5 Quick Tips That Make Girls Want To F*ck You

5 Quick Tips That Make Girls Want To F*ck You

Discover 5 Dating Tips Every Modern Man Should Know–Instantly Attract the Woman You Want…

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Dating these days is getting tougher and tougher.

On top of women being pickier than ever and online dating basically turning into a game, there are all sorts of contradicting pieces of advice:

Some articles say you should pay on the first date… some advise against it.

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Other sources say that women are drawn to “jerks,” while many insist that the “nice guy” always wins.

It’s confusing as hell! So today, I want to clear up some of that confusion…

Hi, I’m Glenn Pearce, and as part of my series, Ask Glenn, I’m answering all of your most difficult, burning questions that keep you up at night.

And today, I’m answering this one:

“What are some quick tips to improve my sex & dating life?”

Catch the Full Video Transcript Below…

Hey, it’s Glenn and today I’m going to give you some quick tips on what you could do to become more attractive to women.

Let’s jump right in–beginning with tip #1:

1) Update Your Wardrobe

Quick tip number one? Your fashion.

Go out, spend some money on clothes–and if you can afford it, hire a fashion consultant or image specialist.


I’m not saying that the clothes make the man…

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However, to many women, your clothes will be what set you apart from other guys.

So instead of throwing on a wrinkled button up and some khakis you just had “lying around,” try to develop a more composed look and style.

Trust me–your odds of getting a woman home with you will go WAY up.

5 Quick Tips That Make Girls Want To F*ck You

2) Groom Yourself

My second fast hack is to properly groom yourself.

Get a good haircut! Don’t put it off any longer. And man, you’ve gotta trim that beard.

If you have a mustache, shape it.

If you have hair coming out of your ears, take care of it.

Are there hairs coming out of your nose? Trim them.

And if you have back hair, I’m sorry, but you should probably get it waxed.

No, these things aren’t free… and they do take time.

However, they make the difference between being an “average” guy and “the total package.”

5 Quick Tips That Make Girls Want To F*ck You

3) Present With Confident Body Language

Another quick way to make yourself a lot more attractive to women is to present with the proper body language.

When you’re walking around or you’re around women, how do you carry yourself?

Think about it for a second.

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Are you walking around like a man who’s got a purpose… a mission?

Or are you walking around aimlessly, just going about your day like every other guy?

When you go places, do it with purpose. This will make you look extremely confident, which is very attractive to women.

It’s also one of the most underrated ways to instantly boost your attractiveness.

5 Quick Tips That Make Girls Want To F*ck You

4) Have a Passion & Pursue It

Another quick tip–and this is absolutely one of my favorites–is to be a man who has a goal, who has a mission in life.

I’ve coached thousands of guys, and I always ask, “What are your dreams?”

So many men respond, “I don’t know.” Or they’ll say, “Maybe get a promotion,” or whatever.

Have a goal–women love men who have goals. So have a passion and follow that passion vehemently.

Ultimately, when you follow these tips, you may notice a lot more women will begin to notice you.

But if you want to attract the right women, it’s important to know how to spot the women who are genuinely interested in you.

Which brings me to tip #5…

5 Quick Tips That Make Girls Want To F*ck You

5) Only Approach Women Who Give You “The Signs”

Like many guys in our community, you may be familiar with a woman’s “indicators of interest,” or body language clues that she’s DTF you.

Most websites describe these subtle signals in pretty vague terms, or just flat out don’t tell you how to spot these “I want to f*ck you” signs.

So I’m going to break it down for you in a really “easy-to-follow” step-by-step way…

When you follow these simple steps, you’ll find your anxiety around hot girls disappear, and you’ll be getting laid a bunch more too!

No confusing terms…

No B.S. instructions…

Just simple, easy-to-follow video examples of exactly what to look for when hot girls are into you already.

This is gonna make it way easier for you to hookup with a bunch of hot girls… or even get a hot loyal girlfriend.

Maybe even that one special girl you’ve been into a while!

All you have to do is watch the video below… and I’ll walk you through everything:

Discover a Woman’s 5 Highly Specific “Indicators of Interest” That Reveal Her Sexual Interest in You…

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