How to Be a Bad Boy: Kiss Her Like This… (And Make Her Wet)
If you’re like most guys you’ve probably found yourself out on a date, chatting with a girl at a bar or maybe even back at your place with a new chick trying to decipher her behavior…
…her words…
…her body language…
…and her attraction level to “know” for sure that she will be ok with you trying to kiss her.
That nervous feeling of preemptive rejection starts to permeate throughout your body…
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Maybe your mouth goes dry, you’re staring into her eyes hoping to find any clue, any indication that she “wants” to be kissed…
And for whatever at-the-time seemingly rational reason, you listen to your excuses and don’t go for it.
The World’s Saddest Instant Replay Running on Repeat…
You review the situation over and over in your head after you’ve left your date all the while beating yourself up for “not” being a man and “not” going in for the kill…
Ugggggh! I should have just kissed her! What’s wrong with me?
Life sucks! I hate girls! I hate dating! Why is this so confusing and hard for me?
Believe me, I’ve been there myself. I remember being in that same situation more times than I care to admit.
When I think back to those times of being a pussy, I cringe! I literally wanna scream out loud at myself, “Glenn, you p*ssy!”
Worry no more!
I want to give you advice that will NEVER steer you wrong. But you have to make a promise to yourself and to me to trust in what I’m saying 100%.
Say to yourself right now:
“Glenn I will 100% trust your advice and what you’re about to say.”
Say it again to yourself, this time scream it out loud or in your head! Say it one more time just to be sure.
The Secret to Knowing When a Girl Wants to Be Kissed…
When it comes to “knowing” if a girl wants to be kissed I could sit here all day and give you around 100 signals that a woman will exhibit secretly communicating to you that she wants to be kissed.
I could break down the psychology of each and every action she will exhibit towards a man of her romantic interest.
I could also give you some awesomely funny or flirty things to say that will give you an idea into what she’s thinking and if she’s ready to have a long hot make-out session with you…
But I’m not going to!
Don’t start crying yet… I’m going to give you something better!
Let me ask you a question and it’s a question that I really want you to take a moment to think about…
Ohhhhh, I can hear the excuses going off in your head right now.
If you just gave yourself even one little excuse to counter my question then this article is for you and you need my advice!
As much as what I’m about to say may hurt you, I feel that I have to say it…
You’re just not a man yet! You’re still a little boy who hasn’t grown up in regards to dating and the correct mentality to embody when handling women.
I’m sure by now you all know or have heard that women are attracted to the Alpha male or the Bad Boy? Women love a strong masculine energy. It’s what they secretly fantasize about.
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They love the man who isn’t afraid to lead, to be dominant both in the bedroom and in real life.
They adore the guy who goes after what he wants unapologetically! These are the types of men that have an abundance of sexual options.
These are also the types of men that women cheat on their boyfriends and husbands with!
Do you think that the Alpha male sits around on a date all night trying to figure out if she’s ready to be kissed?
Do you think the bad-boy plays it safe and doesn’t go for the kiss or sex because he’s scared of rejection?
Hell NO… HE GOES FOR IT! He doesn’t give a damn what she thinks or if she’ll reject his advances. He’s a man about his desires and women find this sexy and hot.
When guys ask me “how can I be more of a bad boy?”, this is what I tell them. It’s not so much “how to be a bad boy” as it is “how to not care about rejection” or “how to not care about what she thinks.
The Motto That Will Bring You Newfound Confidence
I have a motto that I like to give guys I coach. Are you ready?
The above statement is true for any situation you may find yourself in with a woman, not just kissing her.
Nothing turns a woman’s sexual drive for a man off more than the guy who’s hesitant or won’t go for it! That alone will kill any attraction that she may have been experiencing towards you.
Women by nature are genetically designed or hardwired to be submissive to masculine energy. Deep down they will follow the man’s lead and his desires if he believes in himself strongly enough.
Next time you’re out with a new woman, instead of trying to figure her out, spend a little time figuring yourself out.
If You Want to Kiss Her, Just Do It!
If you’re in the mood to make your move on her sexually, go for it.
Doing it this way is infinitely easier than sitting there for hours trying to pick up on subtle signals coming from her, going through your little mental checklist to see if she’s “ready.”
And I promise you’ll get a lot more success than you ever would have imagined.
When I meet a girl on the street or in a bar and have only talked with her for a few minutes (and sometimes just a few seconds) and start making out with her, do you think I was sitting there trying to figure out what she’s thinking?
Hell no. I wanted to kiss her and I did!
I have zero fear of rejection and neither should you!
Does that mean that I never get rejected? No. Of course I get rejected here and there but that’s just part of the game.
When you pursue a woman sexually, it actually turns her on. Women want to feel sexually desired and by you making your move she will experience that!
From this day forward…kiss a woman when YOU want to kiss her and watch the magic happen!
The Horrific Downside of NOT Kissing Her…
Here’s the thing:
When a woman wants you to kiss her… but you don’t do it…
She thinks you don’t find her attractive…and that’s enough to ruin your chances with her.
Women NEED to feel wanted… they want to be desired by a guy…
So when you hesitate to kiss a girl when she wants it to happen? It’s the exact opposite of that.
That’s why it’s is crucial that you’re able to figure out when a woman wants you to kiss her…
And if you struggle with that at all… even a little bit…
Then you need to drop what you’re doing and watch this video now.
It was put together by Craig Miller, Gotham Club’s Founder… and it shows you 5 “Sneaky Signs” That a Hot Girl Wants You BADLY.
Women are weird (obviously lol) because they wanna show you they like you… but without being obvious about it.
That’s because many of them are terrified of being known as “easy” or “a slut.”
So instead of coming out and screaming “I REALLY LIKE YOU!” in your face…
They “code” their signs of interest in these really subtle ways that they assume that “all guys just know.”
Trouble is…most guys don’t have a clue how to recognize these signs.
In fact, studies have shown that only 7% of guys “naturally” can pick up on these subtle “I like you signals.”
Which means the rest of us? We have to learn about them somewhere else.
Fortunately, Craig has broken these 5 “Sneaky Signs” down for you in this free video, so you can make a move on that hot girl, and get laid whatever you want… without having to worry about rejection.
Once you’ve seen this video… you’ll notice hot girls all around you… practically screaming how badly they want you…
And begging you to come over and talk with them, kiss them, and yes, even f**k them, within minutes of meeting.
Here’s the free video–watch it now to make rejection a thing of the past and get laid a LOT more often by a LOT hotter girls
[FREE VIDEO] 5 “Sneaky Signs” That a Hot Girl Wants You BADLY.
P.S. – I had no idea that when a girl does THIS with her feet… it means she’s ready to drop her panties for you… did you?