Everything You Need to Know About Attracting Women You Truly Desire–And How to Get Them In Bed Fast…
Click Here to Discover 7 Hidden Signs a Hot Girl Secretly Wants You (That Most Men Totally Miss!)…
Before I say anything else, let me just get this out of the way:
I know that the types of guys who tend to read a lot–especially a lot of this kind of material–are famous for being more willing to armchair it and lounge around than to get in the ring and get their hands dirty.
Based on my experience with clients, however…
I expect that you are the type of man who takes action–and who may be capable of patience, but you’ve really had enough and you want results now.
As a result, maybe you’ve tried a lot of this “quick fix” stuff.
For example, a lot of my clients have tried semi-extreme but quick methods to get immediate changes in their looks or body.
Doing these things can seem like a sign of commitment… though in reality, it hurts a lot more than it helps.
Today I’m going to show you why this is the case–and how this causes the majority of good men to struggle with attracting the women they truly want.
And I’ll also show you how to fix it, so you can become one of those guys who’s naturally good with very attractive women.
The Hardest Part of Truly Becoming Great With Women…
In truth, the most difficult part of attracting women, where change is concerned, is this:
Maintaining your focus and commitment despite “failures” or struggles can take willpower…
Intense desire…
Unbreakable belief…
Unshakable confidence…
Or some combination of the four.
While I commend you for where you are, and congratulate you for getting this far–I also want to help you stay in the game.
I want to encourage you to start getting those hot girls without needing any pretend ducks lined up.
One of the things my work has taught me–working to change resistant people, meeting and dating incredible women, befriending and hanging out with accomplished guys and girls–is that there are no conditions.
Conditions are a bunch of bulls**t.
Why You Should Forget About “Conditions” & Focus On THIS Instead…
What do I mean when I say conditions are a bunch of bulls**t?
I’m talking about the conditions people put on their feelings.
“I’m not the ‘feelings’ sort, David, so you can skip this.”
It’s all feelings, brother.
Have you ever found yourself thinking, “I’d be ready to do this if…”?
That’s a condition, and “ready to do this” is the feeling.
“I’d be a success if…” That “if” makes another condition, and success is not real–it’s just a feeling.
“If my coworker would just go on a date with me, I’d know this stuff can work and I’d really give it my all.”
Another condition–and “knowing” is just a feeling (the feeling of knowing).
TRENDING: 27 Surefire Signs She’s Horny & Wants You BAD (Even If You Think She Hates Your Guts)…
“If I weren’t short and fat and bald, I’d be a serious player and get all the women I can’t now.”
A serious player?
Do you mean you’d feel confident or attractive and you believe (yes, a feeling) that women would give you the feeling of being desirable?
If you’re short and fat and bald, you can’t change two of those, so yeah, you may want to think about joining a gym.
However, you can’t wait until the fat’s gone to start talking to women… so it’s best to become the attractive short fat bald guy.
Does that exist?
Sure it does.
Can you truly tell me you’ve never seen a short fat guy–maybe shorter than you or fatter, or balder than you–with a girl you know (i.e. believe very strongly) you wouldn’t have a chance with?
I think you have.
Have You Ever Seen an “Inferior” Guy With a Sexy Stunner on His Arm?
I think you may have, because I know my clients–and maybe 80% or even 90% have seen some guy who they feel is inferior to them with a woman who’s out of their league.
These guys have seen their own condition disproven, and that helped explode their belief and bring them to me to begin changing.
What do I mean when I say “their own condition disproven”?
I’m talking about their own, “I’m too short or fat or bald to get the kind of women I want.”
Then they see the guy who proves those are not the reasons–or at least not the only conditions.
Again, conditions are bulls**t.
Not just those conditions, though.
What I’ve realized is that not only are the conditions about what you can do bulls**t:
“If you were tall and had full, thick hair then you’d get girls.” Nope.
SHY OR INTROVERTED? Click Here to See Why Talking Less & Doing More of THIS Gets Her In Bed With You…
But the conditions about what you would feel–the important ones, in other words, are ALSO bulls**t.
The condition that you assume–you don’t even wonder about it, because for you it’s so obvious that you have never considered or challenged it–is that IF you “got” the “hot” girls, then you’d “feel” like a king, a superstar, a player.
It ain’t true.
It’s very possible that if you got the super hot girls, your friends–especially those who are lamer than you, but even the ones who are just as cool, or cooler–will think you’re awesome.
But Here’s What You’ll Realize After Time…
What you will realize, however, is that the way you feel is not as dependent on the hotness of women as you thought.
Maybe your interpretation of it will be different.
Maybe you’ll decide she’s not that hot after all–even the hottest women seem less attractive when they have expectations and begin complaining or nagging.
Here’s what I’m getting at:
By now, I hope you realize that you CAN be EXACTLY who you want and get EXACTLY who you want to get.
You’ve got to start from where you are, and you’ve got to believe you can in order to do that.
Because once you do this, what you’ll find is that there are a lot of really attractive women out there who may already be interested in you.
Here’s what I mean:
Here’s A Shortcut To Joining That 20%…
There will be some women, who no matter how well you two match up on paper, will not want to do anything with you romantically.
Maybe she has a boyfriend, or a guy she’s fixated on.
Maybe she’s stressed about school or work, and doesn’t want to focus on dating.
In my experience, pursuing these women is a waste of time.
But on the other side of that coin… there are A LOT of cute girls who will take one look at you, and want whatever it is you have to offer.
These are the women who you’ll naturally “click” with…
… who will be eager to please you every single day…
… and who will ultimately make amazing girlfriends, wives, and long-term lovers.
And this is how the “inferior” guys end up with the hot girls they want:
They know how to spot these “super interested” women.
Now… there are literally hundreds of signs you can look for to see if a woman is interested or not…
BUT there are 7 big ones in specific that mean she’s REALLY into you.
And once you know how to spot these, I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised by how many hot girls are “super interested” in you:
Click here to see what they are.
P.S. Knowing these signs is by far the best way I’ve found to avoid rejection.