Study Discovers Sexy “Immune-Booster” to Survive This Flu Season

How to Get Over the Flu Quickly & Easily

How to Get Over the Flu Quickly & Easily–This Naughty Cure Is All You Need…

I don’t know about you, but it seems like every winter, without fail, I catch some kind of cold that’s floating around.

With so many festive gatherings around this time of year, like New Year’s Eve…

The Superbowl…

And even Valentine’s Day…

It can really put a damper on this fun time of year.

Plus, with St. Patrick’s Day fast approaching, it’s important to be in peak physical health.

It’s no secret that winter is the peak season for getting sick — but did you know there’s a surprisingly naughty cure for the common cold?

Why Having a Cold Just Got Way, Way Hotter…

That’s right — I’m talking about sex. Sex can actually decrease your chances of getting sick.

A recent Daily Star article addresses a college study proving that sex is extremely good for your body — in more ways than one.

You may already know that sex can help you stay in shape…

Reduce stress and anxiety…

And get a better night’s sleep…

But it can actually do so much more.

The study referenced in the above article found that having sex, or simply ejaculating, more than twice a week is actually great for your immune system.

Wilkes University researchers found reasonable scientific proof that sex can also help you ward off sicknesses like the common cold.

Sound too good to be true? It’s not!

Read on to find out more about this exciting new study.

What’s the Science Behind Sexy Time’s Immune-Boosting Power?

As part of the study, Wilkes University students set off to see if they could find a correlation between sex and overall health.

During the research phase of their study, the students at Wilkes University focused on IgA — an infection-fighting immunoglobulin found in saliva.

The researchers then set out to collect IgA samples from participants (111 students total — 44 men and 7 women).

The results were pretty clear:

Those who engaged in sex at least twice a week had 30% more IgA in their systems than those who didn’t.

What was really impressive was that the researchers discovered that the students who had sex more than twice a week had even higher levels of IgA.

So what exactly does this mean for you?

The more safe sex you have, the less likely you are to get sick.

That’s great news if you’re one of the many Americans who frequently suffers from colds, flus, or sinus infections during the wintertime.

And if you’re in a serious relationship, that just means more time between the sheets — for health reasons, of course. 😉

Of course, if you’re not in a relationship or actively dating, figuring out how to boost your sex life might seem like a challenge.

Don’t worry — that’s exactly what we’re here for.

If you aren’t having sex at least two times a week, here are some great ways to boost your sex life, while also improving your overall health.

1) Put Yourself Out There

It might sound a little tired, but it’s true.

You’re not going to meet any new women if you don’t get out and put yourself out there.

It doesn’t matter what you’re looking for — a casual fling, a booty call, or even someone to seriously date — you’ll never find her if you aren’t trying.

Luckily, technology makes this super easy.

Popular dating apps like Tinder and OkCupid make finding women simpler than ever.

These apps also make it easy to communicate before meeting up to ensure you both want the same things.

That way you can easily find a girl looking for the same type of relationship that you are.

And of course, you can always go the traditional route and try to meet a woman in person.

Think the barista at your regular coffee shop is super cute? Let her know the next time you stop in — she’ll most likely smile and say “Thanks”… and you might even get a new date out of it.

Looking for something more casual, like a one night stand?

Try hitting up a bar near your place late at night — this is when most women who are single and looking will be ready to go home with a man.

If you’re a relationship-minded guy, you might feel strange approaching a woman for a one night stand. But I’m here to tell you that you shouldn’t.

If she wants a night of casual fun, and you do too, there’s nothing wrong with that.

Plus, it’s all in the name of better health. Who can feel guilty about that?

2) Use Social Media & Texting to Contact an Old Flame

If there’s a woman you periodically hang out with, or you have a booty call from a while back, try texting her or calling her a little more often.

Of course, this is easier if you’re already dating or sleeping with a woman.

You can even mention the study’s findings and suggest you make sure she doesn’t get sick a single day this winter. 🙂

And if you’re not already sleeping with someone regularly, this study can make for interesting conversation with the next interesting woman you meet.

The key is to reach out to old flames, or introduce yourself to new women — it’s the easiest way to make sure your bed isn’t empty, and you get the kind of sex that you want.

3) Give Yourself Some Love

One of the most interesting findings in the study was that ejaculation alone increased levels of cortisone, which helps boost your immune system.

That’s right–you don’t need to have sex with a woman to reap the cold-killing benefits.

You can just take care of it yourself, instead.

So if you’re not already masturbating a couple times a week, take some time out every few days to show yourself some love.

It’s great for your stress, your mood, and amazing for your overall health.

Even if you’re seeing someone one night a week, you can decrease your chances of getting sick by incorporating masturbation and sex into your weekly routine.

And this final method is perfect if you want to make sure you’re the best she’s ever had… plus, all it takes is 15 minutes. 🙂

How to Get Over the Flu Quickly & Easily

4) Try This Sexy “Workout”

We all know that exercising your muscles can make you stronger & healthier… but did you know that exercising your manhood can make it stronger too?

I didn’t believe it at first… until I saw this recent study.

It found 4 super-simple, mega-effective “erection exercises” that boost male bedroom performance…

And when you do them all together (takes like 15 min)… they work to nearly quadruple your lasting power.

Take the “jelqing” exercise, for example… it’s sort of like “milking” your manhood… you can do it wet or dry, but it works to elongate your penis… & over time, it can improve your blood flow as well.

The other three “erection exercises” are even more effective… though they take a little longer to explain. You can check ‘em out here :-):

Discover the 4 “Erection Exercises” to Boost Your Bedroom Performance & Improve the Size and Strength of Your Erections…

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