How Often Do Women Think About Sex? Here’s the Surprising Answer…
For most men, the idea of sex, even if it’s just a passing thought, occurs many times in any given day.
Sure, some guys think about sex more often than others… but one study recently found that the average man thinks about sex 24 times a day.
Sounds about right — but what about women? Do they think about sex less often? The same amount? How often does she really have sex on her mind?
Most guys seem to think that men think about sex more often than women.
However, this study came to an entirely different conclusion.
In fact, women are thinking about sex way more often than most guys realize. So today, I’m going to tell you the truth about how often women think about sex, and how to use this information to your advantage.
The #1 Myth About Women and Sex (And What it Means For You)
It’s a common assumption that men think about sex significantly more often than women:
- “Men are obsessed with sex”…
- “Guys are more sexual than women”…
- “Men lack self-control”…
And so on.
But guess what? According to that study, it’s all B.S.
And in fact, women think about sex 18 times a day! That’s about once every waking hour (given that she’s getting 6 hours of sleep every night).
Surprised? I’ll admit that I was, too.
Though using this information, you can get some great insight into the female brain — in particular, the female sexual brain.
There’s an idea in the male brain that you’re this sex-driven caveman compared to the way a woman’s brain approaches sexual encounters.
So what are some ways you can use this information to uncover the sexual desires of the woman (or women) in your life? Let’s take a look.
How To Explore Her Most Intimate Sexual Thoughts the “Right” Way
When you first meet a woman, it’s important to ask her a lot of questions so you can learn more about her.
Relationships — however big or small, or serious or casual — are about understanding what the other person is all about.
So if you’ve asked her about her interests and passions, and you’re getting to know her, then it might be the right time to start asking her more intimate questions about her sexual fantasies.
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Remember: This study has proven that women are thinking about sex almost as often (if not just as often) as you are.
So it’s important to realize that with the right presentation, these questions won’t be out of place or misguided.
(By the way, I know a lot of guys might feel “awkward” about asking these kinds of questions. So click here to discover an easier way to turn her on without any lines or questions.)
At the end of the day, every situation is different, and each woman will have her own interests. So it’s best to use what you already know about her to introduce these kinds of questions.
For example, a question like, “Have you ever fantasized about ____?” Will work for some women…
But for other women, something more straightforward, like “Can you tell me about some of your sexual fantasies?” Will work better.
In these cases, it’s best to use your own judgment.
And if you’re still not sure how to approach it with the woman you have in mind, here are a few tried and tested strategies:
1) Use Social Media as a “Soft” Way to Introduce It
One great tip I can offer is to use her favorite forms of media as a gateway into questions about sex.
Have you learned her favorite movie, for example? Most movies have at least one sex scene — try asking about her favorite.
Does she have a reality show star that she adores? Ask her what she finds “so sexy” about him.
(Or you could also do a little research, and talk about some of the suggestive rumors that have been floating around about him/her.)
Maybe she has a favorite author — chat with her about the way that the author has this incredible talent at describing love and passion — even sex — without making it sound like erotica.
Ultimately, your goal is to use these subtle questions to learn more about her own fantasies.
Because the truth is, men and women alike feel their emotions projected into forms of media.
Movies, books, and music can make us laugh or make us sad because they all were crafted from those very emotions.
The same goes for sexuality and arousal. These kinds of emotions are found in everything.
So play to those emotions to learn more about your partner. Next thing you know, she’ll be thrilled to find out you’re playing to her strengths without needing to ask what they may be.
Of course, it should go without saying that these kinds of sexually charged questions shouldn’t be the first questions you ask her on a first date.
The primary purpose of these questions is to learn more about a woman who you’re just reaching stages of intimacy with — not someone who you’ve just met.
But is there a way to bring up these kinds of questions on a first date, if you’re really antsy to learn more about her?
Possibly. Here’s how:
2) Use The “Asking for a Friend” Method
You’ve probably heard the old trope found in movies or television, “I’m asking for a friend.”
It’s a way of gaining knowledge or advice for yourself without directly making it known that it’s actually you who wants this information.
Now, I’m not saying to use the exact same wording as, “I’m asking for a friend”…
But within this phrase, you’ve got a great way of introducing a conversation about her sexual fantasies.
