She’s Trying to Tell You She Wants You BADLY… Don’t Miss Her Signs
Tricks to Fast Escalation: How You Can Skip the Dating Process and Get Laid Tonight
I’ve been thinking about something that happened to me just the other night…
I rolled over after epic sex (I mean, the kind where she was screaming so loud the neighbors couldn’t fall asleep, and I was so spent I could barely move…) and the girl I was with started to laugh.
Now, normally… I don’t like women laughing when I’m naked… 😉
But she looked so happy, I figured it had to be good. And it was.
“Why did we wait so long to do THAT?” she asked.
And I realized, women want to hit the sheets as fast as us guys do. So how can we all get on the same page? And make it happen faster…
THE LATEST: 3 Secret “Touch Tricks” That Get Hot Girls Soaking Wet, Naked & On Top of You In Bed!
This is a technique, or process, called “fast escalation.”
Basically, it’s about skipping all the B.S. and getting to sex as quickly as you both want to.
I hear this from my female friends a lot, that they get frustrated that a guy missed a cue…
She actually wanted to be kissed sooner and the guys are just waiting… she even starts to wonder if he really wants her…
Think of it this way: Hello is the bottom rung of the ladder. Sex is the top.
You want to climb that ladder as fast as possible.
She wants it too.
So in this video, I’m gonna talk about how to rapidly escalate from your first interaction (hello) to physical intimacy (sex) as quickly as possible:
Catch The Full Video Transcript Below…
Today we are going over how to go from saying hello to sex as quickly as possible, while still remaining natural.
I want to be clear that in this video, we’re not talking about forcing anything or making something happen sexually that wasn’t meant to be.
However, a lot of times I hear this from my female friends a lot, where they get frustrated that a guy missed a cue or she actually wanted to be kissed sooner and the guys are just dragging this out.
And you’re not doing anyone any favors… like if you guys were gonna end up being intimate anyway, you might as well let nature take its place.
So in this video, we’re gonna speak about basically what we call escalation and how to rapidly escalate from your first interaction to physical intimacy as quickly and as possible… while still remaining natural and of course within consent.
It’s Like Driving a Maserati
So I remember when I first started studying dating and I would see some other dating coaches look like total naturals.
You see these videos online a lot. I would see these guys going from hello and like suddenly making out, and in some way it seemed magical.
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And I always thought they were doing something weird or manipulative or something…
But I remember the first time that I was with a woman and within maybe like 15 minutes, we went from saying hello to kissing and I didn’t do anything weird or unusual.
But what I did do is listen to the cues and timing.
I like drawing comparisons to driving a stick shift car.
So if you imagine switching gears in a car, there’s a perfect timing that allows you to switch gears and move smoothly from gear to gear.
If you go too slowly… you might cause it to lag.
If you go too quickly… you might cause it to stall.
There’s a perfect timing of switching gears and it’s important — because if you don’t switch gears you will burn out your engine.
So to bring this to the analogy of sexual interaction or intimate interaction:
If you’re going too slowly, she might lose interest, like you might not be able to reach the speed that you need to enter intimacy.
If you go too quickly, she might put the brakes on and be like, whoa.
No Magic Wands Needed…
In certain situations, they might be very sensitive. But if you can get the timing right, you’ll be surprised how comfortable people get at a super fast rate.
Because in the animal kingdom, this type of stuff happens pretty quickly, right?
People are totally surprised at how quickly things can escalate to sex if you’re willing to read these signals correctly.
And I remember many years ago when I was younger, I used to read Tucker Max’s blog a lot, and you’d have all these stories about how he’d have sex with someone right in the beginning of a date or before he went out to dinner.
When I was young, I was like, how did he do that?
Again, I thought he was doing something magical but if you follow the principles I’m about to speak about, it’s actually not that crazy.
If you are willing to read signals and be bold enough to speak your desires, but also be empathetic and are able to read the situation, physical intimacy can escalate probably way more quickly than you would expect…
Throw the Rules Out the Window– She’ll Let You Know What She Wants, and When
So this might be frustrating, especially for analytical guys who are like, “Oh, just give me the rules like, do I touch her for 30 seconds? Do I speak about my desire for 90 seconds?”
There is no rule like that.
And if you ever try to follow a formula, not only will it not work most of the time, because every situation is slightly different…
But also it might actually make things go slower.
Because in the times that I have been able to escalate kissing or sex really quickly, I was simply reading the situation and understanding what feedback I was getting.
So you don’t need to have some crazy level of intuition. You don’t need some magical ability to read women, you basically need a basic level of empathy.
If a woman is leaning in or giving you a green light (I’ll break down what green lights are) you do more and if a woman is backing off, you back off as well.
Remember: She Wants It as Much as You Do!
The thing is I think a lot of guys go in thinking “How do I get a woman to want to be sexual?”
You need to understand women already want to be sexual.
They want to be sexual with a guy who seems competent enough to show them a good time, and will not give them any sort of negative consequences.
Obviously you’re not gonna be an a-hole, you’re going to respect their boundaries, you’re going to stop when she wants you to stop and you’re not going to shame her afterwards.
(Use this step by step touch sequence to turn her on fast.)
It is basically, if you could just show that you’re not dangerous, but you’re also strong enough to handle her or you’re competent enough to give her a pleasurable experience or shared pleasurable experience with her.
Most women will invite you into sexuality.
So rapid, intimate escalation can basically be summed up in one sentence, which I say all the time when it comes to sexuality and interacting with women: Be Connected and Be Selfish.
She’ll Sleep With You If She Thinks It Will Be Good…
Hopefully, this video gets you to pay attention to the signals and feelings you get when you’re interacting with a woman.
Because that connection will give you the opportunity to read the signals to know when to switch gears and to it’ll give you the opportunity to give her the feeling that you actually give a shit.
Here’s the key: a woman will sleep with a man if she has a belief that it will be good.
WARNING: This “Magic Potion” That Gets Girls to Chase You Is Almost Sold Out (Click Here to Get It)…
So she thinks you’re competent and she believes there’s not going to be any negative consequences.
So you’re not going to harm her, you’re not gonna use it against her, you’re not going to shame her.
If those two things are satisfied, most women will want to have sex with a guy.
It’s Really This Simple…
To be connected is very simple. It’s not this crazy thing that you need to go to empathy workshops for, although maybe those could help. Haha.
It’s simply: Can you pay attention to the person you’re there with?
Can you really look at her and hear her and feel her and feel your feelings while paying attention to her as opposed to thinking how am I going to get in her pants? How am I going to get her to give me this?
Be honest.
Simply: Wow, this woman is sexy. Wow, she’s beautiful. Wow, she’s interesting. I mean, if you can just like put yourself in that headspace and just pay attention to her…
That’s all you need to be connected.
Why It’s Good to Be Selfish
The next piece is being selfish.
So I said, you know, women will fall head over heels for a guy if she feels that it’s safe to be vulnerable with him, and he’s competent, he’s strong, he has that masculine edge, he can bring it.
That’s where the second piece is that selfish piece.
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It’s not being selfish at her expense and is being selfish in the sense that you are letting your desire and interest guide you.
You’re not trying to memorize a table of things to do at a bar to get a woman turned on.
You are listening to your own instincts, your own feelings while being connected.
Stop Thinking, Start Feeling (And Soon, You’ll Be Feeling Her…)
You’re in connection, you’re feeling her.
You’re empathizing, you’re appreciating, you’re approving, you’re paying as much attention as possible.
And then you’re being selfish in the sense that you are feeling your own feelings of what do I genuinely feel that I want to do right now?
What is my instinct saying, you have thousands and thousands of generations of evolution in you on how to mate, right?
This is not something you he needs to think about too much. In fact, most guys mess up the human mating ritual by thinking too much.
So when you’re in connection, you’re feeling her and you have a thought: Hey, I really want to step closer to her, or I want to turn my body and and focus on her or I want to touch her thigh or I want to touch her hair, or Wow, I would really love to kiss her in this moment.
This comes from feeling again, your feelings and paying attention to her again.
Also… Just Stop Talking
When it comes to speed seduction, you know, when it comes to this rapid escalation, a lot of it happens wordlessly.
And the way you make sure that no one is getting harmed and no one is violating is by making sure you’re in connection with this person really paying attention to this person.
If you’re really paying attention to her, if you’re really noting how you feel in response to how she feels doing your best to empathize and make a good inference of how she feels.
I’m not going to list a bunch of things you can do with a woman physically because 1) you know them and 2) if you have an agenda, it’s actually going to mess you up from this process.
If you can really pay attention to her and pay attention to your instincts, it’s more than likely that instinct will lead you to something that she is open to.
I trust that whoever you are, you are smart enough and you’re empathetic enough to recognize if someone doesn’t like something, versus does like something.
If you reach to kiss her on the cheek and she tenses up: don’t continue. Maybe you misread something or maybe she just wasn’t ready.
Sometimes, You Gotta Slow Down. For a Minute…
It’s important to have empathy for the woman and understand why even if her body was turned on, even if it was totally cool for you to reach in for a kiss or to escalate to any sort of touch…
Just because she pulls away doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with her, doesn’t mean she’s a prude.
It might mean that she’s had many experiences in the past where a guy touched her in that way. And she liked it, but he took too much…
So it’s a perfect opportunity when she pulls away to demonstrate that you respect her boundaries. You don’t even have to say it, just pull back.
You’re saying, “I recognize that you didn’t want to do that at that moment. So I’m not going to press it further. I don’t feel bad about myself. I still want to interact with you sexually.”
Every Situation Is Different… But Most Can Escalate Quickly to SEX
It’s very possible to escalate very quickly from saying hello to a sexual interaction.
I’m not going to give you a timescale because every situation is different…
It’s not something you can force, but what you need to understand is that women like sex just as much as men, and women want to have different conditions for feeling safe and opening up to sexuality than men.
And if you can meet those conditions and read the situation correctly, you are more likely to escalate fast…
What Body Language Reading Experts Told Us About Knowing If A Woman Is Attracted To You…
So many guys miss out on beautiful girls, because they simply missed the signs she was into them.
Unfortunately, a lot of “men’s sites” out there get these very wrong–things like “she plays with her hair,” or “she giggles a lot.”
Those definitely are NOT necessarily signs she likes you.
Instead of going off of “conventional wisdom”… I always like to go to experts whenever possible to cut through all the BS and guessing.
So in this case, I went to a retired FBI profiler.
This is a guy who was essentially a “human lie detector”… who HAD to figure out what people were thinking… or lives were lost. And over the years, he found 3 really strong signs that a woman is definitely interested in someone.