’ll know for certain you’ve reached your maximum size. 

You won’t have to feel insecure before getting naked with a new lady, wondering, “Will I be enough for her? Will she be impressed? Will she want to see me again?” 

Nope, forget about those fears—you’ve done everything you can to make your penis bigger in a healthy way. 

Once you can tell yourself this with certainty, you will have achieved the single hottest trait a man can have.

And that is confidence. 

A guy who can swagger—and not in a cocky way, but in a way that means he’s sure of himself—is a guy who can get, and keep, all the women of his dreams. 

I remember when I was in high school. The most popular guy in my class—the guy who went to prom with the hottest girls both junior and senior year—was no football star. 

Sure, he played on the football team, but he would have been mowed down by even your standard quarterback.  

No, what this guy had that made him so irresistible to women was simple: good self-esteem. 

He knew he was funny. He knew he was cool. If he had insecurities about his body, he dealt with them in a healthy way. 

He didn’t let fear rule him. 

That’s exactly what you need to do. Put these tips into practice, then pat yourself on the back. 

You’ve got the biggest penis possible, and now you can be satisfied with yourself. 

No more fussing and worrying. Just confidence and cool. 

That satisfaction is sure to be contagious.

Now go on with your bad self, and you’ll have women drooling over you all down the block.

how to increase penis size

Making The Most Out of What You Have…

Imagine having a bigger, harder penis WITHOUT having cosmetic surgery or taking a regimen of pharmaceuticals.

Imagine how badass you’ll feel when you have a girl in bed…and she gets that first glance of your rock hard manhood.

Her face will flush up instantly. Her breathing will quicken. And she’ll start getting uncontrollably wet for you.

And all it takes is making the most out of what you have. Even if you’d consider yourself “smaller than average.”

Think about it:

If you fill HALF a sock with ball bearings…and then you fill the sock till it overflows with ball bearings…at what point will it feel harder?

When will it look it’s biggest?

Of course, it will be it’s biggest and hardest when it’s full of ball bearings vs only half full.

And THAT Is the secret!

No matter what you put in it, it’s the same sock. The trick is just making the most out of what you’re filling it with.

In the case of your penis: To get a big rock hard erection, you need to fill your penis with blood. And for many guys, that process happens naturally when they’re turned on.

But there are exercises and other tricks you can do, that INCREASE the blood flow to your penis resulting in the most spectacular erections you’ve ever experienced.

Do these exercises regularly and you will see MASSIVE results…fast!

I’ll actually let you in on one of the secrets right now.

There’s a simple way to boost your bloodflow dramatically from today…

… all you have to do is introduce a few new foods into your diet.

These 5 ultra-healthy plant-based foods have been PROVEN to boost your bloodflow *down there*…

And if you eat them in a specific combination, they will give you fuller, harder erections that allow you to last longer… and blow some of the most pleasurable loads of your life.

(I personally tried them out myself and noticed a BIG difference after only a week.)

Click here to watch a short, free video that shows you all 5 foods and how to get them.

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