Over a casual meal or while relaxing at home, why not tell her about the “story that your friend told you about ______”…?
Or that you were “reading in the paper about this next new sex craze, ______”…?
To introduce the idea from a third-party perspective, you’ll both be able to weigh in on it without it directly meaning that the one or the both of you are interested in it.
Until the conversation evolves to that point, just as you planned.
3) Remember, She’s Thinking About Sex (Almost) as Often as You Are
If women are proven to be thinking about sex at least 18 times a day, then what’s wrong with posing a question about it?
This is the mindset you should have going into it.
Here’s the truth: When you’re sexually attracted to a woman, and you’re getting the vibe that she feels the same, then why not learn about the best ways you can sexually satisfy her?
Finding out about her sexual fantasies may do more than just bring some new excitement to the bedroom.
Using these kinds of conversations to build trust in one another is how healthy relationships are formed and strengthened.
And who knows, maybe the fantasies that she’s looking to explore are the same that you’re looking to explore but you’ve both been too bashful to say anything about it.
Then the real fun begins.
However, if you’re on the “shy” or “introverted” side of the spectrum… then there is something you can do to turn her on, and get her to open up to you.
Here’s how it works:
The “Pleasure Touch” Every Woman Secretly Craves (But Will Never Admit)…
When you’re talking to a woman… and you want to turn her on, without blatantly asking her about her “sexual fantasies”…
Then here’s something new that’s been working really well for me lately — it’s called the “Pleasure Touch.” It works like this:
You pick an “innocent” spot on her, and touch her like this for a few seconds…
It’s subtle, though it seemingly unleashes a frenzy of sex hormones…
And after a few minutes, you’ll notice her smiling more… leaning into you… and she might even ask you about your sexual fantasies (seriously, this happened to me once)…
It’s perfect for those moments when you just “aren’t sure what to say”… and it’s so damn stealthy, that it even works in public.
All of my buddies agree, this “Pleasure Touch” is a major game-changer. Check this out to see how to use it on the next woman you want:
Discover the “Pleasure Touch” to Turn Her On FAST & Get Her In Bed (No Words Needed)…
How Culture Is Reshaping Sexual Relationships Between Men & Women…
Over the years, our society has placed promiscuous men in the spotlight, calling them “stallions” and the like.
Women, on the other hand, have had to endure a lot of negative sexual shame that comes along with having multiple sexual partners.
As a result, women were — for a long time — less likely to chase men for sex. They were more likely to get sexually involved with just a few men over the course of their lives.
TRENDING: 3 Shocking Rough Sex Moves She’ll BEG You for Again & Again…
Still, today it’s the man who usually pursues the woman, since men are trained from an early age to see sex as a prize.
And women, trying to live within the bounds of societal norms, only grant this “prize” to the chosen few. This is how the game has been played for years.
Thankfully, today’s culture and society have helped shed the skin of our yesteryears. As women have long been shamed for their open sexuality, they no longer have to worry so much about the stigma of having multiple sexual partners.
However, that’s not to say that it isn’t a concern at all.
It Doesn’t End There…
What all of this has resulted in is a culture that drives both men and women forward sexually — but still, men tend to be more driven than women.
Despite the sexual openness that women are allowed today, it’s no secret that courtship still relies a lot on a man’s ability to pursue a woman.
Women are still considered the gender that looks to build emotional attachment and thrive in romance over sexual pleasure…
Unless, that is, you know how to unlock a woman’s primal, sexual urges.
If you’ve read up to here, you know that these urges are there — and she wants to let them out.
And the truth is, unleashing these urges is actually pretty simple. As you may have guessed, it all comes back to understanding the female brain:
How to Tap Into a Woman’s Sexual Subconscious…
Like I mentioned earlier, modern-day society seems to suppress a woman’s primal, sexual urges…
So when she’s with you, she probably won’t act on her natural impulses… instead, these urges get locked up in what is commonly referred to as her “emotional brain.”
And finally, after years of research… I’ve found a way to unlock her “emotional brain”… and give her “permission” to unleash her urges when she’s around you:
I call it, the “Physical Fast Track.”
It’s perfect for shy, quieter guys… because you don’t have to do ANY smooth-talking… or spend hours wining & dining her…
Just follow these 3 simple steps… and you can go from awkward first date handshake… all the way to same night sex… here’s how: