The #1 Reason Women Call Good, Genuine Guys “Creepy”

how not to be creepy

How Not to Be Creepy So She’ll See You for the Fun, Confident Guy You Really Are…

As a man, women are constantly labeling you. You might be the “fun” guy…

The “cool” dude…

The “cute nerd”…

But not all labels are good ones — and I’d like to address 2 of the worst labels women can give to men like you and I: The “wuss” and the “creep.” Because most guys who women call a “wuss” or a “creep” aren’t actually a “wuss” or a “creep” at all!

Instead, they’re good, genuine men who fall into unfortunate situations. But once women label you like this, it’s incredibly difficult to get out of it…

So today, I’m going to show you exactly how to avoid these negative labels in the first place.

The “Wuss” Vs. the “Creep”: What’s the Difference?

Women label “wusses” and “creeps” very differently, but as I’ll show you in just a second, they’re really not so different.

In a woman’s mind, a “wuss” is:

  • Someone who won’t take action when she wants him to…
  • Someone who won’t stand up for her…
  • Someone who’s generally “scared” of confrontation…

Do you notice the recurring theme? In a woman’s mind, a “wuss” won’t take any action.

On the flip side, according to women, a “creep” is:

  • Someone who shouts unsolicited come-ons…
  • Someone who takes action she doesn’t want…
  • Someone who is inappropriate to her…

In a woman’s mind, a “creep” takes too much action, and far too soon. Now, if you’ve ever been called a “creep,” chances are you weren’t trying to offend the woman who called you that.

Clearly, there’s a disconnect between how women see these men they call “wusses” and “creeps,” and how the actions are unfolding in your own mind.

So what’s really going on?

The #1 Reason Women Call Good, Genuine Guys “Creepy”

This is the #1 reason a woman will call a good, genuine guys “creepy”:

Because he’s throwing her the bait before she’s even hungry. It’s too much, too soon.

It’s sort of like Heath Ledger’s Joker when he says, “Do I look like I have a plan? I’m like a dog chasing cars – I wouldn’t know what to with one if I caught it! I just do things.” This is the mindset of the “creep.”

But you’re no Joker — like most men, you probably don’t take action without thinking it through first (especially when it comes to women). So how do good guys fall into this spiral of being called a “creep”?

Most men who are eventually called “creeps” begin as a “wuss.” Now, before we move any further, let’s get one thing straight:

I’m not personally calling you a “wuss” or a “creep.” I’m using these terms so you can get into the mindset that women have when they throw these labels around. Because if you can understand why women label men this way…

Then you’ll have an even easier time avoiding these pitfalls in the first place.

When the “Wuss” Becomes the “Creep” (And What You Can Do About It)…

One of my buddies illustrates this transition perfectly — let’s call him “Mark.” Mark had it bad for a good female friend of his…but he was perpetually stuck in the “friend zone.”

He’d constantly obsess over the situation…giving me updates about what was new…

What she said to him…and what it might mean…

But he never took any action. He was just constantly assessing the situation. And eventually, this constant assessment began to grow into frustration for him…

“Why won’t she make the first move? I’m doing everything right…” That sort of thing.

And this frustration grew and grew in his mind until he couldn’t take it anymore…so one night, he goes in for the kiss. “What the hell are you doing?! Creep…” She said to him.

Do you see the problem here? Because Mark spent so much time thinking and assessing his relationship with his female friend instead of taking action…when he did take action, it was loaded, and it was way more than she expected.

And because she wasn’t expecting it, she labeled his action as “unsolicited” — which earned my buddy Mark the “creep” label.

Mark’s anger and frustration was based on the unfounded belief that his constant assessments were pushing his relationship forward…when in reality, all she ever saw him was as a friend.

And that’s not because she didn’t want to see him as more than a friend — it’s because she had no idea of Mark’s intention.

So how can you avoid this complicated scenario? When you see a woman you want, how can you move forward with her without being seen as a “wuss” or a “creep”?

My 2-Step Solution to Blow Past Her Labels and Make Her Yours


1) First, Calibrate

Now, Mark had the right idea in the beginning: Assess the situation. This is a very important first step with a woman you want.

And this is what I call “calibration.” You want to make sure you and this woman are on the same page before you take any action.

So how do you do that?

Pay attention to her when you’re with her. Watch how she reacts to what you say…

Look at what she does with her face…

With her hands…

Her eyes…

Her feet…

You get the idea. Really observe her response to what you do. That’s how you’ll figure out how she’s feeling.

But here’s the trick with calibration: If you keep calibrating and calibrating…constantly assessing…that’s when you fall into the trap of becoming the “wuss.” Because you’re not taking any action.

So how do you take action without becoming a “creep”?

Just try this:

Imagine this…

There’s a bridge standing between you and the woman you want. If you can cross the bridge to reach her, she’s yours.

Right now, the entire length of the bridge separates you from her…

Though as you get to know her better…with every new piece of information you learn about her…you take another step closer to her. You’re building your friendship and bridging the gap.

As you cross the middle of the bridge…and your romantic future becomes clearer…a strange obstacle appears:

A gaping hole between you and her end of the bridge — between your friendship and your romantic future. And it’s impossible to cross…

Unless you have what I like to call the “missing link.”

“What the hell is the ‘missing link’???” You might be wondering…

It’s simple: Most guys get to that gaping hole in the bridge — the point where they’re “just friends” with a woman…and they give up. And for a woman, this is a huuuuge turn-off.

But when you lay down the “missing link”…her brain’s sex center tells her, “I want HIM!” by the time you get to her side of the bridge…she’ll do practically anything to be with you.

My clients are calling this “missing link” a “total game-changer.” This is so damn easy, you’ll love it:

Show Me How to Bridge the Gap Between Friends and Lovers Using the “Missing Link”…

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