Discover The Bizarre Link Between Heart Health And Testosterone–And How to Boost Your T-Levels to Live Longer & Have An Amazing Sex Life (At Any Age)…
How’s your heart?
For once, I’m not speaking romantically.
I’m talking heart HEALTH, which is incredibly important to consider as we age.
The key phrase you might hear people using is “cardiovascular health.”
You might feel like it’s something you don’t really want to think about, or hope it just won’t be something you ever deal with. But I assure you it’s well worth it to look into this–and better now than later!
Heart troubles can happen to anybody, but there are some factors that can put you more at risk.
Luckily I have some promising news for you that will inspire you to take heart health into your own hands. And doing so just might make you sexier than ever!
The Shocking Study That Found Men With Low Testosterone Die SOONER & Have More Heart Problems…
A recent study of 3,351 men published in Clinical Endocrinology showed that men with higher testosterone and a more active lifestyle are less likely to die from heart health-related issues.
Not convinced that this one study is enough to make you want to change your life around?
Well, during a 10-year period of study, researchers recorded 1,365 heart health crises or heart health-related deaths in subjects with low testosterone and low physical activity. Eep.
The study fits with notions that are already well established in science and medicine.
There are several common and potentially deadly cardiovascular problems that can arise as you age. These include hypertension, hyperglycemia, hypertriglyceridemia, low HDL cholesterol, and obesity.
Wait, hypertirglycer-WHAT? I’m not a huge fan of medical jargon, and I’m guessing you’re not either. So I’ll put it in plain speak:
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If you don’t invest in your health you can become more at risk of high blood pressure, high blood sugar (which leads to diabetes), high levels of fatty molecules that can lead to hardened arteries and strokes, low “good cholesterol”, and being severely overweight.
Now I do not think that is the kind of “sugar daddy” you want to be!
If you ALREADY suffer from any of these health issues, it is especially important for you to know this.
You really can influence your health for the better. If you do not suffer from these health problems but are seeking to maintain your health and youthful vigor, you too better keep reading.
Don’t be afraid of going to the doctor just because you are worried you might get some bad news. If something IS amiss, it’s better to know than not to know!
How Can You Increase Your T-Levels Without a Trip to The Doctor?
An important detail to keep in mind is that the study essentially showed the importance of testosterone for staving off heart issues.
Testosterone is a sex hormone produced naturally in your body that performs many duties. It helps you build muscle, contributes to sex drive, and supports all-around health.
If your testosterone drops, you may feel tired or depressed, and you may lose interest in sex.
Having a healthy level of testosterone is known for its many physical, emotional, and sexual benefits. And this study shows that keeping your T where it needs to be and staying active are in your heart’s best interest.
Now, hitting the gym may not sound like the most appealing thing to you. But you know what’s awesome?
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NOT having a heart attack, living long, and looking shredded. Not to mention having crazy hot sex that gets even better with every decade that passes.
If all these benefits are still not enough to get you excited about working out at the gym, I strongly recommend researching physical activities that actually pique your interest.
Gyms offer a wide variety of options for exercise and are also staffed with exercise enthusiasts who are happy to answer any questions you may have.
But if you really can’t find anything interesting at the gym, you might consider hiking, biking, disc golf, horseback riding, archery, hunting, swimming, golf, or fencing.
Whatever You End Up Choosing, Remember This…
Whatever you end up choosing, remember that being active is a great way to raise your testosterone levels.
Even if you don’t see the results you want right away, keep at it. Most good things take time to kick in.
And I guarantee there are immediate benefits, even if you can’t detect them.
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You can always bolster your testosterone by ditching nonstick pans, eating an array of fruits and vegetables, incorporating quality protein into your diet, and being active.
Your heart is the powerhouse of your life. Its health dictates your happiness, vitality, and sexual energy.
Take care of your heart and you will see benefits in all areas of your life.
However, there is one more way to boost your testosterone that I forget to mention… and it’s also something you can do from the comfort of your own home:
The #1 Trick To Boost Your Testosterone (& Boners) Without TRT Or a Trip to The Doctor…
If you’re concerned about low testosterone, you might consider testosterone replacement therapy… or TRT.
However, this is a rather drastic and expensive option… and probably one you don’t want to turn to until you have exhausted all other alternatives.
(Plus do you REALLY want to stick a needle full of steroids in your butt? Sounds a little painful if you ask me…)
So how can you boost your testosterone without the needles?
Because even if your body isn’t making as much testosterone as it should be… you can still EASILY get more testosterone pumping into your system, simply by increasing your blood flow.
Many studies show the better your blood flows, the more testosterone gets delivered where you need it most (*down there*)…
Not only that, but with more blood traveling to your junk, your erections will look and feel fuller… stay harder…
And because more blood flow = more energy… you may last a LOT longer in bed too!
(Which I have to confess is a HUGE turn-on as a woman…)
And in fact you can easily jump-start your blood flow simply by adding certain foods to your diet…
Like this everyday spice for example, which you may already have in your kitchen: