Formerly Shy, Nerdy Guy Shares His Dating Tips For an Introvert… That Will Have Women Hitting On YOU
Click Here to Discover 7 Secret “Sex Signs” She’s H*rny & DTF (That Most Men Miss)…
If you’ve ever found yourself on the outside fringe of a group, wondering what to say…
Or maybe think of a time when it was getting late… and there’s one super hot woman who has been looking at you out of the corner of her eye…
…but some loud guy swoops in before you can talk to her…
Then today’s video is for you. As a shy guy myself, I’m going to show you 7 dating tips for an introvert to meet more women and hookup with them.
These are what I used to go from “the short guy at the edge of the crowd” that women often ignored…
…to a guy who’s had more sex than he ever thought possible… with a wide variety of different hot girls.
THE LATEST: If She Does This With Her Body Then She Wants to Sleep With You!
Because here’s the secret: introverts can be even more successful at dating than extroverts…
The extrovert may make a lot of noise up-front… and get some “general” attention from shallower girls…
But the introvert can build deeper connections with higher-quality women much more quickly.
He’ll get her to move away from the crowd, so they can get to know each other.
He will get her to feel safe with him, so she’ll be the one to suggest going back to your place…
And before you know it, her clothes will be on the floor and she’ll be naked… in your bed… satisfying whatever wild sexual desire you have…
Don’t worry–I’ll walk you step-by-step through how to get comfortable talking with any hot woman, with very little effort at all…
Catch The Full Video Transcript Below
A lot of guys that get called “naturals” when it comes to dating are just naturally extroverted.
Why is that? Because from a young age, they’re gaining energy, they’re getting positive feedback from the environment and social interactions by putting energy outward…
A challenge to being an introvert is that when you don’t speak a lot, a lot of times people can make assumptions:
They assume that you are quiet because you lack confidence.
Or because you’re not interesting.
Or you’re afraid.
Or boring.
But none of those things are true.
What is true… is that if you’re introverted, it’s hard for a woman to get to know you and get to know your positive qualities.
So in being who you are, the most important thing is to own it.
For example I don’t show up to a party trying to act all gregarious and like a social butterfly.
If you try to force anything, it’s just not going to work.
Just act like yourself.
What is Social Competence… And How Do You Get It?
There’s plenty of ways to explore ways to be social that aren’t at a party.
Normally when I’m coaching a guy, I always have him start with what he is genuinely interested in…
Because that is a place where he can start to explore where his social competence is.
I meet a lot of guys who have low self esteem because they keep forcing themselves into environments where they’re just not suited.
When you are in your own environment you become super competent!
No matter who you are, I am certain that there is something that you are particularly interested in, particularly competent in.
Find places where you can explore and express yourself and feel competent, and that will develop your confidence… and your social competence.
The One Thing You Should Always Do…(To Make Talking With Hot Girls Easy)
When it comes to conversation, I’m not going to give you lines to say to women. Then you’re acting like me, not like you.
But I can give you something to remember when you’re feeling shy:
If you don’t know what to say, talk about what you’re interested in.
(Try this proven way to turn her on a break out of the friend zone.)
It might be a thing or it might be a person.
The key is: never force conversation.
How Alone Time Leads Directly To Having Hot Women Hit on You
Another little inner game tool that I think helps an introvert become a better conversationalist is journaling.
It might seem completely counterintuitive, like, hey, I’m telling an introvert to spend more time by yourself!
BUT–the best conversations I’ve had with hot women have come from thoughts that I’ve had while journaling.
THE LATEST This Easy “Phrase Swap” Makes Her 700% More Likely to Text Back…
Spend more time learning what your own views and conversation topics are.
This way you might have less interactions, but the interactions you have will have a lot more to them.
And when women make that connection with you, suddenly, she is the one who is dying to spend time with you, and talk with you… and have sex with you.
Keep This in Mind for MORE SEX and Less Being Lonely…
In fact, all dating and sexual interaction, on some level, always goes deeper.
Getting laid is amazing and being liked by an attractive woman is incredible…
…but all of this truly starts with getting to know yourself, developing yourself.
I think many men who are introverted tend to have some self esteem issues because the world is so heavily focused on extraverts.
So start by developing your confidence and belief in yourself, and the women will follow…
My Final Tip For Introverts (How to “Seal the Deal” With Hot Girls)
So here’s the problem if you’re an introvert:
At some point… you gotta make a move on her.
As an introvert myself, I know how intimidating this can be…
I used to overthink this all the time.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve hung out with a girl… and all I could think about was looking for the right time to kiss her or make a move…
Only to freeze up, miss the opportunity, and beat myself up afterwards.
So I decided to change my strategy…
And when I did, I found a way to get a woman so turned on that she’ll give me signs she wants to hook up…
Now, some women even make the first move.
It doesn’t involve any corny or rehearsed lines… it’s all about using your touch to subtly get her dripping wet, and excited to sleep with you…