These Escalation Tips Can Get You Laid Even If You Think There’s “No Chance” (Discover How Below)…
Hey it’s Magic, one of Gotham Club’s experts.
So in this video today, I’m going to show you how to steer a conversation in the direction of sex without coming across as:
CONTROVERSIAL VIDEO: These Subtle Touch Tricks Get Her Soaking Wet, Naked & On Top of You In Bed (Even If You’re “Just Friends” Right Now)!
Or forced…
And all while making sure that she’s absolutely comfortable having this discussion with you.
So let’s get started!
Catch The Full Video Transcript Below…
So, when I’m talking to a woman, and we’re having platonic conversation… there comes a time when I need to steer my conversation in the direction of sex.
So what I do is I focus on two things.
THE LATEST: This Simple Card Game Makes Any Woman Fall Deeply in Love With You (Click Here to Get It For FREE)!
One, I will listen to something she’s saying.
I take feedback from her, and then I will build a bridge from that to the topic of sex.
Or I will inject something that allows me to steer my conversation in the direction of sex.
I will also add something that will add to her comfort level.
That way she doesn’t feel like I’m trying to force anything on her.
Here’s A Real-Life Example of How This Turns Things Sexual Fast…
So here’s an example that will make sense.
So if I’m talking to her, and I asked her, “What is it that you do for a living?”
And she’s like, “I’m an accountant.”
And I could say, “Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that.”
And she’s like, “Why? Why are you sorry?”
And then I can joke about this, like, “No offense, and I surely hope this does not apply to you…”
“But my ex-girlfriend has a female friend who could never have sex because she never leaves work.”
“She’s always so tired. She’s also an accountant. She does a lot of intellectual work.
“By the time she gets home, she’s so tired, so exhausted, that she tells me that she can’t even have sex… and I surely hope for your boyfriend’s sake that that doest not apply to you.”
How Mentioning Other Women in Your Life Makes Her Hungrier For You (Very Counterintuitive)…
So now you see, I took something from her.
And I said, I know someone like you who has a bad sex life.
And then I added the comfort level by mentioning her boyfriend.
When I say that, basically I’m implying that I’m not saying this because I want to make a sexual move on her.
I’m just saying that this reminds me of a person.
However, now this conversation has steered in the direction of sex.
And at the same time, she’s feeling comfortable.
Now, you must be thinking that if I’m talking about her boyfriend, I’m pretty much showing that I have no interest in her.
And at this stage, that’s a good thing.
Because here’s the thing:
This woman is not sitting there and thinking, “Oh, you know, he’s talking about my boyfriend.”
She’s thinking, “Why is he talking about my boyfriend? Is he not into me like that? Is he not trying to flirt with me?”
So women look at this message completely differently.
2) Do THIS to Make Her Wonder, “When Is He Going to Make a Move On Me?”
When you talk about her boyfriend, you’ll make women wonder why you’re not making a move on them–which is a good thing.
And as the interaction goes on, once you guys have a great connection, you can always mention that point and say:
“You know I had no interest in you when I first met you.”
“But wow… now I really like you.”
And then you can cross that bridge when you get to it.
But when you first inject the topic of sex, you want to make absolutely sure she’s comfortable.
She shouldn’t feel like you have an agenda and you’re trying to lean in that direction, or your converastion is going to end.
And so that’s when you have to talk about other men in her life.
It only adds to her comfort, and it ensures your conversation can continue.
Because she sees you have no agenda, and often this will create a comfort level where you don’t have to be formal with her anymore.
At this point, you have broken down her barriers.
You are having some informal conversation with her.
You can talk about any topic with each other, though at this point you actually don’t want to generate a lot of sexual tension.
You never want to generate sexual tension past the point of no return… unless, you know, sex can happen in that moment.
3) Initiate When You’ve Reached the “Point Of No Return”…
If you generate sexual tension at dinner for example, and then you try to take her home later, and there’s a lot of time inbetween… then that sexual tension will die.
And she won’t want to go home with you.
So you can use this to create comfort and get close to her.
And then when you’re at a venue where you can initiate sex, that’s when you bring the sexual topic back in.
Then you can definitely take it to the point of no return, because at this point, you can have sex.
BRAND-NEW: 3 Secret “Touch Tricks” That Get Hot Girls Soaking Wet, Naked & On Top of You In Bed!
So when you’re at the venue where sex can happen, you can steer your conversation in the direction of sex one more time.
And this time, you should talk about sex to the point where she is aroused, and sex is going to happen.
The whole point of bringing this up again is not telling her you want to have sex with her.
You just want us to be talking about sex.
You want to be talking about sensual, romantic things–like the idea of two people having sex.
And the whole point is, the more she’s engaged in that conversation, the more she’s going to get aroused.
And right after this, you can say, “I’m so glad you’re so different. That’s the only reason I’m hanging out with you.”
And That’s When You Know Sex Is Going To Happen…
And then at some point, you can go for the kiss because you know she’s aroused.
Sex is going to happen at this point–and it works beautifully.
Just last weekend, I was teaching a guy.
I told him to do this early on in his interactions, which allowed him to create a strong connection.
He took the girl back to his hotel room, and the next day, he sent me a message.
It said:
“Magic, this was amazing. I got laid on the very first night of the workshop which has not happened to me in a long, long time.”
So use this technique, it really works.
You can use this on a woman you just met.
You can use it on your friend…
Just get into the habit of steering your conversations in the direction of sex, and you’re always going to have a sexual connection with a woman.
However, I will admit there is always the risk of her giving you “last-minute resistance”…
So here’s one more easy technique to get past that–and make sex a sure thing:
This Little Body Language Hack Almost Always Gets You Laid (Even When You Think There’s NO Chance)…
One of my favorite things about being a coach is listening to men tell me about their successes, like the guy above…
Though there is one final thing he did that I left out:
Because when my student got this woman back to his hotel, everything had gone great up to that point…
Until she looked him right in the eye and told him… “You know I’m not having sex with you tonight right?”
I’ve heard this MANY times before… the whole “I’m a good girl” thing…
And I used to take it at face value, and stop pursuing sex (just like most guys)… but not anymore.
So just like I taught him, my student didn’t take this as a rejection either.
Instead he used this sneaky little body language technique… that subconsciously makes the woman believe you weren’t even interested in sex in the first place.
It makes her feel like you’re the prize in this interaction… and you were testing her the whole time to see if she’s even worthy of you.
Which you may think might piss her off, and make her leave faster… but nope.
Not only does it drive hot girls totally CRAZY… (especially the mega-hot girls who aren’t used to getting rejected)…
… but it often gets them to make the first move on you.
I’ve personally seen this move melt even the most uptight high-maintenance girls… and get them to practically drag you to the bedroom for sex…
Here’s a short, powerful presentation that shows you exactly how it’s done… use this wisely my man!