Even Experts Aren’t Immune to This Embarrassing Dating Mistake…

Even Experts Aren’t Immune to This Embarrassing Dating Mistake…

Discover the “Tiny” Mistake That Stops Thousands of Men From Being Confident Around Women…

I was in a cafe with my buddy the other day…when he tells me:

“Glenn…every time I’m with a woman or talking to girls at work, I can’t stop worrying about what she’s thinking…it’s so f’in distracting!”

Now, this guy is a waiter in a trendy NYC restaurant…he can have practically any girl he wants, and he comes into contact with total stunners on a daily basis.

So I was a little surprised to hear this. He went on:

“So because I can’t stop worrying, I can’t concentrate on what she’s saying…I can’t even focus on what I’m doing…so I always mess it up!!”

Once I heard that, I knew what the problem was. It’s a problem guys of all levels — beginners and experts — have to deal with. As a matter of fact, I used to have this same problem myself.

Why Even Expert-Level Guys Fall Into This Dangerous Mental Trap

Here’s the issue: He’s spending all of his mental energy worrying about what she’s thinking…and that makes him nervous…




And uncertain as all hell.

As a result, he always loses the girls interest, and understandably so.

When you’re in a situation like this, it’s almost impossible to act like a man, be bold, confident, dominant and aggressive.

Basically, you lose the ability to act in the ways in which turn her on the most. And in fact, when you get stuck in your own head, you start to turn her off.

Little by little, any and all of the attraction you’ve built begins to wither away.

I’ve experienced this first-hand, and maybe you have too.

You meet a woman, and you can tell for certain that she likes you…but then you start worrying and thinking too much about what she’s thinking…and all the hard work you put in never pays off. 

You can see it in her eyes, her body language and her demeanor.

At one point her eyes were focused on you like you were the only man in the universe…and a few moments later she’s scanning the room, not making eye contact and checking her phone! UGH!!!

What a horrible thing to witness!

Then you go home and beat yourself up all night, hoping and praying that you still have a chance.

So, you grab your phone and text her… “I had a great time tonight. We should do it again.” And…dead air.

You promise yourself that you’ll do better next time…but does it ever get better?

The Single Most Powerful Cause of Anxiety Around Women

The first step to solving this insidious problem is figuring out what causes it.

Here’s the truth: The only reason why a man would care too much about what one woman is thinking is because of his lack of available options.

When a man has an abundance of sexual options and knows his worth, do you think he’s going to care about what any one woman thinks of him?

No way! Why?

Because he knows that if she doesn’t like him, there are plenty more women just like her (or even better than her) who will.

He knows that a new sexual prospect is right around the corner.

But when a man comes from a position of lack, he’s placing too much value on any one interaction — he knows deep within him that if he screws this up, he has no idea when he’ll have a chance again.

It’s a vicious cycle, because in these situations he’s trying to do everything he can not to screw it up…and then because he’s worrying too much, he ends up screwing it up anyway!

And so he repeats the process over and over again.

How to Get Out of the Cycle, Gain Confidence and Keep Her Interested in YOU

I’m not going to tell you that there’s an overnight cure for these senseless and irrational thought patterns…

But what I am going to tell you is that with practice, you can easily get better.

The key to getting out of that “worrying” mindset is to have an “I don’t care” mentality.

When you’re with her, repeat this over and over in your head: “I don’t care what she thinks. I don’t care what she thinks. I don’t care what she thinks.”

It sounds difficult — and I won’t lie, it’s not easy. But the easiest way to do it is to not care what the outcome of the situation is. Be prepared for anything.

“If she likes me cool. If not, cool!” This is the attitude women desire.

Why Does This Work?

According to Einstein, the definition of “insanity” goes a little something like this: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over, and expecting a different result each time.”

And insane is exactly what overthinking will make you!

The reason this “I don’t care” attitude works is because it’s the easiest way to short-circuit your brain and get out of the vicious cycle of worrying.

So next time you’re out with a woman, don’t think about whether or not she’s going to kiss you. Just concentrate on the moment.

The easiest way to be in the moment with a woman is to feel connected to her — and here’s my trick to do that:

being confident around women

How to Use the “Intrigue Touch” to Spark Her Sexual Desire for YOU…

At the bar, she slowly moved her hand up his thigh… leaned over…and whispered something in his ear.

My student, Paul, shot up in his seat…and a wide grin washed over his face.

A few months back, Paul could barely say hi to ME…I was so damn proud of him for using the new tool I showed him…the “Intrigue Touch.”

It’s simple really…you pick one of these “innocent” spots on her and touch her like this…it’s pretty subtle, but it makes her sex hormones go haywire…so she’s turned on before you know it…and she might even look like she needs a sexual release RIGHT THEN AND THERE!

(And guess who gets to give it to her?) 😉

So of course I wasn’t surprised when she asked for the check 5 minutes later…and practically dragged him out of there…and the next morning, I got to hear ALL about the “2 hours of pure ecstasy” she gave Paul.

This “Intrigue Touch” is so powerful I figured it was deserving of its own article. So check it out — you’ll love it:

Discover How to Use the “Intrigue Touch” to Spark Her Sexual Desire for YOU…

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