3 Underrated Qualities That Cause Women to Chase You

Get Her to Chase You

How To Get Her to Chase You All the Way Back to Your Place Using Qualities You Likely Already Posses (Though Few Men Realize It)…

Click Here to Discover 7 Hidden Signs She Secretly Likes You (That Most Men Miss)…

Over the past several weeks, I’ve been leading up to this point, so it’s time for me to ask you:

“What do you think the most important factor in your success is?”

And I don’t mean only with women–I mean in anything. Name it. Your call.

Really, I’m talking about your success with everything or anything in your life.

For right now, though, let’s focus on women.

What phase are you in?

Are you approaching? Are you trying to have the conversation go well and come across as desirable (despite not having a Maserati or a six-figure income or whatever)?

Are you trying to get her number? Are you trying to get her to your place without selling her something–like two hours in an expensive restaurant?

Ultimately, all of these questions lead to one bigger question:

What’s the key to getting success with women easily? In other words, how do you get girls to chase you?

That’s what I’m going to answer for you today.

Why Looks, Success & Money Don’t Matter At All (If You Have These 3 Other Qualities)…

Is it money that makes you attractive to women? It probably is, if you’re broke or poor.

Is it looks? If you’re ugly, or short or bald it may well be.

Is it muscles? Well… if you’re skinny, or wimpy or lanky or fragile then it could be.

Is it brains? If you’re not mathematically inclined then it’s a possibility–however remote.

Is it athletic ability? If you’ve avoided sports because you’re not interested in being a comedian, then there’s a chance it is.

I’ve given away some of it at least (I hope).

Here’s what I’m getting at:

Whatever you think matters to women–that’s what matters.

You get to make the call. You get to say what matters.

This concept–that you get the final say on what makes you attractive to women–underlies 3 very important, but underrated qualities.

And it’s these 3 qualities that cause women to chase you–no matter how handsome, tall, short, young, old, wealthy or whatever you are.

These qualities are important because they are inherently masculine. And that means that women are naturally attracted to them.

Every man has them, but few men know how to emphasize them around the women they want.

(And some men are already emphasizing these qualities, but don’t realize that women are responding to them. Click here to see a short list of secret “sex signs” that reveal when a woman wants you sexually.)

So with that in mind, here’s what they are, and how to use them to get girls chasing you right away:

1) The “You Like Me” Belief

Confidence can basically be summarized by:

“You like me.” (To be fair, this is primarily in the context of meeting someone.)

Why is it so important?

Confidence is really a belief, isn’t it?

Confidence is basically the belief that everything is going to work out.

Confidence is the opposite of uncertainty.

It’s, “You like me. It’s not of supreme importance how I answer your questions or what I give you or tell you or show you. You like me regardless.”

Confidence boils down to the belief that this contest will end in your favor.

Confidence is knowing that while you can’t predict semantics and logistics–you may have to deal with discomfort or awkwardness or embarrassment, for example–you will prevail.

And it’s this belief that women are naturally drawn to.

Which brings me to the next highly attractive masculine quality:

2) The “I Like Me” Belief

This next quality is self-acceptance.

This can be summarized as “I like me.”

Self-acceptance is also a belief.

It is the belief–more of a decision–that you will accept the outcome. That you will be OK, regardless of what happens.

Self-acceptance is the opposite of insecurity.

Self-acceptance means, “I like me. It’s not of supreme importance how this plays out.  My view of myself will not plummet as a result of failure here, nor is it dependant on success. I like me.”

And, just like confidence, women find this extremely attractive. It’s simple, yes, but it works wonders.

Let me explain a little more:

How Do Your Beliefs Cause Women to Chase You?

One way to see–or appreciate–the power of your beliefs is how they inform your intention.

When you think everything is going to be alright, you keep going.

If a person is insecure, on the other hand, he is unwilling to try. He stops short. He gives up, and he makes excuses.

It’s actually a subtle difference, so you might not even notice it, but when you think something is going to be fine, you don’t notice any difficulties unless they actually stop you.

For example, have you ever suffered an embarrassing failure?

I’m not talking about anything crazy, just the moment you tossed a paper towel into the trashcan at work and missed in front of a few coworkers,or maybe that girl you like.

If you’ve ever had an experience like that, then you’ll realize that you wouldn’t have taken that shot if you thought you could miss. You were so “confident” that you took a risk (the risk of embarrassment) that you didn’t realize it was even there.

That’s what confidence does. It trims the path before you, so you just see road instead of potholes and tree stumps.

The potholes and tree stumps are still there, but you don’t lose a lot of focus or energy thinking about them because you expect to get to the other side.

In other words, when you are confident, you make plans that you wouldn’t make if you didn’t feel like it’s going to work out.

Taking action comes easily–including with women.

Which brings me to the final underrated quality that causes women to chase you…

Get Her to Chase You

3) The “She Likes Me” Belief

This one might sound a lot like “you like me,” but it’s much more powerful… and here’s why:

While “you like me” gives you natural confidence, that everyone picks up on… “she likes me” gives you sexual confidence, that hot women specifically pick up on and are attracted to.

So when you walk around with this “she likes me” belief in your mind… the belief that every hot woman you meet is at least a little bit interested in you as a man…

…hot girls really WILL notice, and approach you more because of it.

I know it might sound like some crazy mind trick… but here’s how you’ll know it’s working:

If you see a girl start doing these behaviors around you, it means she secretly wants you sexually.

It means she’s not just talking to you to “be nice”… and she does NOT want to be your “friend”

…more often than not, it means she wants to go home with you, rip your clothes off and let you have your way with her right then & there.

Here’s a list of all 7 signs to look for so you can know for sure she wants you–you might be surprised to see how many women secretly want you already:

Discover The 7 Hidden Signs She Secretly Wants to Rip Your Clothes Off & Go Home With You…

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