Want to Know Why Aggressive Men Will Always Lose?

aggressive men

When it Comes to Women, “Lazy” Men Have One Huge Advantage…

I was on the phone with a good friend of mine yesterday — like me, he’s a successful dating coach.

In fact, he sleeps with more women than I do…

And he always has a rotation of 6 women waiting to sleep with him…

Girls are blowing up his phone all day long…

But while I was on the phone with him yesterday, I realized something huge:

He’s only good with women when he’s not emotionally attached to them. So if all he wants is sex? He’s golden.

But if he likes the girl at all…even a tiny bit…he falls to pieces around her.

So I set out to answer 2 questions:

1) Why does this happen to guys who are clearly so skilled with women? And…

2) How can you avoid this ever happening to you?

And today, I’m sharing the answers with you.

How Men Make Decisions Vs. How Women Make Decisions

As a man, when you make a decision, you do it from a place of logic. If it doesn’t make sense, you don’t do it.

Simple as that…right?

Not exactly. When it comes to dating, all logic flies out the window when emotions are involved.

And that’s exactly what happened to my friend — he was thinking with his emotions. Every time he really likes a girl…every time his emotions get involved…he messes the entire thing up.

Unlike men, women are skilled at thinking with their emotions — it’s how they operate on a day-to-day basis. So while a woman might intuitively know what to do in certain situations…

Men let emotions ruin their logical train of thought. It happens to the best of us, and in fact, it took me years to understand this about myself.

Every time I ever made a wrong move…or said the wrong thing at the wrong time…

It was because I made a choice based on my emotions, rather than with my logic.

Chances are you can say the same about yourself!

Part of being great with women is making strong, calculated decisions every step of the way.

The man who allows his feelings get involved will undoubtedly make mistakes (often many of them).

Which brings me to my next point…

The #1 Reason Aggressive Men Will Always Lose

Let me give you a little more background about my friend’s situation before I go any further:

So last night, he started texting me every 2 minutes or so:

“Glenn, she sent me this text…how do I respond?!”

I was making dinner, so I couldn’t get back to him right away. He kept texting me and texting me…

[Usually he would never do this, but like I said, he let his emotions get in the way.]

And when I finally texted him back 20 minutes later, I couldn’t believe what he told me. He had already ruined everything!!

In 20 minutes, he went from having a fun, casual relationship with a smoking hot chick…

To her telling him to basically “F— OFF!”

Now, what she said to throw him off doesn’t matter…

Here’s what matters — this is the #1 reason aggressive men will always lose:

They take action when they aren’t sure what to do.

Because he was thinking with his emotions, he thought, “I need to respond to her ASAP or else she won’t talk to me anymore…”

Instead of, “Let me wait a few minutes and think about the response that makes the most sense.”

All he had to do was wait 20 minutes for me to get back to him…

But instead, he ruined everything.

Which brings me to my next piece of advice:

So What SHOULD You Do?

I think what I’m about to write will be a lot of value to you…

But a lot of men just won’t be able to do it!

Here’s my one-sentence piece of advice about how to handle a situation with a woman when you aren’t sure what to do:

If you don’t know what to do, do NOTHING until you do know.

Here’s the truth: You can always recover from silence, but you might not be able to recover from a wrong move. So when in doubt, wait.

Ask a friend…

Do some Googling…

Hell, you can even email me!

But if you’re texting a girl and you aren’t sure what to say, wait until you have the correct, logical response to reply.

Now, waiting until you have the right response is easy if you’re texting a woman…

But what about if you’re on a date?

If you’re out with a woman and you aren’t sure what to say, it’s hard — if not impossible — to just say nothing.

So here’s my secret trick to solve that problem:

“Lazy” Men Have One Huge Advantage…

The “Lazy” Man’s Secret to Triggering Her Desire

Here’s the truth: Women will make the first move on a date …

But only if they feel a physical connection with you. And the best way to make that physical connection? Use a 3-second touch.

And I discovered this subtle, 3-second touch that allows her to open up to you…almost like you’re giving her “permission” to make the first move.

She’ll have no idea what you’re doing…

But you’ll see her eyes light up…

Her cheeks start to redden…

And she might even ask if you want to get a “drink” back at her place!

This “lazy” man’s touch is so damn easy. So check it out — you’ll love it:

How to Use the “Lazy” Man’s Touch to Turn Her On FAST…

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