Discover the Easiest Way to Get a Better Sex Life, Whether You’re Single or in a Relationship–Is It Really This Easy?
If you’re in a relationship (or even if you’re not)… then you probably understand that a woman’s sex drive isn’t always at “100%.”
As a man, this can feel frustrating at times.
Not only are you stuck with the job of initiating sex most of the time (while more and more women are more comfortable initiating, the majority of women still expect the man to initiate most of the time)…
But you also have to be willing to accept that her answer might not always be “Yes,” when you do initiate.
So if you want sex more often than the woman you’re with… or you’ve ever wondered if those “perfect” couples who have sex all the time really exist… is there an easy answer or fix?
According to a few recent studies, there just might be — and it’s way easier than you probably think.
Can You Really “Think” Your Way to a Better Sex Life?
A few recent studies recently examined the link between our sex drives and the way we think about sex… and the results were pretty shocking.
According to the results, even thinking about sex — subconsciously, and for less than one second — can make you more likely to open up to a person.
Researchers exposed subjects to either an erotic image, a sex scene in a movie, or videos of couples interacting sexually, and found that any level of exposure to sexual stimuli was enough to get the results.
And not only were the subjects more likely to open up about themselves… but they were also more likely to want to connect with people on a personal level.
So what?
In a relationship, this has pretty powerful implications. Because so many sexual problems — especially a mismatch in sex drive — can stem from emotional or communication-related issues, then getting your partner to open up to you might be exactly the solution you need to get your sex life back to where you want it.
But more on that in a bit — first, let’s talk about why this makes sense.
The Science Behind It…
The reason that scientists think sexual imagery and stimuli cause people to open up and emotionally connect with each other dates all the way back to caveman days:
Back then, sex was more than a way to make babies — it also apparently helped to form an emotional bond with that person.
The same is true of sex today. And it’s all thanks to evolution; because sex makes babies, and babies lead to families, this emotional connection was a way to ensure that you (the male) would feel bonded enough to that particular female not to leave her and your child behind.
While this is, of course, oversimplified, the bottom line is that even a subconscious amount of sexual arousal can strengthen your connection and bond to a woman (and vice versa).
And it’s this strengthening in your bond that can help lead you to get the sex you deserve.
There are 3 key steps:
1) Think About Your Relationship as a “Triangle”
A lot of couples think about their relationship as “one” thing. It’s either working, or it isn’t.
However, the truth is that most relationships are a lot more complicated than that. So if you want to have the best relationship you possibly can, you have to think about it in three separate parts:
- Your foundational relationship…
- Your emotional/romantic relationship…
- And your physical/sexual relationship.
The “foundational” part of your relationship is the core — it’s your friendship. Because if you can’t be friends with a woman, you certainly can’t be more (even if the two of you didn’t start off as friends). This is the glue that helps hold the rest of your relationship together.
Your emotional or romantic relationship, on the other hand, is how you and your partner verbally show each other that you care. Examples include surprising her with small gifts, discussing future plans, and checking in to make sure she’s OK.
Finally, the physical or sexual part of your relationships involves, as you may have guessed, sex. This is where a lot of issues in relationships lie; however, the problem almost never starts in this realm.
So if you find that you don’t have the sex life you want, or that something with your sexual relationship seems “off”… don’t immediately assume the problem is physical.
Have you been checking in with her about how she’s feeling in general?
Are you feeling as close to her as you once did, like you’re still “best friends”?
If the answer to either of these questions is “I don’t know,” or “no,” then sit down and talk to her about it. Usually, when you clear the air of these emotional issues, the sexual issues resolve themselves.
2) Talk About It
It might sound like I’m repeating myself over and over, but talking really is one of the best (and easiest!) ways to solve a problem in the bedroom.
Pick a time when both of you are free, and sit down to talk about what’s going on.
First, tell her how you’re feeling: “I think that ________ because _________.” Don’t forget to tell her why.
Then comes the most important part — listen to her. Make sure she knows that you’re listening, and ask her questions if she says something you don’t understand.
Chances are she’s probably been feeling the same way you have but has been too scared to tell you — this happens way more often than most guys realize. 🙂
And from there, the key is to make sure she’s satisfied in the bedroom… but more on that in a second.
3) Do THIS if You’re Single
If you aren’t seeing a woman, this advice might sound silly — but it shouldn’t.
Before you go out to meet women, or before your next date, try watching porn! A few seconds if you’re uncomfortable, or more if you aren’t.
Like the study’s results show, sexual arousal can lead to you being essentially more “likable” around other people. So you’ll be ready to show off your best side, no matter how nervous you might be feeling inside.
And if the date goes well, and you end up back at her place… it’s crucial that you satisfy her the way she craves. This should help you out with that:
He Pushed Me Up Against The Wall…
“Take me from behind, Dale!!!” I begged him… so he did.
He gave it to me hard, just the way I like it… all the way up until I had an explosive “Deep Spot” Orgasm, & squirted aaaaall over him.
After a couple minutes of “recovery time” (lol), I wanted more… so I straddled him in bed & kissed down his stomach… further and further down…
(You and I both know what comes next.) 😉
This never would have happened if he hadn’t given me a “Deep Spot” Orgasm — thank you, Lawrence Lanoff!
If you’ve never heard of Lawrence Lanoff, he’s this tantric master who developed a technique for any guy to give a girl a “Deep Spot” Orgasm…
And this’ll sound crazy, but since the night Dale learned the technique (I guess he picked it up from some video tutorial Lawrence did?)… I’ve been craving sex with Dale nearly every day… sometimes multiple times a day.
(In fact, we’re having more & hotter sex now than we did at the very beginning of our relationship!!)
At first I didn’t understand why… (how could one kind of orgasm make me so much hornier???)… but after watching the tutorial, that shows you how to give any woman a “Deep Spot” Orgasm… it makes a lot more sense: