How Does Watching Porn Boost Testosterone? Discover The Incredible Secret Below…
Click Here to Discover 5 All-Natural Foods That Get You Hard-As-Steel FAST (Scientifically Proven)…
Ok, there’s probably not a guy out there who isn’t a little fond of porn.
The internet doesn’t lie:
Before lots of porn sites were banned, porn was more popular than Wikipedia, Instagram, and Twitter!
Yep, it looks like we humans are more fond of watching porn than researching the history of the Civil War…
Posting a photo of our latest attempt at downward dog…
Or even tweeting about our breakfast.
Obviously, watching porn isn’t something you’re going to chat about over the office water cooler. (At least not above a whisper.)
But if you do enjoy the occasional adult film, you’re not alone—and you could even be doing your sex life, and your fitness, a favor!
Believe it or not, watching porn can actually boost your testosterone.
What Every Guy Needs To Know About Testosterone Levels Today…
It’s normal to experience lower testosterone as you age, but studies reveal that testosterone levels—even among younger men—have never been lower.
Plastics in our water, hormones in our dairy, and a lack of exercise can all reduce your testosterone.
CONTROVERSIAL VIDEO: These Subtle Touch Tricks Get Her Soaking Wet, Naked & On Top of You In Bed (Even If You’re “Just Friends” Right Now)!
Sometimes, keeping a healthy testosterone level can feel like a losing battle. (Thanks, modern life.)
We thought you’d be thrilled to learn about one really fun way to boost your testosterone—and chances are, you’re already doing it! (Sort of.)
Would You Rather Spend 30 Minutes on The Treadmill Or 15 Minutes Watching Porn?
Hm. I think there’s only one answer here, but you’ll be surprised what we have to reveal.
Science suggests that for the very best testosterone levels, you should do both!
Okay, there might be a little bit of a stigma around watching porn.
Take the guy in your imagination—the one you are motivated every day not to become.
He rarely gets off the couch. He has crumbs all over his stomach. His computer has taken the place of real-life love.
Porn doesn’t seem like a fitness tool, exactly.
But studies show it can actually boost your testosterone—not only boosting your overall sexual health and performance, but also increasing your fitness!
That’s right—testosterone doesn’t only help you out in the bedroom. It also helps you out in the gym.
Testosterone increases stamina and strength. And it’s essential to building muscle.
Those massive, frightening guys you see hulking over the bench press? You know—the guys whose veins are about to pop off their biceps?
Those guys, my friend, are dripping with testosterone.
Not everyone needs to be a bodybuilder. (Lots of women like a more moderate build.)
But you’d probably like to be able to beat your date at arm wrestling.
Even if you’re just shooting for good health, good tone, and a beach-fit body for summer, increased testosterone levels can help you reach your goals.
In fact, low testosterone actually makes it harder to build muscle. And nobody—I mean nobody—needs to deal with that.
The Science Behind Using Porn to Boost Your T-Levels…
So what exactly does the science say?
To research the effect of porn on testosterone, scientists showed film clips to athletes before they worked out. (If you thought scientists hung out in dark labs in dorky white coats all the time, think again.)
Some of the athletes were shown sad and aggressive films (poor guys). Others were shown—you guessed it—porn.
The athletes who watched the aggressive, sad films had a decrease in testosterone levels.
In fact, they had an increase in cortisol levels, which is the stress hormone. This actually harmed their performance.
So, playing war video games before getting your sweat on might not actually be the best strategy.
Instead, watch some porn. Fifteen minutes is plenty. The athletes who were shown porn films performed better.
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In fact, watching porn caused some men to see a 35% increase in testosterone. This made them better athletes—they felt more competitive, stronger, and had more endurance and energy.
Forget the steroids, which come with all sorts of nasty side effects, like rage and even shrinkage. Ick.
Instead, if you want to do better at the gym (and therefore better on the dating scene!), put on your favorite porn flick before you hit the mat next time.
Your muscles will thank you…
Here’s An Easier Way to Increase Your Testosterone (For Longer-Lasting Results)…
Try boosting your bloodflow!
Because the more blood you have traveling throughout your body… the more testosterone can travel *down there,* where you need it most.
And bloodflow is especially important for men over 30… because that’s when things really start to “slow down.”
(Studies show that low bloodflow is the main culprit behind weaker erections… lower libido… and less energy in general for older men)
It’s not your fault, it’s just a fact of life…
… and luckily there are a LOT of really easy ways to boost your bloodflow, and make sure your body is getting the testosterone it needs.
For example, drink more water.
Do jumping jacks every morning…
And add these natural, bloodflow-boosting foods to your diet.
These 5 plant-based foods in particular have been found to possibly increase your circulation… clean out your blood vessels… and can even expand them.
Which means when you eat them, they can result in faster muscle growth…
A higher sex drive, and more energy…
… And an overall improvement in your penis health, and health in general. 😉
And while I’ll admit these foods are a little exotic…
… they have been used for health purposes for thousands of years, and they work really well:
Click here to see what these foods are! 🙂
P.S. If you want to add these foods to a smoothie, try THIS recipe…