UNCENSORED: How To Get Your Ex Back & Always Be The Man She “Can’t Live Without” (Even If She Hates You Right Now)

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Check out the proven way to get back your ex fast…

How To Get Your Ex Back, Even If Things Seem Hopeless Or You Think You’ve Tried Everything…

Click here to Discover 3 Shocking Under-The-Radar Touches That Turn Her On & Get Her to Kiss YOU First…

“If every instinct you have is wrong, then the opposite would have to be right.”

This is one of my favorite lines from the hit show Seinfeld, and I LOVE how many of their episodes are very relatable to real life.

And today, I’ll show you how one scene from this show in particular can actually help you get your ex back.

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Enter–George Costanza. He’s a middle-aged, unemployed bald guy, who lives with his parents.

And yet, as you’ll see in the clip I’m about to show you, instead of being afraid of his fears and not talking to a beautiful woman… he decides to do the opposite.

But before I explain why this matters, and how it can help you get your ex back–I want to introduce myself.

Hi, I’m Payam Pak, and I turned my breakup into the ultimate learning experience.

My goal is to help you get your ex back using practical dating knowledge and funny stories that will motivate and inspire you through positivity. (And if you want more practical dating knowledge like this, you can click here to check out my 3 Surprising Hacks to Be More Comfortable With Women).

But back to what I was saying… I’m going to show you how something George Costanza does in this video clip can help you get your ex back.

Here’s the clip (start at 1:43):

Watch The Clip to See What Happens…

How badass was that?

(If you couldn’t watch, here are the Cliff’s Notes: Basically, George gets approach anxiety in a diner and is scared to approach a beautiful woman… that is until Jerry tells him to do “the opposite” of what his gut tells him. So he approaches her, and it’s clear that it pays off, because she’s really into him even after he tells her he’s broke and lives at home with his parents.)

I call this attitude the “Opposite Technique.”

It’s going against your inner instincts and doing the exact opposite of what you want to do.

When you want your ex back, the Opposite Technique is an attitude that is a combination of being both pleasant and standoffish.

Why pleasant?

No one ever gets upset at you for being pleasant. In fact, we tend by nature to want to be around people who are pleasant and happy.

Why standoffish?

You may think that being standoffish is contradictory to being pleasant… and it is. However, being standoffish is non-confrontational.

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You aren’t asking for anything, and likely that’s a huge contrast from the neediness you may have been displaying recently.

Neither of these traits is great just on its own, but when you pair these two qualities together, you become the person your ex CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT.

So how do we use this?

How Does The “Opposite Technique” Work in Real-Life Scenarios?

Let’s look at a few examples:

  • When you want to text her a novel… do the opposite. Keep it short.
  • When you want talk to her…do the opposite. Stay silent.
  • When you want to text her because you are bored…do the opposite. Don’t.
  • When you want to view her social media…do the opposite. Don’t view her profile.

Imagine if you are building a house from scratch.

What’s the first thing you need to do? Do you worry about the paint color?

How about what kind of hardwood floor you want to install? Of course not.

You start with the foundation of the home. There’s no point in going to Home Depot and over-analyzing all the small stuff if you don’t get the foundation right.

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The foundation to getting your ex back is the Opposite Technique.

It’s getting your mind right. It’s not worrying about her social media or looking into what she meant when she tagged Julie (her friend from high school) on a horoscope picture on Instagram three days after your breakup.

Listen, forget Instagram.

You don’t need to worry about this childish stuff. Start with the foundation, alright? Alright.

Let me show you why this works.

The Bizarre Reason Why This Counterintuitive Secret Works So Well…

Picture this:

You see a pretty girl walk by you–what’s the first thing that happens?

Likely, you subconsciously ask questions to yourself such as:

  • “Who is she?”
  • “Where is she from?”
  • “Does she have a boyfriend?”
  • “Is she looking at me?”
  • “Did I bring any gum?”

This is totally normal, and I do the same thing. In other words, she aroused your curiosity. Merriam-Webster defines curiosity as:

Desire to know.”

Basically, the more you are constantly pursuing your ex, the less curiosity she’ll have–and the more she won’t desire you.

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And the truth is, you can’t attract someone by texting or calling 24/7.

If you meet the most attractive woman in the world and she called you every single day, I can assure you that after a while, she will become unattractive.

This is because her needy behavior will make you wonder why she isn’t busy focusing on her own life–and why another guy isn’t chasing her and keeping her busy.

“What’s wrong with her? Is she normal? Does she have a weird pinky toe?” These are the kinds of thoughts you will have.

This is why limiting your interactions with your ex is very important. Just because she’s entertaining your texts doesn’t necessarily correlate to progress.

Basically, if you constantly text her, that’s unattractive.

She won’t be curious because she knows everything about you.

How To Use This to Get Your Ex Back Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible…

However, if you implement the Opposite Technique and take longer than usual to reply to a text–or simply do nothing–then she will begin to wonder why.

That “why” will eventually transform into curiosity, which will eventually transform into her desire to reach out and see you again.

See how it’s all connected?

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But you can’t get to the desire stage without first getting her to ask why.

Here’s how to get there starting today:

  • If you talk to her, do your best to not drag conversations.
  • Keep your overall aura unpredictable, but friendly and positive.
  • If you work or live with her, smile and say hello if you see her. In conversations, say what’s necessary, but don’t talk about personal topics or the relationship.

You talk about the weather. You treat her professionally. You talk to her like a coworker.

(You can also use these 3 under-the-radar touches to turn her on…)

Now, at this point, you might be wondering:

“But what if she already has a new boyfriend? Does the Opposite Technique still work to get her back?”

And to answer that question, I’d like to turn things over to one of Gotham Club’s foremost seduction experts, Magic Leone:

get your ex back
Discover how to get her back even if she has a new boyfriend…

But What If She Already Has A New Boyfriend?

Hey it’s Magic… and when it comes to getting your ex back, if she’s seeing another guy, don’t let it deter you.

You still have a shot.

But because of this new man in her life, you’ll want a way to arouse her quickly, without raising any suspicions…

… and in this case, the fastest way to turn her on, and get her back in bed with you again is to touch her.

Because if you touch her in the right places, she’ll start to feel more comfortable around you… like when you were together before.

(By the way, the “right places” are nowhere near her private areas. Click here to see what I mean.)

So she’ll start to open up more, laugh at your jokes, and start being touchier herself.

Next thing you know, it’ll be like nothing ever changed, and she’s kissing you… leading you to the bedroom…

… finally ready to show you she wants you just as bad as you want her:

Click here now to discover 3 “temptation touches” that turn her on and get her to eagerly jump into bed with you again.

[Note: This post was updated by Gotham Club on December 15, 2019.]

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